Make your choice

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"Did you get donuts? Please say you got donuts" Jeongin grabbed the bags of shopping and put them on the counter and began taking everything out until his found custard donuts at the bottom of the bag.
"Yes" Jeongin said and went to rush out the room but Chan blocked the entrance and turned him around.
"Oh no you don't. You help put away first" Chan said.
"Whaaattt come oonnnn Chan" Jeongin complained.
"Nope your helping. We shopped it you help put away. Don't worry it's not just you" Chan smiled and stepped aside as Minho walked in holding a manga in the air with one hand and a half used paint pallet in the other.
The next second later Seungmin and Hyunjin came into the room trying to snatch their stuff back from Minho.
"Perfect you both came to help too" Chan said smiling sweetly.
"You evil old man" Seungmin glared.
"Love you too Seungmin" Chan said.

"Hold on where's Changbin how come he doesn't have to do it" Hyunjin said.
"He did the shopping all by himself last time and put it away. He gets a free pass" Chan said.
"Whaaaaaaaat that's not fair" Hyunjin said dramatically.
"It's very fair" Chan said.
"Yeah maybe next time you do something nice for once and you might get a free pass" Changbins voice was heard from the other room.
"CHHAAAAANNNNN" Hyunjin yelled.
"Changbin be nice or I'm revoking your free pass" Chan yelled out the room.
"Sorry" Changbin yelled back but you could hear him sniggering.
"Chan he's not sorry at all" Hyunjin complained.
"Just put it away. I don't need a migraine to my headache" Chan waved his hand and left the room.

"He's a tired little man isn't he?" Jisung said after Chan disappeared.
"Raise this lot and you would be too" Minho said.

Jisung laughed at Minhos comment and left to use the bathroom while Minho patrolled the kitchen making sure the rest of them didn't sneak off to try and get out of the job.

Jisung went to the upstairs bathrooms. He still didn't know the full layout and went to the closest bathroom he knew. As he walked down the corridor he saw Felix and Chan walking away from him. Felix ran behind Chan and jumped on his back. Jisung could here Chans surprise but didn't let Felix down as they disappeared out of view.
He went into the bathroom and did his little routine. While he was washing his hands he looked in the mirror and took a good hard look at himself. All he could think about was back at the store. He knew the gang would check up on him but didn't realise how closely they were watching him.
He stepped back out the bathroom and retraced his steps walking down the corridor he had already been in many times.

He passed by all the members bedrooms until he came back to looking in Chans study at the end of the corridor. He looked in to everything almost the same as last time but he must have had a clean out as no cups were in sight. He took a step inside and felt a chill.
"You will have full reign of the house except for our bedrooms and my study those are off limits" Chans voice in Jisung's head when they first met.

He walked round to the back of the desk to see Chans laptop was open and turned on. He must have been in recently as the laptop wasn't even locked. A screensaver of Chan with bright red hair was on it with the quote 'Angry bird' in bold letters below it and then in smaller letters 'made by Jeongin and Seungmin'.

"What a group" Jisung let out a small laugh as he clicked on the screen.
He zoomed around for a bit on the screen before coming to some more hidden files at the back of his computer network.
"These sound important" Jisung said to himself before coming to the last file "but what the hell is LALALALA".

He clicked on them and the information was beyond anything Jisung ever thought. The amount of knowledge on just one of those files could give the Nyx Mafia such an edge. Before this would be the pot of gold for Jisung but seeing this information made him stop and think. It made him worried and sad.
He sat feeling numb at the screen before looking at a photo frame. He didn't notice before when he first walked in but now there was two photo frames. One of himself and the other was the group photo.
Felix must have given Chan one he had printed out. It was only today he got them done so he was surprised seeing Chan already had it up.
Jisung looked at himself smiling happily along in the photo as a tear fell down his cheek. He looked back at the laptop and clicked off the file. He didn't want to do it anymore.

He stood up and walked around back past the desk. He went to leave the room but stopped midway as he felt the phone jog in his pocket.
"Fuck this" Jisung stomped his foot in frustration as another tear rolled down his cheek.

"Jisung? Why are you here?".
Jisung looked up to see Chan in the doorway. Jisung's eyes went wide.

"I don't know" Jisung said trying to smile.
"You don't know?" Chan looked confused.
"I do..nt kno..w" Jisung voice cracked as he tried to wipe the tear stains from his cheeks. He walked forward and wrapped his arms around Chan. "I really don't know".
"What's wrong?" Chan let Jisung hug him before he let go and faced Chan straight up.
"I don't know" Jisung said again for the fourth time and gave a sympathetic smile before moving past Chan and walked away.
Chan watched Jisung move away and took his phone from his pocket and tapped on it a few times before putting it to his ear.

"Hello I'm busy with tweedledee and tweedledum what do you want?" The person answered.
"Leave Hyunjin and Changbin to it. I need you to come to my study" Chan said.
"Now?" They asked.
"No next week. Come on Minho" Chan rolled his eyes behind the phone.
"Seungmins rubbing off on you. Sure I'll be there in a sec" Minho said and ended the call.
Chan put the phone back in his pocket and walked properly into the study and closed the door behind him.

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