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"At least only the edges are burnt" Felix sighed looking at his brownies.
"Yeah that's definitely the biggest priority" Seungmin sighed leaning against the table.
"What happened?" Minho asked looking at Chan and Seungmin looking stressed.
"This fluff ball was so worried about his brownies he opened the oven and tried to get them out with his bare hands" Seungmin raised his hand to his head.
"At least it wasn't blowing up the microwave again though" Changbin shrugged.
"That was not my fault" Felix defended himself.
"No then who was it?" Hyunjin raised his eyebrows.
"Erm Eric Nam" Felix's face remained straight but he couldn't keep it up and burst into laughter.

"Anyway" Jeongin ignored the boys and turned to Jisung "is there anything in particular you would like?".
Jisung just shook his head and walked round to the table island looking at the brownies on the bench.
"What kind are they?" Jisung asked and Felix looked up very happy to tell him.
"These are triple chocolate. The ones from 3 days ago are fruit and nut which I've got say were not the best ones I've made but they were on the list so I had to make them" Felix and toddled over to the tin in the corner and brought it over opening it to 5 slices still inside.
"Not you and that list again" Changbin sighed.
"Don't you diss the list" Felix huffed.
"What is with the list anyway Felix you have never told us. Why do you need to do every different one on the list" Hyunjin asked.
"I don't know it's not like I have to but I want to" Felix said and tipped the fresh brownies out of the tin onto the cooling rack.
"But why" Jeongin asked.
Felix stopped cutting the brownies he was doing and put the knife down.
"It was the last thing I wanted to do at my home before.." Felix began and his smile faded "before I left".
Felix's smile came back to his face and began cutting brownies again. Nobody asked him anything else about the list and remained silent as he cut the brownies into slices.

Jisung went over to the side counter top to grab a new cup as there were some on the side and a crumpled piece of paper. He picked it up to see it was quite hard to see the writing as it had been wrote a long while ago. The edges and some of the main part of the paper was brown as if someone split something over it like coffee or tea. As he skimmed to the bottom of it he saw the left corner had been burnt off hiding one of the last ingredients.
Felix looked over as Jisung admired the writing.
"Oh that's the list everyone's on about" Felix said and gesture for Jisung to bring it over to the them. He did and left it on the counter in front of everyone.

"Felix I would at least write it on a new piece of paper. Is it even possible to read this" Chan asked.
"Well I can read all but the last one" Felix commented.
"How come not the last one?" Jeongin asked peering over Chans shoulder.
"Well it's kinda burnt off can't you see and I just can't seem to remember the last one" Felix smiled and dished up the brownies giving everybody one.

"Are you sure I mean you can still see one letter" Jeongin said and pointed at the burnt edges at one word left on the end of the page.
"M. Is that an M?" Hyunjin asked.
"Maybe it's M&Ms" Chan said.
"Or mushrooms" Jeongin said and everyone gasped in disgust at him trying to ruin a lovely dessert.
"No it's a N. It looks more like an N" Minho added in.

Jisung picked up the paper and looked at it again while everyone was discussing what the word could be. He chuckled and took a sigh in recognition.
"What's so funny?" Seungmin asked.
"Nougat. The word is nougat" Jisung and and gave the paper back to Felix and finally went to fill his cup up with water.

"That makes sense" Chan said.
"Yeah that would go with brownies" Seungmin said.
"Great guess newbie" Hyunjin said giving Jisung a thumbs up.
"How?" Felix said looking at the paper.
"How does nougat go with brownies, well.." Changbin began.
"No not that. How did you guess nougat?" Felix looked at Jisung who was already looking at him.

"Thought you couldn't remember?" Jisung asked.
"Well now it's mentioned it has jogged my memory slightly" Felix dropped the brownie and turned to face Jisung at the other end of the kitchen.
"You should have wrote it on a new piece of paper rather than that old piece it's ruined" Jisung said.
"Not the point. How did you know it was nougat?" Felix asked more confused than angry.
"Felix he might have just guessed it. There is not that many foods beginning with an N" Chan said.

"This old piece works fine. I don't need a new one" Felix said about the paper.
"Felix you can barely read it yourself" Seungmin said.
"I can read it fine" Felix continued to defend keeping the tattered paper.
Jisung could see the pleading in his eyes and realised it wasn't about the paper at all.

"It's your last reminder" Jisung said realising why Felix was so protective of it. Felix looked at him and Jisung could see sadness in his eyes.
The list Felix has wasn't just lists of ingredients it had the recipe written by his mum. The recipe at the top and Felix's writing underneath with extra ingredients.
"Excuse me" Felix voice was shaking slightly.
"You stuck to your word didn't you?" Jisung smiled softly.
Felix didn't say anything.
"Your mums love for cooking will always be with you" Jisung looked Felix in the eyes and saw the freckled boys eyes click with recognition.
"You haven't changed one bit Lix" Jisung laughed in a mix of happiness and sadness.

"Jisung. Don't tell me that's you?"

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