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Jisung tried to steady himself but his feet would barely touch the floor sending his swinging back and forth when he tried to balance himself. He could feel the ropes digging into his pale skin and the pain of his wrists keeping him upright.
The man who had woken him up stood in the room and was opening a bag he brought with him earlier. He pulled out an array of tools. Long knives, short knives, butches knife, a whip and a poker.
"A poker? Really? Where's the fire?" Jisung mocked as the man who pulled out a lighter.
"Oh how efficient" Jisung nearly laughed. A lighter to make a hot poker. What a joke.
"Do you think making me angry would be good for you. I'm the one with the weapons" the man said and admired his reflection in the shiny blade.
"You can't kill me" Jisung said trying to sound tough.
"No but I can make it hurt like a bitch" the man smirked and before Jisung could blink swiftly brought the knife to his throat.

Jisung flinched back but his tied up hand wouldn't let him move far.
"Not so cocky now are you?" The man said and took the blade from his neck not without leaving a small cut barely enough to get a drop of blood out of.
"Well we better get to the chase these will need to heal a bit before your mission to make it believable" the man said and drove forward.
"WAIT" Jisung yelled and man stopped "can you not rip the shirt I paid a good £20 for this and it's my favourite shirt".
"Oh damn. It's your favourite shirt. My bad ill make sure to roll it up first" the man man said nodding.
Jisung went to say something but had his breath taken from him when he felt a sharp pain to his bottom stomach where the man had gone straight through shirt and entered the skin beneath.

Jisung's screams filled the room and the man continued cutting through his skin in different places and different sizes. He never had chance to speak as the second he went to get his breath a fresh new cut sliced through his body. He screamed until his voice was hoarse.
He eyesight went blurry and he stopped screaming as he watched the out of focus figure put down his objects and grabbed a clear object. He watch the man take a sip of a drink and then spray water all over Jisung waking him up.
The cold splash of liquid jolted his vision as he watched the man.
"What got nothing to say?" The man chuckled.
Jisung's head fell down out of him having no energy. He looked at his body. His torso and legs were soaked red and his blue shirt was now wet with blood.
He watched the mixture of blood and water drop down to the floor making puddles by his feet.

He grabbed his last energy to look at the man.
"Asshole" Jisung choked out.
"Don't worry now you can stay here for a bit. I'll give you 4 hours to heal slightly and come to make some new cuts. I am meant to let you go and give you food and water and stuff but don't you think it will be more realistic if I just let you hang here" the man said.
"That's not part of the mission" Jisung said his head constantly dropping again.
"I don't care" the man smirked and left the room.
Jisung didn't even have the energy to yell at him. He let his head fall down and looked at the red floor. He didn't have a choice as he let darkness come over him as he passed out into oblivion.

Jisung felt warm. Something was wrong. He was conscious but he wouldn't open his eyes as fear of what would welcome him.
"I hate this" Jisung thought to himself thinking how stupid he was to allow himself to be hurt in this way.
"If I was a story book character I think I'd be heavily judged right now" he thought how he wish he said no but he knew he couldn't. He owed his life to the gang without them he would have nothing.

He let his body get even heavier and felt himself dropping out of consciousness again when he was forced to wake up.
Freezing cold water fell all over his body. He gasped out of the cold and opened his eyes to see the man holding an empty metal bucket.

"Perfect your awake. Don't worry no more knives" the man said taking a bite of an apple he held in his free hand then placed it on the table.
He balled up his fist and punched Jisung in the gut. He landed a few more before he held Jisung's chin up to look at him.
"Left arm or left leg?" The man asked.
Jisung looked at the man centimetres from his face. The man saw his mouth move but couldn't hear his words.
"Speak up I can't hear you" the man leaned even closer.
"Too close" Jisung said and the man pulled a confused face and leaned up to whisper in Jisung ear when he looked to see Jisung pull his head back slightly then swing it full force forward.
The man faltered back in pain after Jisung's head connected with his lower face.
He clutched his mouth and spat out his rotten tooth into his hand.

"You look even better now" Jisung managed to get out one more insult but that was the last straw. The man grabbed a knife from the table and held it to Jisung ear.
"I'm going to cut this off" the man yelled and he would have done so if someone didn't walk in the room.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" another man entered to see what was happening.
"My job" the man's eyes burned into Jisung.
"That's enough. He need to be moved to the venue" the man said and left giving the two a 5 minute time frame.

"Wow that man must give you earache" Jisung couldn't even manage a smile. The man released his grip from Jisung ear but sliced the knife past his face and cut his left cheek.
Blood spilt out and Jisung felt warm blood trickle down his cheek.
He man released the ropes on his arms and let him down and Jisung fell onto his knees on the floor.

"Get up then we have 5 minutes" the man wasn't going to help Jisung.
Jisung's stood up but immediately fell back down to the floor as he went light headed and couldn't walk in a straight line.
The man pissed off grabbed him by the arms and flung him up and over his shoulder carrying him out of the room.

Jisung couldn't care less as the felt the man's hands holding so tight he was stopping his blood flow. He let the man carry him as he closed his eyes to keep the last of his energy safe.

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