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"Jisung is it really you" Felix took a step closer to Jisung.
"The one and only my friend" Jisung took a short bow and stood up smiling brightly.

Felix didn't smile he just ran. He ran towards Jisung and jumped into his arms. Barely quick enough, Jisung caught him and stumbled back hitting the counter with his back. Despite the pang of pain no pain could destroy the feeling of happiness flooding through Jisung's veins. Felix cradled himself around Jisung and held him as tight as he could.
"Felix" Jisung said and heard the muffled cries of Felix in his shirt.
He didn't say anything and just let Felix have his moment. Hearing Felix cry brought Jisung to tears and it wasn't soon before he too had his head on Felix's shoulder crying into his jumper. They both stood frozen together. Felix didn't loosen his grip on Jisung and Jisung wouldn't let Felix go either. They just enjoyed the moment they were in.
"Is it tomorrow yet?" Jisung softly stroked Felix's hair.

He let Felix place his feet back on the ground and took his arms away from him. He looked see Felix's eyes all red and wiped away a tear falling from his eye.
"Your not dead" Felix chuckled and sniffed.
"I hope not. That wouldn't be a good sign" Jisung looked shocked.
"Shut up" Felix said and pulled Jisung back into a hug.

They had another few minutes before they separated themselves and looked to see all the members with different expressions.
Chan looked surprised, Jeongin looked like he was going to cry himself, Hyunjin looked confused, Changbin nodded with his arms folded, Seungmin looked slightly disgusted at the affection and Minho remained stoic.

"Guys this is Jisung my childhood friend" Felix said happily still sniffing from crying so much.
"We are all going to sit down and you two are explaining everything" Chan said without much thought and left the kitchen island towards the sofa in the adjacent room.

The group gave Jisung and Felix time to calm themselves down before they told their stories. Slowly the group listened to their past in their village and how they were close friends until they were separated.
"Wow. Now that's a story" Jeongin said wide eyed.
"That's definitely a plot from a storybook" Seungmin said.
"We aren't characters in a book Seungmin" Felix sighed.
"But we could be" Seungmin giving a what if scenario.
"We aren't in a book" Felix said again.
"Long lost friends reunited once again. Everything goes well until the plot goes south and the friends are sadly separated again" Seungmin clutched his fist dramatically.
"Not in a book. Plus such sweet people like us the author would never" Felix smiled putting his head near Jisung to prove a point.
"Your part of an illegal gang Felix. Sweet isn't in the job description" Changbin said.
"Shoooosh" Felix stuck his tongue out at him.

"What have you been doing Jisung. Felix found his way to us but how has your life been?" Chan asked sipping a black coffee.
"Before the warefare fight?" Jisung said.
"No during it. It's not like we were there when it happened to you" Hyunjin let his sarcasm escape and Changbin flung his hand over Hyunjins mouth.
"Not much really. Odd jobs, part time jobs I haven't really settled down" Jisung said looking down as his eyes shook side to side as he tried to make up a convincing lie.
"That doesn't sound like fun" Jeongin said.
"No it isn't" Jisung chuckled nervously.

As he talked to the gang about his fake life Minho sat at the far edge of the sofa watching Jisung's expressions and body language. Minho couldn't say for certain if he was right as he wasn't a master at the art of body language but he had seen many people lie in his time in the gang. It was becoming more and more obvious that Jisung was lying but only since they started asking about his previous life. This confused Minho as telling Felix he was his old friend but suddenly keeping his past a secret didn't seem correct. He was surrounded by people in an illegal gang so what could his past possibly hold that's worse than that.

"Jisung your going to stay right?" Felix asked hopefully.
"What do you mean?" Jisung asked.
"Well as Chan said when you are fully capable again you will be moved away to start a new life. Can you stay here instead I have so much stuff to catch you up on and do with you" Felix said counting on his fingers about all the things he and Jisung would do together.
"Stay here?" Jisung pointed at the floor.
"No the shed at the end of the garden" Hyunjin said and Changbin once again covered his mouth.
"Ignore him" Changbin smiled.
"We are all happy for you to be here Jisung. Felix trusts you completely and your his past friend so I don't think any of us have a problem" Chan said looking for anyone who disagreed.
"YES. Can he sleep in my room?" Felix asked hopefully.
"Erm you share a room with me Felix. There's no room" Hyunjin said.
"Go sleep with Minho instead" Felix said.
"No chance. I just stopped having nightmares about the air fryer" Hyunjin straight declined.

"Well he can't sleep in the recuperation room forever. It stinks of hand sanitiser and disinfectant" Felix complained.
"I'm fine with it" Jisung chipped in. He was being completely honest after all his old room smelt of damp mould.
"Nooooooooo that's not fair" Felix complained.
"He can bunk with me" Minho leaned forward.
"Really" Felix got all ecstatic.
"Sure" Minho looked over and stared at Jisung.
Jisung shuddered as he felt a chill go down his spine. Why did he feel like this man was scrutinising his every move.

"He can move in tonight. I'll have all the meds brought to my room" Minho said and stood up leaving the room.
"This is great Jisung. Minho never lets anyone bunk with him. That's why me and Hyunjin are bunked together, Changbin and Seungmin together and Chan and Jeongin" Felix clapped his hands.
"Yeah you can sleep in a much comfier bed" Chan said nodding.
"Well upgrading to a better bed but having to bunk with Minho? I personally wouldn't take the offer" Hyunjin side eyed out the room.
"Yeah bunking with Minho. Good luck with that" Seungmin said and buried his head in a manga.

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