Bait lures all out

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Jisung snuck his way through the alleys. He knew multiple people will be after him now so he stayed in the shadows. He had no money and no spare clothes so he needed to make these count. He looked at his phone 17%. He would need to save the battery just in case.
He made his way to a small opening where people tended to lay low. He saw a few others like him with just what they had on them and nothing else sleeping in the corners. He knew leaving was going to lead to this and grabbed a ruined blanket off someone else who was sleeping and took it to the other end of the area in the darkest corner he could possibly find. He sat down and laid his head on the uncomfortable brick wall and put the blanket around him. He buried his face into his shirt as the smell of Minho still slightly lingered on the clothes.
"I stole his favourite shirt" Jisung sniffled trying to stop himself crying and closed his eyes.

When the day finally came around he would find his first way out of this town and move far away to start a new life.

Minho slowly came to. He blinked a couple times and looked around to see he was in an airy room with three empty seats in front of him and a few painting on the wall.
He didn't know how long it had been since he was in the alley and there was no windows where he was so he couldn't tell if it was night or not.
He sat up and realised both his hand and feet had be tied to each other to stop him doing anything stupid.
He looked around and stayed alone in that room for a good while before he heard the door open behind him.
Being tied he couldn't look at them and listened to their footsteps get closer. The second they were right by his ear he felt a foot to his back as he was pushed forward and face first into the ground.
He groaned as his head began to throb.

"Aren't you a pretty one?" A voice came from behind him.

"Your Minho right" a tall male stood munching on an apple.
"What was that? Your mouth is so full I couldn't hear you" Minho said getting him a kick to the chest.
"Your Minho?" They said.
"No sense of humour I see" Minho said and got kicked again.
"Nice to meet you I'm Wahl I'm sure you have heard of me. I am the leader of the Nyx Mafia after all" he said.
"Your parents couldn't think of a normal name so named you the first thing they saw. Mr Wall" Minho said smirking.

The man sighed and made a hand gesture and two men came in and launched Minho up and onto his feet with them still tied together.
"It's said Wahl. W. A. H. L. Not wall" the man punched Minho in his face.
"What the fuck you want with me. Why didn't you just kill me in the alley?" Minho spat his spit onto the floor.
"Well as much as I'd love you dead Jisung hurt my pride. I took that boy in and raised him and this is how he repays me" Wahl said.
"He doesn't belong to you. You piece of shit" Minho spat.
Wahl sighed and took a metal object out of his pocket. A gold knuckle buster in his palm and he fitted it onto his hand.
"You see Minho. Jisung will not come to me willingly so I need a way to coax him out. How better than to take one of the people who 'treated him better that we have in a decade'. Is that what he said?" Wahl made an inhuman smile and drove the knuckle buster into Minhos torso.

Minho called out in pain as the sharp edges of the object ran into his body. Wahl hit him multiple other times before he let the men let go off him and Minho fell to the floor in a coughing fit.
"You should be grateful Minho. Your going to be the reason Jisung dies" Wahl said as he got his phone out.
"I'll kill you" Minho said still trying to catch his breath.
"Smile for the video Minho. You wanna look your best for this" Wahl pressed the red button on his screen.

Next morning came too slow for Jisung as he felt the soft heat of the sun begin to crawl over the buildings. He stood up and threw the blanket to the side. It didn't do much during the night as he slowly felt himself freeze up. Getting moving was the best thing for him to keep warm. He ignored his rumbling stomach as he walked back to the pathways down near the road. He walked towards where he knew the closest bus stop was. He passed a few people on the way.
He accidentally crashed into this woman.
"I'm sorry" Jisung nodded down.
"Watch where you're going" the lady said brushing her shoulder looking down at Jisung with a disgusted look.
"At least that look makes me feel less guilty for stealing your purse" Jisung whispered under his breath as he took out her purse.

He grabbed a sandwich from a nearby store and walked to the bus stop and waited for it. He ate his sandwich as the soft wind blew on his face. He watched the sun begin to start to flow over everything and light the world back up.
He threw the sandwich wrapper in the bin next to the stop and felt his phone ring.
He couldn't be bothered to answer it and left it until it rang again. It kept ringing, so annoyed Jisung looked to see it was an unknown number calling.
He declined the call telling the person on the other end to just piss off.

He went to put his phone away just as the bus began coming into view down the road.
A video was send to his number.
He clicked on it thinking someone send it to his number on accident but froze when he saw Minho tied up on the floor.
He watched him get kicked multiple times before the camera got closer to him and someone grabbed his chin forcefully and made him look at the camera.
Jisung saw Minhos bloodied lip and pain stricken face.

Wahls face came into view.
"Heyyyy Jisung. So you betrayed me. Tut tut tut" he put a gun into the frame and waved it around.
"I don't take well to that, you must know that after all the time you have spent with us. I must say I'm quite disappointed in that path you have chosen. But oh well too late now. You know the drill. Come here or he dies. Call the police he also dies. Try anything crafty he dies" Wahl licked his lips and held the gun against Minhos head and pulled his head close to him and whispered in his ear loud enough for Jisung to hear.
"Do you think he'll come? Or will you die here in pain on my floor?" Wahl laughed and looked at the camera once again.
"You have until the sun goes down. Any later you will be the one carrying out his dead corpse".

The video ended leaving Wahls face on screen. Jisung looked up to see the bus had stopped and opened its doors letting people in. He watch people get on and took a step back.
Another back.
One more step.

He turned and ran.
"No no no....damn it....FELIX.....CHAN....." Jisung let the wind take his tears away as he ran back. Back to the place he was going to abandon forever.

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