Almost mission ready

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Jisung didn't say anything as he sat in the back of the truck with 4 other men. Luckily the man who tortured him wasn't tagging along. He sipped the straw of a drink he was given and held a sandwich in his free hand. He was given this when the men found out he had not been given anything to eat yet but despite everything Jisung didn't feel hungry anymore. All he could feel was pain. He had been given dirty and battered clothes to put on so he wouldn't have to change when at the venue. The clothes were too small on him and he could see many of the bruises and cuts on his body which hadn't been cleaned properly and we red and brown with dried blood on his skin.

He wasn't feeling anything. He didn't want to do the mission anymore. After this he was going to go with Stray Kids and disappear like a real prisoner. At least that is what he wanted to do.
He had only eaten half the sandwich when they arrived at their destination. Jisung got out with the rest of them and entered an alleyway and into the building through a damaged graffitied back entrance.
The men stopped him just before the door to the main entrance to the event.
They handed him a phone and said it was for calling the boss. He put the phone to his ear and listened for his Bosses voice.

"Your at the place" was his first sentence on the phone.
"I'm here" Jisung sounded dead.
"You don't sound happy" he said.
"I have just been fucking tortured for hours when I only needed a few cuts and bruises to me. Your a fucking liar" Jisung didn't care if he was being rude.
"Since your tired I'll let that slide" the man's said and Jisung remained completely silent.
"Why did you want me to call?" Jisung asked after a moment silence.
"Right. In order to make this realistic none of the staff know your apart of the gang. You will be treated like every other prisoner." The man said.
Jisung didn't say anything back he shouldn't have expected anything different.
"Ok" Jisung said softly and the phone went dead. He handed it back to them.

The men opened the door and held his arms as they took him through. New people saw them and came up to them.
"New prisoner for the Warfare section. Given by the Nyx gang" they said and gave Jisung away like a package.
They took him though a few different areas and Jisung could hear the dangling of chains and people clinging onto metal shaking them about crying.
Jisung was squatted down and shoved into a metal cage. The door was locked and he was kept like a dog in a corner.

He looked around his small cage to see old blood stains on the metal and straw under his feet barely covering the rock and pebbled floor.
He looked out the cell to see others lined up next to him also kept in their cells. He saw two people lying on the back of them holding hands through the small openings. They saw him looking at them and instantly avoided his gaze. They clearly didn't want anything to do with him.

He looked next to him to see someone huddled in their small cage. Jisung called out to them but they didn't answer. He tried again still nothing. He tried once more banging on the cage and they moved and looked sideways to look at him.

"Hello" Jisung said.
"Hello? Your clearly new" they said.
"What?" Jisung asked.
"Nobody talks around here. It's common knowledge that after you've seen them once you will never see them again" they said and Jisung could see their eyes were telling the complete truth.
"How long have you been here?" Jisung asked.
"3 weeks. More than most" they said.
"More than most?" Jisung questioned.
"Most never survive the week" they said.
"Oh" Jisung said not knowing what else to say.

He saw some guards come pass and stop outside their cages.
"Number 46 your up in 5" the man said and walked away.
"Me then" the person sighed.
"Does this mean I won't see you again?" Jisung asked.
"I'm on the semi final round of the Wild section. It's a fluke I made it this far. Don't expect to see me again, well not alive" the person had no emotion saying this.
Jisung had never thought about people who got stuck on this end of the gang but now he was seeing it for himself how cruel it truly was. This human person was degraded to no more than a piece of entertainment and even death doesn't seem like a bad alternative to them.

The man came back and opened the cell for the person and they began to crawl out. They stood up while the guard took off their restraints and opened a cell for another.
"What's your name?" Jisung asked quickly.
"My name? Why?" The truly looked confused to why Jisung would want their name.
"I'm Jisung" Jisung said and for the first time saw this person smile. It looked broken and sad but it was the most innocent smile he had ever seen from someone. It was so pure it made Jisung want to cry.
"Yeosang. My name is Yeosang" they said.

The boy disappeared out of view and a few minutes later he heard loud screams of excitement and clapping from watchers nearby. He heard people yelling for the different prisoners to win. He listened into everything until it went quiet again and heard a loud voice.
"And we have our winners, numbers 67 and 19 will be going though to the final".
Jisung heart dropped. He waited for a guard to come past and looked see the prisoner from the opposite cell came back but the young boy next to him didn't.

He didn't have time to think too much about the boy as his cage was suddenly opened.
"Out newbie. It's time to fight" the guard said pulling Jisung out the cage and walking him round until Jisung felt blinded by lights.

He went from a dimly lit area to bright lights hovering over what looked like a large straw pit surrounded by a large tall fence to keep you inside.
He was pushed in with four other prisoners.

"Now everyone look at the fine entertainment today and make your bets. Make them quick the match will start soon. Biggest event today this is, don't want to miss betting at our WARFARE event. The match will end with 1 victor. To win all other contestants must be knocked out or dead. They can use any weapon inside the ring and fight however they desire" a loud voice echoed all around them.

After hearing this only now did Jisung realise there were weapons barely visible under the straw. He looked to see all other prisoners were ready and looking straight at weapons. They weren't going to be nice. He better keep his guard up and stay alive.

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