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"What's up" Minho said as he opened the door and stepped into Chans office.
"Sit down" Chan pointed at the chair as he went through his laptop.
"Have I done something wrong? I swear I really did want Beijing duck" Minho said.

"No not in trouble just got a couple things to talk about. You all know about the event going down tomorrow afternoon and I need to give you some more information since you are second in command. We can talk about that in a moment though" Chan said.
"Well what do you want to talk about?" Minho said as Chan lowered his laptop screen.
"Jisung. Beside Felix your the one who's spent the most time with him" Chan said.
"I guess so...why" Minho looked confused.

"Does he seem okay to you?" Chan asked.
"As in feeling good or as in trustworthy?" Minho knew where this conversation was going.
"Both" Chan said.
"Well physically he's healing well but I can't say how he is feeling mentally. He went thorough a lot, we can't assume he will be perfectly fine" Minho said.
"But you trust him?" Chan asked.
"What happened? Where's this coming from" Minho asked.
"Your being defensive" Chan said.
"And your being vague" Minho said.
Both men sat in silence for a moment before Minho finally broke the silence.

"I trust him. Yes I believe he is not telling us everything but he barely knows us so why would he" Minho said.
"I trust your judgement Minho" Chan said.
"Why are you asking me this? I mean did something happen?" Minho asked.
"Not exactly I just have a feeling. Might be nothing" Chan smiled "now back to the next event".
Chan turned the laptop around and got down to business.

For the rest of the gang nothing new happened and the rest of the day went smoothly. Dinner was as chaotic as breakfast was but beside that everything was good. Felix forced everyone on a round of monopoly leading to Chan owning the board, Jeongin living off of Chans properties, Hyunjin constantly in jail, Changbin went bankrupt twice, Jisung and Minho remained unnoticed, Seungmin kept stealing everyone's money and Felix ended up only owning the brown and dark blue sets, which couldn't have a bigger difference in income.

"I quit. There's no point in playing if I'm always in jail" Hyunjin threw down the dice.
"Hey at least you have money in jail" Changbin said.
"Come on guys be nice to each other" Jeongin.
"SHUSH" both boys said to Jeongin "your living off Chan".
People began fighting and soon the game of monopoly wasn't even the focus anymore and it ended up on the floor with the pieces everywhere.
"Alright everyone that's enough. We can end monopoly so all of you go to bed" Chan said.
"I'm not tired" Seungmin said.
"Then read a book but group time is over it's time to relax" Chan said.
"I am relaxed" Felix spoke up.
"Speak for yourself" Chan said ironically taking a paracetamol for his headache at the same time.

Jisung helped Chan clean up the monopoly before going upstairs with Minho.
"I caught Felix online shopping earlier" Minho said stepping into the room.
"Didn't we just go shopping?" Jisung closed the door behind him.
"Well that's what happens when your a shopaholic" Minho said.

"I HEARD THAT MINHO" Felix yelled from behind the door.
"How the hell did you hear that? Hold on what are you doing at my room yours isn't here" Minho said.
"I'm psychic Minho didn't you know" Felix said behind the door.
"What do you want Felix?" Minho sighed.
"I was going to say goodnight to you both of you but Minho you clearly do not deserve it. Goodnight Jisung" Felix said.
"Goodnight Felix" Jisung smiled.
"Oh no Felix didn't say goodnight to me I'm going to cry myself to sleep" Minho mimicked a sad voice sarcastically.
"Sorry Minhoe. Anywhooo Jisung on the note of online shopping I bought you some clothes online should arrive in a week or so" Felix said.

"Thanks" Jisung said.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow" Felix said and Jisung could hear Felix's footsteps disappear away from the door.

"What a ball of sunshine" Minho sighed as he opened his drawer and pulled out some clothes.
Jisung sniggered as Minho rolled his eyes and threw Jisung some of his pjs.
"Soon you will have pjs that actually fit you" Minho said as he took his top off and threw it in a wash basket in the corner.

"Can't wait to sleep I'm knackered" Minho walked around the room and tried to put his inside out top the correct way in.
Jisung stood holding Minhos pjs but stood still as he watched Minhos bare chest.

"You okay Jisung you've gone a bit pink" Minho looked up at Jisung.
"What no I haven't" Jisung covered his face with the clothes.
"Suuurrreee" Minho put his top on laughing at how cute Jisung was being.
Jisung rushed into the bathroom and got himself changed and making sure his face returned to normal.
He looked in the mirror to see his cheeks were still slight pink.
"No Jisung stop it. Don't be flustered. It's just a bare chest...a nice chiselled chest. No no don't think like that" Jisung slapped his cheeks twice lightly.

"Jisung you nearly done I need to brush my teeth" Minho said startling Jisung out of thoughts.
"Yeah yeah one sec" Jisung said and finished up and let Minho into the bathroom.
He watched Minho enter as his shirt curled around his muscles.
"What a body" Jisung coughed into his hand disappointed in his own thoughts as he mooched around the bedroom getting ready to go to sleep. 

It was surprisingly cold that night. At first Jisung thought it would pass over but it didn't. He opened his eyes and looked at Minho who seemed to be peacefully asleep. He wanted to ask Minho for an extra layer but didn't want to wake him up. As he tried to sausage roll the covers around him he laid his head on his side and watched Minho sleep.

"Is this creepy?" Jisung thought in his head.
"Okay maybe it's slightly creepy" Jisung nearly chuckled out loud but stopped himself.

He watched Minho for a little bit longer before even the cold couldn't keep him awake and his eyes began to shut before him. A couple blinks later and Jisung was fast asleep with Minho.

The night remained quiet with the few crickets chirping in the air.
As the moonlight snuck though the curtain it lightly glimmered on the sleeping boys in the night. If anyone was watching they would see two boys unconsciously snuggling up to keep out the cold.

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