What a breakfast

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"Took you both long enough I'm starving" Hyunjin said peering his head round to see the two boys.
"Well eat then" Jeongin said.
"You know I can't I need to wait for everyone seeing as it's Jisung's first time being here. Chan would take away my paints" Hyunjin said side eyeing Chan who put his hands on his hips and looked at Hyunjin.
"Love the apron Chan" Jeongin laughed and went and took a seat at the table.
"Yeah very manly" Minho said walking past Chan wearing a light pink apron with the words "tired single dad" imprinted onto it.
"Felix got me it as a birthday gift" Chan said happily not listening to his 'childrens' taunts.
"Yeah Felix even got it printed on the apron himself" Seungmin said.

"Jisung come sit here" Felix yelled waving his arm at Jisung patting the seat next to him. Jisung sat down with Felix on his left and Changbin on his right with Minho opposite him.
"So how'd you sleep last night. He didn't try to lock you out the room did he" Seungmin asked looking at Jisung.
"Did he try to sacrifice you to Satan?" Hyunjin asked.
"God how bad do you guys think I am" Minho looked around the table.
"I slept fine. Actually I've had the best sleep I've had in a long while" Jisung said honestly.
"Really?" Hyunjin looked wide eyed and looked at Minho "did you put sleeping pills in his drink".
"I hold no trust in this household do I" Minho said.

"None of you start an argument it's morning and I haven't had my morning jug of tea yet" Chan said placing a plate piled up with pancakes in the middle of the table.
"Jug?" Minho said slightly concerned.
"Any less and how do you think I deal with all of you" Chan said.
"Ouch" Hyunjin said dramatically placing his hand on his heart and leaning back at Chans comment.

Seungmin and Jeongin lunged for the pancakes but Chan slapped their hands.
"One at a time. I've worked hard on these last thing I need is another disaster" Chan warned.
"A chantastophy" Minho said and grabbed the top pancake on the pile before the other two could get to them.

"Me next" Jeongin said and grabbed two pancakes. Like a tornado the gang rushed in at all the pancakes and fought over the maple syrup, honey and Nutella.
"And this is what's good about liking lemon juice on my pancake. I never have to fight for it because nobody else wants it" Chan sighed happily grabbing the cut lemon.
Jisung waited for everyone else to finish before grabbing a pancake. He looked around for the bottle of honey when he heard a cough. He looked up to see Minho holding out the honey.
"Want something honey" Minho said trying his hardest not to laugh.
The room went silent. Not even the sound of a fork on a plate.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" Felix spat out his drink over Chan next to him leaving his mouth wide open at Minhos comment.
"LANGUAGE" Seungmin yelled.
"What do you mean language you swear more than me" Felix said turning to Seungmin.
"My daily dose of entertainment" Seungmin took a sip of black coffee.

Minho gave up holding it in and gasped out laughing at himself.
"I had to. His face was priceless" Minho said looking at Jisung. Everyone turned to see Jisung had quite literally broke. His hand was held midair reaching for the honey and just sat frozen.
Felix tapped him but Jisung still didn't move.
"Well done Minho. He's been here less than a week and you killed the boy" Hyunjin said.
"Oi he's not dead" Minho defended.
"He will be by the end of the week at this rate" Seungmin said.
"Seungmin" Chan said.
"What. Daily dose of entertainment" Seungmin said again and raised his cup in a one man toast and had a drink.
Changbin leaned close to Jisung.
"BOO" Changbin yelled.
Startled Jisung came back to life and on instinct turned and went to punch Changbin in the face. With quick reflexes Changbin dodged his head and raised his arm catching Jisung's punch in his left hand right by his ear.
"Jesus Christ" Changbin gasped.
"Sorry" Jisung recoiled his fist and put his hands together.
"You so had that coming Changbin. Sad the punch didn't connect" Minho smirked.
"This was your fault in the first place. You didn't make that god awful joke this range of actions wouldn't have happened" Changbin said.

"Jisung. Do you want the honey now I think your pancake is going to get cold" Minho said and Jisung grabbed the honey and didn't make eye contact.
Things then resumed to normal and Minho was watching Jisung make a smiley face out of honey on his pancake when Chan tapped his shoulder.

"What was that?" Chan whispered.
"It just popped in my head" Minho shrugged.
Chan raised his eyebrows.
"He had a fun reaction" Minho smiled and Chan just nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"Oh oh oh. While everyone is here I've got something for us to do" Felix said swallowing his food and nearly choking in the process.
"Take your time Felix" Chan said rubbing his back.
"Yeah if you die we are having you for Sunday dinner. Lovely fried chicken" Seungmin said.
"HEEEYYYY" Felix turned around as fast as humanly possible.
Jisung laughed into his hand at Felix's expression with a few of the others.

"What I was going to say was we should take a group picture. Since we have to go shopping anyway I can get it printed off" Felix said.

"Come oonnnnnn Felix last time you made us take a group picture we had to take it about 20 times becuase you weren't happy where everyone was standing" Hyunjin said.
"Shuuuuush" Felix said "we are doing it".
Nobody else had any complaints but Jisung squirmed on his chair slightly.
"Something wrong" Chan asked.
"Why would you want a photo with me. I'm only here because I know Felix" Jisung said genuinely confused.
"Why wouldn't you? Your apart of the group now are you not?" Jeongin asked looking around for any sort of confirmation.

"The second Chan agreed to you staying here, he adopted you" Changbin said crossing his arms.
"Your stuck here. Till death do us part"'Seungmin said and got an elbow from Felix.
"What just having some fun" Seungmin said.
"Your a menace" Felix said.
"Why thank you" Seungmin smiled happily.

"After breakfast we are having a photo" Felix smiled and stood up and rushed out the room to get Hyunjins fancy camera.

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