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"Are we close?" Jeongin asked as the group were near the main part of the compound.
"It's that door near the middle of the corridor. You see?" Chan pointed to a door around the corner.
They were all about to walk down to it with Hyunjin in the lead when Chan pulled him back and against the wall.
Hyunjin was going to say something when Chan put his finger to his lips to stay silent.
Hyunjin took a quick look around the corner to see two guards making their way down where they were going to go and turning off into another room and shutting the door.
"Thanks" Hyunjin nodded at Chan.
"Guess it's time" Felix sighed making a serious face "it's time to step out into the enemies lair".
"Duh duh duh" Jeongin joined in to make it more dramatic.

"Is it too late to return you all?" Chan took a breath secretly smiling.
"Yes" all of them whispered at once so they weren't too loud.

They all walked down the corridor and came to the room they needed. Chan made sure everyone was ready and placed his spare hand by his holster where his gun was and held the doorknob.
He mimicked 3 2 1 and then opened the door and everyone rushed in.
Jeongin closed the door behind them.
Surprised and confused they all looked around. Nobody was in the room. It didn't look like a room for a boss anyway. There were a few metal tables scattered around and what looked like 3 rusted barrels of something.
"Are those massive barrels of oil or fuel?" Felix asked looking at the flammable corrosive sticker on the side of the barrels.
"That doesn't matter at the moment Felix. Where the hell are Minho and Jisung?" Hyunjin asked looking all around the room in case they were missing something.
"Chan are you sure this is the right room?" Changbin asked.
"This is the room Jisung said he should be in" Chan thought and then looked defeated "oh god".
Everyone looked at Chan.
"Jisung assumed he would be in this room but they must have taken him and Minho somewhere else. They must be in here somewhere but we don't know where" Chan said.
"This just got a lot more difficult" Jeongin said.
"Should we split up and look for them?" Changbin asked.
"No. We don't know how many guards there are and we don't know the layout well enough of this place if we get caught" Chans put his hand to his forehead and tried to think while pacing around the room.

Everyone was discussing what they were going to do and all deep in conversation except for Seungmin. At first he was listening to the members but then something else caught his attention. This room was said to be the Bosses room yet nothing in here shows any indication of it being for a higher up. It looks like more of a storage unit.
He was thinking when he saw a shadow pass under the door. At first he thought it was just someone walking past but then another shadow walked passed and then another.
Patrol routes only have two people per switch so there should not be that many passing by.
He walked to the door and counted the amount of times the light disappeared from someone's body and then came back.
He counted at least 5.
That wasn't right.
He took a step back when half the light was blocked out by someone on the other side. They were stood in front of of the door.
Seungmin hoped that they were just talking to someone and tried to listen in to if they were saying anything but no noise could be heard except the quiet echo of someone loading a gun.
Seungmins eyes went wide and he turned around and ran.

Nobody asked why as Seungmins panicked face ran behind a knocked over table Changbin had knocked down.
Everyone did as Seungmin was told but then the room went silent.
"Seungmin why did you make us do this?" Jeongin asked as they were all crouched behind tables.
"Stay down" Seungmin said.
"Nothings happening" Hyunjin said and began to stand up.
"Get your ass down now" Seungmin warned as Hyunjin remained standing.

Hyunjin didn't seem fazed but then the doors to the room swung open and Hyunjin stared down the barrel of a gun 10 or so metres from him. He froze and would have been hit if Felix hadn't grabbed his arm on time and pulled him down just as the bullet cascaded over his head.
"TOLD YOU" Seungmin said as he pulled his gun out.
He leaned over and took a shot.
Other members began to do the same thing.
"Thank god for the tables being metal" Changbin said as he shot and hit one man in the shoulder.

The group were stuck behind the tables as they were constantly being shot at. There was no other exit to the room and they were trapped in the corner. They were outnumbered and out gunned. Their chances of winning were slim to none.
"What are we going to do. We don't have enough ammo for this" Felix said as he ran out of bullets and began to reload.
"And look more of them are coming into the room" Jeongin said alarmed.
"We are outmatched, there's no way out" Seungmin said shooting one man in the head.
"Chan what are we going to do?" Hyunjin asked.

Chan looked around. There was nothing they could use to their advantage and even if they managed to get down those in the room there would be more waiting outside for them.
Chan racked his brain as he looked around. Tunnel vision surrounded him and he looked everywhere before his eyes landed on the 3 barrels.
His eyes expanded once again as he looked at his gun. He checked to see he had two bullets left in his round.
That should be enough.

"Right I've got a plan. When I say NOW I want you all to shoot as many bullets as you can to cover me and then stay behind the metal tables okay?" Chan said.
"What kinda cockamamie plan is that?" Seungmin said as his gun ran out of ammo "shit I'm out of bullets".
"Thank you guys for believing in my plan" Chan said knowing nobody would object and waiting until the best time when most of the men were reloading their ammo.
"Chan are you nearly ready" Hyunjin asked as bullets still flew towards them as the metal tables dented so much you were afraid they would snap at any moment.

"Wait.......wait......wait" Chan got ready as he clocked his own gun "aanndd NOW".
The gang shot as many as they could knocking the men off balance as Chan raised half his body out of the cover of the tables and shot twice at two different barrels.
He ducked back down and grabbed Felix and Jeongin holding them close to him.

Everything went silent for a moment



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