Remember your a double agent

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"HEY" Jisung yelled but the man covered his mouth with one hand and pulled down his bandana with the other.
Seeing the man's face Jisung stopped trying to get out of the man's grip and stood silently.
"Boss wants results. You have been with them for almost a week he wants their plans" the man was one of the right hands of his boss.
"I've been asleep for 3 of them" Jisung said and pushed the man back away from him.
"And the rest of the days?" The man asked.
"They trust me" Jisung said quietly.
"Speak louder I can't hear you" the man said harshly.
"I'm trusted" Jisung sighed.
"Good. Boss wants results as soon as possible. Take this" the man reached in his pocket and pulled out a phone handing it to Jisung.
"Call this when you have information" the man said.

Jisung went to say something when he heard Minhos voice.
"Jisung. Jisung where have you gone".
Jisung saw Minhos head pass the small window on the doors twice before his voice faded down the isle.

"What if I can't get any information" Jisung said.
"You know the drill if you can't. You shouldn't need me to tell you this" the man said.
"What if I can't?" Jisung said.
"God" the man rolled his eyes "you don't have to get it from them. They will have files and a data network so it doesn't matter if your caught just get the information. You are going to help take them down anyway".
"Just put them out of power right?" Jisung said.
"What's wrong with you? Have you gone soft? We can't have them gain power again even if we do take it away. The most efficient way to take them down if catch them when they least expect it and kill them" the man said and put his bandana back up.
"We will be in touch" the man looked around and left out the staff doors and out of sight.

Jisung stood where he was for a few minutes. He took some deep breaths keeping himself calm and looked at the mobile phone.
"I need to face the facts" Jisung said quietly to himself as he faintly heard Minhos voice still looking for him.
"Jisung. Are you playing with me? Don't make me make an announcement for a lost kid" Minho passed the staff room from the other direction and down the main hallway.
Jisung looked out the window and watched him walk away looking down every isle.

"It was already hard with Felix. But don't want to hurt you guys" Jisung said and looked at the phone looking at his reflection through the screen.
Jisung slammed his empty fist into the wall and closed his eyes tightly. After a couple seconds he opened his eyes again and put the phone in his back pocket and left the staff room.

"MINHO" Jisung yelled running after Minho who turned around.
"Jisung. Where the bloody hell have you been?" Minho said more worried than annoyed.
"I got distracted and got a bit lost" Jisung chuckled awkwardly.
"Alright" Minho said slowly watching Jisung's facial expressions "while I was looking for you I grabbed some of the stuff from the list we've only got 1 thing left".
"Let's go get it then"Jisung smiled and sped off forward.
"Wrong way Jisung" Minho chuckled and Jisung turned around guiltily and Minho pointed the right way.
"I knew that" Jisung puffed his cheeks out and rushed past Minho.
"Cute" Minho smiled and followed.

As they were grabbing the last items Minho thought about asking Jisung about the previous day. He wasn't telling the truth about his past and he wanted to know why. He knew Jisung didn't know them well and it's understanding he didn't want to tell them but he even lied to Felix and from what he knew those two were best friends growing up.
He went to ask Jisung when he was interrupted by two tall men.

"Excuse me you two can I ask you a question" a blue haired boy stood a head taller than them.
"Sure" Jisung said cheerfully.
"Do you guys know where the ramen is we have been looking a while for it?" The blue haired boy asked.
Jisung looked at Minho.
"It's two isles to your right on the end" Minho said.
"I told you Soobin. I said it was that way" a pink haired boy pushed the boy slightly on the shoulder.
"No you didn't Yeonjun" Soobin said.
"Yeah I did" the Yeonjun said.
"If your that adamant about it I won't get you any" Soobin said.
"Noooo please I'm sorry" Yeonjun clung to Soobins arm and the boys disappeared out of the isle.

"Well that was a meeting and a half" Jisung said grabbing the item they needed and putting it in Minhos basket.
"Can I ask you a personal question" Minho suddenly said.
Jisung looked up at Minho who looked deadly serious.
"You can ask" Jisung said not wanting to accept or refuse the question and began to walk to the pay point with Minho behind him.
"Why did you lie about your past?" Minho asked as Jisung took the basket off him and on the side before scanning the items.
"What makes you think I lied?" Jisung didn't look at Minho as he scanned items.
"I've met many people Jisung. I can tell when someone is lying especially when you have such an easy tell" Minho said.
"A tell" Jisung questioned.
"You look away from the person when you lie" Minho said.

Jisung looked calm on the outside while he was scanning the items but on the inside he was freaking out. Has Minho figured it out? Should he tell him? Should he run away?

"Lying is not always a bad thing" Jisung said scanning the last item and looking at Minho.
"Elaborate" Minho said.
"It's like pain. Sometimes talking to someone helps them or it just brings back bad memories they want to forget. Sometimes speaking the truth just makes things worse" Jisung let Minho in who paid with his card.

"So in a way your not ready to tell yet" Minho took in Jisung's words.
Jisung remained silent.
"You don't have to tell me but if you ever do want to tell someone I'll listen" Minho said as Jisung packed away the food.

When he said that Jisung stopped. He put down the item he was holding and faced Minho. They looked each other in the eyes. Minho thought Jisung was going to thank him or tell him off but he didn't.
At first Jisung just stood their but then he started to tear up.

"Woah woah" Minho gasped surprised.
Jisung rubbed his eyes and tried to stop himself making crying noises. He stepped forward and pulled Minho into a tight hug.
"No one has said anything like that to me since my parents died" Jisung held onto Minho who reciprocated the hug.

Jisung closed his eyes as he hugged Minho in the middle of the shop. What he said was completely true. Since he lost his family he was taken in by the gang and had to do what they said to survive. It just became a part of his life. Nobody had ever said they'd be there for him or help him. You were only noticed if you did something good or failed.

"Thank you" Jisung said quietly next to Minhos ear and pulled back and rubbed his eyes one last time.

"You guys done we've been waiting for about 10 minutes" Felix voice was heard across the shop by the exit.
"We are coming" Jisung finished packing the stuff and left the shop with Minho like everything was still the same. Nothing strange happened at all.

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