Minho you idiot

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"So it's decided" Minho said.
It had been 20 or so minutes since Jisung had left the room and the conversation had finally just gotten to a verdict.
"I'm still sceptical" Hyunjin exclaimed.
"But you do see that what he did risked everything" Felix said.
"If I was in Jisung's situation I may have done the same" Hyunjin agreed.
"I agree with that" Changbin said.

"Final verdict?" Felix asked.
"Those is favour of Jisung staying and becoming a permanent member raised your hand" Chan said.
He watched everyone put their hand up except Hyunjin. He looked at Chan for a few seconds before he too slowly raised his hand.

"Now was that so fucking hard" Felix swore right at Hyunjin.
"Felix" Chan warned.
"Imagine the amount of mental strain Jisung is going through right now" Felix glared at Hyunjin.
"I'll go tell him. He will of either gone to my room or the kitchen" Minho left the room and fast walked down the corridor.

He watched when Jisung left the room and saw the sadness and fear plastered on his face and immediately wanted to comfort him.
He made it to his room and walked in. He saw nobody there but looked to see his carpet had little darkened patches on it. He leaned down and realised it was water.
"Jisung" Minho called out and walked into the bathroom which was also empty.
He looked around more of his room and noticed his notebook near the edge of his desk and a pen on the side.
He noticed an edge of paper poking out his notebook and opened it to see a folded piece of paper with the words 'To SKZ' written on it.

It opened it and no more than 30 seconds later he was running down the corridor with the note in his hand rushing back to the rest of the gang.
He burst open the door where everyone still was and they looked at him out of breath.
His eyes focused on Hyunjin as he walked in. He walked in perfectly fine but the second he got within meter distance of Hyunjin he punched him in the face.

"Wooaaahhhh" Changbin and Jeongin moved in and Jeongin pushed Minho back away from Hyunjin.
"What the hell Minho" Hyunjin held his face and moved his tongue around his teeth.
"This is your fault" Minho said pointing at him.
"God what have I even done" Hyunjin said.
"Jisung left. And it's all YOUR FAULT" Minho yelled the end.
"Minho calm down and tell us what happened" Chan said sitting up properly.
"Jisung left a note" Minho held up the piece of paper "it says to everyone. I'm sorry. What I did is inexcusable and I totally understand if you all never want to see me again. I've had the best time being with you all and it was nice to feel like I had a family again. Felix I really enjoyed the time we spent together and it was nice to see you after so many years. Chan thank you for treating me as if I was a normal person. Minho thank you for lending me your stuff and I'm sorry if I disturbed you at all in your room. And thank you everyone for making me feel belonged. Don't worry I'll be out of your hair now. Goodbye".

"WHAT" Felix started crying hearing the ending of his message "we need to go find him".
Felix moved up but Seungmin stopped him getting out the door.
"Felix he's had at least 10 minutes ahead of us and we don't know where he has gone" Seungmin said.
"Then we look around. He can't have gone far" Felix was in hysterics crying "I just got him back".
Minho watched as Chan tried to calm Felix down as he sobbed into his shirt.

"Felix I'd love to go after him but we can't" Chan said truthfully.
"Why not? Please Chan please I can't lose him again" Felix sniffled.
"The Nyx Mafia are no longer just after us. They are after Jisung as well. If we try to track him down they might use it to their advantage. We could get him killed" Chan said rubbing Felix's hair.
"I can't Chan. I can't lose him again. I just can't" Felix's crying got louder as more of the group tried to comfort him.

Minho watched in silence. His rage was burning. He wasn't letting it end like this he just wasn't.
He left the room even with Jeongins protests and grabbed his shoes. He was going to try and look for him even if it took all night.

It was dark outside with only the street lights giving him a view. With a jacket it on he raced around the town looking everywhere for Jisung. He asked nearby people if they had seen him, screamed his name. He looked as far as he could but no avail.

Ring ring ring

Minho felt his phone go off in his pocket and saw Chan was trying to call him.
"Don't worry I'll be back soon" Minho said before Chan could get a word in.
"Already knew why I was calling then. I managed to calm Felix down but when you get home don't mention Jisung even the smallest thing is setting him off" Chan said.
"Okay be back soon" Minho said and ended the call.
He began walking back the house when he realised where he was.
He was only 5 minutes away from where tonight's event event down. Remembering correctly he heard the man say to Jisung 'if you come willingly you will die quicker'.

"He didn't hand himself in did he?" Minho said out loud to nobody.
In a fit of panic he ran all the way back to the scene without stopping.
He got there and noticed nobody was around. It was as if tonight's events had never happened. He noticed blood on the floor but beside that nothing would indicate anything ever went on.
"Fuck" Minho cursed then suddenly heard a noise by some bins.

He looked to see somebody had walked out from behind them with their phone in hand looking at the screen. As Minho got a good look at him he realised he was one of the men Jisung had smacked.
He ran towards him and as the man looked up from his phone it was too late as Minho tackled him to the ground.

Startled the man let go of his phone and stared at Minho. Noticing who he was Minho got a reaction from him he didn't expect.
"No no no please don't hurt me" the man said struggling with Minhos grip.
"Where's Jisung?" He asked.
"I don't know" he said.
"Don't lie to me" Minho nearly yelled.
"I don't know I really don't know please don't kill me" the man started crying.
"Where could he have gone?" Minho asked.
"I don't know" he said.
"Stop staying I don't know to everything your pissing me off" Minho said taking his hand and slapping the man before pushing his hand back down to the floor.

The man looked at Minhos raging face and suddenly his demeanour changed. He stopped crying and looked seriously at Minho.
"You think I would be here if I knew where the Angelic Demon was?" The man sighed annoyed.
"Excuse me" Minho said surprised.
"He betrayed us he deserves to die. We told him to give himself up to make his death less painful but you've turned up instead" the man said and wrapped his hands on Minhos wrists making sure he kept him pinned down and couldn't move.

Minho heard a presence behind him but could move to see as his arms were holding the man down and didn't have time to react when he felt a shark pinch to his neck.
It only hurt for a moment and then Minhos vision got blurry. His hold on the man began to loosen and he wasn't able to sit up properly as he fell forward and on top of the man.

"Get him off me" the man said as the person behind him pushed Minho off and onto his side. The stood up male held an empty syringe in his hand and threw it to the side.
"How come he showed up?" The man said.
"He was looking for Jisung. Turns out he must have abandoned them too. Or got himself kicked out" the man on the floor said getting up.
"We could use this to our advantage don't you think. Jisung wouldn't show up in his own maybe this boy will lure him out of hiding" the man said and got the other to help pick him up.
"If he's not useful we can just kill him. He is one of Stray Kids after all" the man said and they left to take Minho away.

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