Sunset death

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"I don't like it" Hyunjin said.
"You never like the plans" Changbin said.
"Your not entirely wrong with that statement but this plan is worse than every plan we've ever had" Hyunjin said.
"I've got to agree with Hyunjin" Jeongin said.
"But you always agree with Chans plans" Felix looked surprised.
"So when I disagree with it then it must be a terrible idea" Jeongin said.
"I agree with the plan" Jisung said.

Everyone looked at Jisung like he was crazy.
"Even I wouldn't agree with this plan if we had any other choice and I made it" Chan said.
"Wow. That definitely ensures confidence in the plan" Seungmin said sarcastically.
"I am trying to make a plan on what we have Seungmin and as I see it we are at a very bad disadvantage" Chan sighed.

"Can I change my role at least" Felix asked.
"Now you want to change?" Changbin sighed.
"I want to stay with Jisung" Felix said.
"No" Chan shut the idea down instantly.
"What come on please" Felix said.
"No. Me and Changbin are playing that role. It's the most dangerous part and most likely chance of dying. You are sticking with the sneak in role with the rest of them, not walking through the front door approach with us" Chan said.
"Fine. But I would look sexy in a suit" Felix said.
Hyunjin choked on his drink and went into a coughing fit.
"Sure you would, baby chick" Changbin said laughing.

"How long until we go. It can't be that long until sundown?" Jisung asked stressed.
"We are going to go over the plan one last time and then we will need to put it into action" Chan said.
"And Jisung your wearing the bulletproof jacket" Felix said.
"No I'm not" Jisung said.
"Yes you are" Felix said.
"No if they see I'm wearing the jacket they will know I got help and kill either me or Minho immediately" Jisung said.
Felix puffed his cheeks out annoyed by Jisung's lack of safety and annoyance even more that he knew Jisung was right.

"Will you at least take a hidden weapon?" Jeongin asked.
"No. They will make sure I am completely clean before even letting me close" Jisung said taking a deep breath.
"We are all going to save him" Chan could see the fear beginning to fill Jisung's face once again.
"He is a friend to us all Jisung. We aren't going to leave him behind" Changbin said.
"Or let him go" Seungmin sighed.

"What a heartwarming statement Seungmin" Hyunjin said.
"Well despite everything that walking impulsive thought is unfortunately my friend" Seungmin sighed.
"He's not that impulsive is he" Jisung broke a smile.
"You left and he instantly ran after you. Plus have you not heard his nickname yet" Seungmin said.
"Nickname?" Jisung looked confused.
"Drumroll please" Hyunjin said and got everyone to unwillingly do a small drumroll.
"Butt Hunter" Felix bursted out before Hyunjin got there.
"Oi that was my line" Hyunjin looked at Felix who stuck his tongue out at him.

"Butt Hunter?" Jisung let out a laugh.
"Your lucky you haven't had to witness that nightmarish part of him" Changbin smiled seemingly laughing at a distant memory.
"When we get him back I'm sure you will see that part of him. He can't hide that part of him forever, his demon must come out at some point" Felix said glad that Jisung had loosened up.

"We will make this plan work" Chan said.
"Can I have a drink quickly before we go into action. Yknow for morale" Seungmin said.
"Sure" Chan said.
"Good idea" Felix said brightly.
Seungmin nodded and from out of nowhere literally grabbed a full ass bottle of red wine from out of view.

"Okay no" Chan said.
"You said we could have a drink" Seungmin said.
"Not that kind of drink" Chan sighed.
"Don't be such an grumpy old man" Seungmin judged.
"No. N. O." Chan said.
"Fine fine" Seungmin said and Changbin went to grab it to put it away.

"What you doing" Seungmin said.
"Putting it away" Changbin explained.
"It's my wine. If we aren't sharing it then it's going back to my room for later" Seungmin pulled the bottle back.
Changbin didn't let go and pulled it towards him. Seungmin tugged back.
"Guys stop, somethings going to go wrong" Jeongin said.
The boys continued fighting over the wine sloshing about in the bottle.
"Off" Seungmin pulled.
"Okay" Changbin let go and Seungmin stumbled backwards slightly and the bottle pushed one last time into his chest.
That was the last straw for the bottle as the cork which had been moved during the tug of war came off and the wine shot out.

Right in front of him the wine blasted out the bottle splashing Jisung in front of him. Half the wine emptied out the bottle and left a large puddle by Jisung's feet. The pool of red surrounded him as the red colour stained to his shirt.
Jisung looked down at the pool of red by his feet then squeezed his shirt as more droplets fell to the floor.
"Well....They aren't my clothes" Jisung flicked his hands as he could already feel them getting a bit sticky.

"Seungmin..." Chan sighed.
"Don't blame me. If Changbin hadn't tried to take it this wouldn't have happened" Seungmin defended.
"Both of you clean it up. Jisung why don't you get showered and changed we all need to do that anyway" Chan sighed.
"Alright" Jisung nodded.
"Changbin I want a talk with you. And Seungmin I'll see you later" Chan pointed giving a squinted side eye.

Jisung went to go have a shower. As the hot water hit his skin he scrubbed himself down washing away the diluted wine swirling down and into the plug hole. He watched the redness slowly disappear as if never there.

"I need to stop worrying. This plan is going to work and when we get Minho out of there I'm going to yell at him" Jisung spoke to himself to give him courage.

Jisung finish in the shower and got himself ready. He looked in the mirror and traced the small cut on his cheek and stared at himself in the mirror.

"Imma slap a boy".
Whether that statement was for Minho or his old Boss who would know.

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