A new problem

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"For crying out loud don't make me come in there" a voice came from behind Minhos door.

Still more silence.

Jisung had his head on the edge of his pillow curled up in a ball next to Minho. Minho was laid on his side with his left arm over Jisung's body which had fallen next to his shoulder.
They seemed peacefully at rest and would probably have slept a lot longer if they were not woken up by the lovely awakening feeling of refreshing water.

"Ahhh" Jisung woke up with a start sitting up instantly as the cold water hit his skin.
"WHAT THE HELL" Minho had a much different response as he awoke.
"Maybe if you woke up the first 4 times I knocked when I called you I wouldn't have to do this" Seungmin said holding an empty bottle.
"Asshat" Minho complained and wiped himself down. It didn't really help.
Minho looked at Jisung and wiped away a water droplet on his face carefully moving his finger over Jisung's slowly healing scar.

"It's 12. You have both already missed breakfast. Don't know what you were doing last night that left you to sleep half the day away but lunch is being made" Seungmin said as he looked at his phone with his spare hand.
"Why didn't you wake us up?" Jisung asked rubbing his eyes.
"You don't think I tried. Anyway Chan wants everyone to have lunch before 1" Seungmin said.
"Why before 1. We've had lunch at 1:30 before" Minho said and got out of the bed and shook his slightly wet hair.
"Are you playing dumb or have you actually forgot?" Seungmin didn't look amused.
"What's going on?" Jisung asked.
"We have somewhere to attend this afternoon. I'm pretty sure Chan will tell you about it today. He told me he wanted to mention it earlier but he's been a bit busy" Seungmin said.
"That's Chans excuse for him just forgetting" Minho said.
"Well he is getting old" Seungmin said "well see you all in a moment".

"Take your shirt off" Minho said after Seungmin left and went to pull Jisung's shirt up.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Jisung pulled it back down as he felt his cheeks heat up.
"What your shirts all wet" Minho continue to pull and got the shirt past Jisung's head and off him.

Minho threw the shirt off the bed and looked to see Jisung had pulled the covers up hiding himself.
"What are you doing?" Minho chuckled.
"Don't look" Jisung said clutching the covers.
"Why..is someone shy?" Minho said and pulled the covers swiping it away from Jisung's grip leaving his top half exposed.
"MINHO" Jisung got up faster than he ever had and ran to the bathroom and popped his head out of it.
"Can you pass me some clothes" Jisung smiled brightly as if he wasn't embarrassed as hell.
"You can wear me if you want" Minho joked raising an eyebrow.

"Jeez I didn't even know you knew my full name" Minho laughed out loud and fell back onto the bed.
"Felix likes to talk. Stop being childish and pass me some clothes" Jisung said.
"Here" Minho managed to compose himself and got some clothes and held them up.
"Can you come a bit closer" Jisung reached his arm out.
"Come get it. It's only a meter or so away" Minho teased.
"Damn it" Jisung reached forward leaning his torso out of the bathroom and grabbed the clothes.
Minho whistled.

"If this was in public I could have you arrested for catcalling" Jisung said as he slammed the bathroom door.
"I'd let you put me in handcuffs" Minho said.
"I can't hear you" Jisung said.
"I SAID I'D LET YOU-"Minho began.
"I CANT HEAR YOU" Jisung turned the shower on drowning out any and all voices.

"You look tired" Felix turned his head when he saw two figures enter the room from the corner of his vision.
"Blame Seungmin" Minho said grumpily.
"Oh don't even blame me. You were both asleep until midday you got plenty of sleep" Seungmin sipped his black coffee.
"Yeah we got some good sleep" Jisung said.
"Then why do you look exhausted if you just got up" Felix asked.
"Minho is a pain" Jisung sighed and sat down.
"Ouch. My aching heart" Minho said gasping and sat down opposite Jisung.
"More like your black empty soul" Hyunjin said as he passed around the plates.
"Awwww Hyunjin thank you so much" Minho smiled sarcastically and grabbed a dumpling throwing it at Hyunjins face.

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