I feel I belong

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"No no. You there. No I said there. Not that direction. MOVE. Not you, you stay still. Left. No not right I said left. LEFT. LEFT. LEFT. GOD YOUR ALL HOPELESS" Felix sat on the table being grumpy.

He was trying to move the members to fit everyone into the photo and so everyone's faces could be seen.
"I know you want to be at the back Changbin but with Hyunjin and Seungmin in front of you, your hidden. Move your ass to the front" Felix said and Changbin grumbled going to the front.

Felix had becomed very directing trying to get the perfect photo.
"You all complained that I take 20 photos so if the first one of good we don't have to keep retaking" Felix said and moved forward dragging Chan next to Changbin in the middle.
"This is perfect all of you just need to stand still and smile. Minho if I catch you frowning I'm making you wear a dunce cap in the photo" Felix said and set the camera for a 5 second delay and ran to get in the photo.
"Say cheese" Felix said raising a peace sign.
"Cheese" everyone said pulling their own pose.

Jisung smiled and made a love heart with his hands as the photo took. Minho stood next to him and just put a thumbs up and smiled. When looking at the photo it would just look like he was smiling but if you paid careful attention you would see his eyes slightly to the right looking at the brown haired boy stood next to him.

"Lemme see. Lemme see" Jeongin said rushing over to Felix checking the photo.
Felix showed it to him and Jeongin was grinning for ear to ear.
"I look sexy" Jeongin said.
"Slow down there baby bread your still a child" Chan said at the younger.
"Baby bread more like daddy toast" Minho said.
"Don't encourage the child" Chan said

Jisung came over and had a look at the photo.
"Jisung look how cute you are" Felix said pointing at his face on the camera.
"You look great too" Jisung smiled brightly at Felix who had his arm around Chan and they both mimicked the peace sign.

"I'm so getting this one printed. Luckily we have to go to the shops anyway so I can do it then"'Felix said happily and went to rush off but Chan grabbed him by the collar.
"Are you going to the shops?" Chan asked.
"Yeah" Felix nodded.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Chan raised and eyebrow looking at the confused boy.
Felix thought for a moment and looked at the ceiling as if that would give him the answer.
"Oh yeah I'll put my shoes on" Felix said and tried to move again but Chan continued to hold him.
"No silly. The shopping list and some of us to come with you. Last time you went on your own you forgot every single item except the flour for your brownies. You even came home with a 2 foot baguette. How you managed that and forgot to buy the chicken I don't even know" Chan said.

"Well why would he want to watch his own kind get cooked in the oven" Seungmin said.
"IM NOT A CHICKEN" Felix yelled and huffed leaning into Chan.

"I'm coming with you" Chan sighed.
"Can I come?" Jisung raised his hand.
"You don't need to raise your hand Jisung" Changbin said.
"I haven't been out since I woke up. It would be nice to get some fresh air" Jisung smiled.
"Yeah you can come. Let's go and grab you a jacket then we can go" Felix grabbed Jisung's wrist and ran out with him before Chan could attempt to pull him back.
"Oh god it's like someone clicked copy and paste on Felix and pressed randomise" Hyunjin said.
"Non identical sunshine twins" Jeongin laughed.

"Chan I'll come with you. I bet Jisung won't have a clue where to go" Minho said folding his arms.
"Sure we can split up in the shop. Felix will definitely run off so you and Jisung can take care of most of the items" Chan said.

Not long later Jisung was walking down the path with the 3 of the members. The shop was said to only be a 10 minute walk away from the house so they decided not to take the car.
Jisung was enjoying the soft breeze of the wind on his face as he looked up at the sky. He felt at ease as Minho stood next to him watching him.
"Enjoying being outside?" Minho chuckled.
"Yeah it's relaxing" Jisung smiled looking at Minho.
"Anything you want from the shop. Clothes?" Minho asked.
"We can have a look. Doesn't matter if we can't" Jisung said.
"Why. Enjoying being in my clothes" Minho nudged.
"Shush. They are just comfy. It's got nothing to do with you" Jisung stuck his tongue out at him.

"Oi you two. We are almost there when we do I'm going to get the photo printed and then go to the frozen section" Felix said walking backwards.
"Why do you need the frozen section?" Jisung asked looking at the list in Minhos hand.
"Some crushed ice. We ran out" Felix said.
"Alright Elsa" Jisung laughed.
"Oh yeah look at my amazing blonde locks" Felix flicked the small amount of hair he had.

"Since your going in that section get something for me" Minho said.
"What do you want?" Chan asked.
"Alright" everyone chuckled.
They reached the shop and all of them entered separating into different sections.

5 minutes later another person entered dressed in all black with a bandana hiding most of their face. Walking around they looked throughout the shop not even looking at the shelves of food. He only stopped when he saw two boys stood by the vegetables laughing as one held a broccoli above the others head.
As the boys left that section he followed making sure he wasn't noticed.
Shortly after the two split up and one went down an isle while the other waited.

Jisung stood waiting for Minho who had gone to grab something in the next isle. Minho had the basket so Jisung just stood by the staff room making sure he wasn't getting in other people's way and waited.

It came to a surprise when someone in all black walked past him and pulled him in through the staff room doors.

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