What a way to meet

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Chan grabbed a guard by their shoulder and flung them into the wall. He punched them in face as another guard jumped on his back in an attempt to strangle him. Chan spun around trying to knock the man off but when that failed he ran backwards and slammed the man against the wall again and again until his grip weakened and Chan grabbed him by the neck and knocked him against the wall one last time knocking him unconscious.

He tried to get over to Felix and Minho but the amount of guards prevented him so.
"Why is there so many guards?" Felix yelled over everything.
"You said there was way less than this Chan" Minho yelled.
"I'm working on the information I'm given you two I'm not clairvoyant you know" Chan yelled back.
"Well you should be" both boys yelled as guards surrounded them.
Chan rolled his eyes as he kicked a guard backwards knocking another one onto the floor in the process behind Minho.

Minho nodded as thanks as he grabbed his second knife from his belt and swiped it around him stopping three guards attacking him at the same time and kicked one into the pile of two already on the floor. Two men suddenly ran at him at once so Minho threw the knife hitting one man in the ear sending him back as he ran at the other guard. He dodged the man's punch and gave him an uppercut in the chin before sending his hand to his neck knocking the air out of him.
Minho noticed the other man recover from his quick knife attack and ran at him so Minho grabbed the other man by the legs sweeping him off his feet and throwing him at the man. The guard stop running just as his companions butt came flying at his face flattening him to the floor.

Felix on the other hand was having a slight issue. He had the most guards on him.
"I'm the least intimidating one here why do I get the most guards" Felix spoke to himself raising his fists.

He kicked two men in the face with one swing of his leg and punched another in the face. His agility played a good part in this fight as the men were unable to land a punch on him as he swiftly got them one after the other. He was doing well until they began timing their attacks. He punched one but another grabbed his arm. As he tried to get out of their grip he didn't have time to dodge as guard ran at him and heavily pushed him backwards towards the barrier.
Felix fell against it nearly falling over it but with no space behind him he couldn't fight properly. He watched the man lunge at him and didn't have time to react.

"FELIX" Chan yelled as the freckled boy was pushed backwards falling from the first floor.

Felix braced for impact but still had all the air knocked out of him as he landed on the rock floor covered in straw. He coughed into his hand and few times and leaned on his side to see what was next to him.
He made eye contact with another boy who was holding a sword in his hands dripping blood onto his face.

Felix had fallen into the arena.

"This way all of you quickly" Jeongin instructed as prisoners began filtering out of the building as quick as they possibly could. There was more prisoners than the gang had expected but they were going save as many of them as they could.
"My areas cleared out" Hyunjin ran forward towards Jeongin.
"So is mine" Changbin said punching a guard in the face as he tried to take back prisoners.
"Where's Seungmin he had two sets of keys?" Jeongin asked.
"I don't know. He's properly still getting people out" Hyunjin said.

Jeongin rushed over to the three while watching prisoners escape and saw a large number of guards running towards them.
"Well time for some whoop-assing" Changbin bundled his fists.
"As much as I agree don't ever say whoop-assing again" Hyunjin said standing next to Changbin.
"I'll whoop your ass" Changbin said.
"Later guys. Please do this later" Jeongin said disappointed at the two men older than him.

"This is why I wanted to stay at home" Hyunjin sighed.
"I swear you mention that one more time I'm handing you to the guards myself" Changbin said pushing Hyunjins shoulder.
"Hey" Hyunjin pushed Changbin back and they started pushing each other while the guards were still running towards them.
"I hope you both get punched" Jeongin said and stepped to the side out of their line of fire.

Felix looked to see both of the boys in the area had noticed his presence and didn't know what was going to happen.

Jisung realised the boy holding the sword suddenly got distracted by the boy who had fallen into the arena and had loosened his grip on the sword. Not wasting the chance, Jisung depsite the pain squirmed sideways pulling his hands across the blade and rolled out underneath it.
The boy felt the sword go lack and hit the rock of the floor. He looked at Jisung and then the other boy.
"Probably deciding who to kill first" Jisung thought to himself and looked at the boy as he tried to focus his eyes back in. He'd lost so much blood he could barely focus. He slapped his hand on his head spreading more blood on his face but Jisung couldn't care.

He finally managed to focus at the boy who had nearly stood up and was focusing on the boy with the long sword. It took a moment but Jisung gasped. His boss was right, Stray Kids really did attend the event. Felix stood there only a few metres from him. He didn't look much different from the photo he had seen but just being able to see him in person nearly brought Jisung to tears. Funny how they both ended up joining gangs after the incident.

Jisung kept his hands on the floor barely able to move as he watched Felix get attacked by the long sword. He was able to dodge but the erratic attacks by the man was not easy and Felix couldn't last forever.
Jisung grabbed the cage walls and stood himself up shakily nearly falling back down again. He felt dizzy and the floor underneath him was spinning. He looked at the floor to see the mace not far from his grasp.

Felix's eyes went wide as he barely missed the blade which only cut through his shirt. He kicked the man in the chest but he remained standing. He was running on pure instinct there was no way you could talk him into stopping. Felix stepped backwards and leaned his head back as the sword went for his neck. He took a step to try and steady himself but slipped on a rusty screw left on the floor.

He fell to the ground his head falling against the cage.
He watched in horror and the blade was lifted above his head and was about to swing straight into him. He closed his eyes but nothing happened.

When he opened his eyes again the man was on the floor, his eyes shut with a gash to the back of his head and the boy he made eye contact with earlier stood over him with a mace in his hand and dropped it looking at Felix.
"Are you okay?" Jisung asked.
Felix gasped out of confusion. This boy was bloody and beaten to pulp and was asking if he was okay. Felix looked him in the eyes and felt a slight ping of recognition. He felt something digging at the back of his mind as if he knew this boy.
"I'm fine" Felix managed to get out.
"That's good" Jisung smiled and closed his eyes falling forward.

Felix rushed forward and caught the boy in his arms stopping him from hitting the floor. His breath was ragged and weak. He needed medical attention immediately.

"Felix are you okay?".
Felix looked up to see Seungmin running with most of the gang behind him and opened the doors to the cage and ran in.
"He needs help" Felix said clutching the boy.
"Felix.." Chan came in last and looked at the boy Felix was holding. He was so battered and broken.
"I don't think he can be saved" Jeongin said looking at the boy who's breathing got slower and slower.
"He's not dead yet" Felix pleaded.
"Felix.." Changbin said.
"He saved my life I'm going to save his" a tear came to Felix's eyes. He couldn't understand why he wanted to save this boy so much but he was going to save him.

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