Past friendships

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"Ji get back here you cheat" Felix ran after Jisung down the cobbled pathway.
"Catch me if you can" young Jisung ran through the village followed by Felix. They made it to the small town square and ran around the fountain as Felix clutched onto Jisung stopping him from running. Both boys burst into laughter yelling at each other and Felix went to tickle Jisung.
"Wait wait" Jisung struggled to speak over his own laughter "I give up".
Felix let go with a triumphant smile then Jisung took a step back and sat down in the edge of the fountain and reach down.
"Fine you win" Jisung smiled.
"Well I should have won anyway you cheated" Felix stuck his tongue out.
"You know Felix I think you look a little hot. Maybe you need to cool down" Jisung grabbed a handful of water and splashed water all over Felix's front.
"Helllll naur" Felix ran at Jisung and pushed the both of them into the fountain.
Jisung began splashing Felix and Felix began fighting back. Both boys blasted water at each other until they heard someone speaking to them.

"Do you both want to catch a cold?" The woman had her hands on her hips.
"Heeeyyy mum" Felix smiled.
"Both of you out. Let's get you home and dried off" Felix's mum got both the boys to go back to her house and got them into clean warm clothes. Jisung put on some of Felix clothes and came down to see Felix cutting some brownies.
"Ouuu your mum make some more brownies?" Jisung asked walking over.
"Naur I made these ones my mum gave me the recipe" Felix smiled and offered Jisung a slice.
Jisung took a bite of the brownies and his face lit up.
"Omg these are amazing" Jisung exclaimed.
"You think? I'm going to make these all the time. I've even got a list here of all the different ingredients I'm going to add to them" Felix said.
"Different ingredients?" Jisung asked.
"Yeah here" Felix went over and grabbed a piece of paper on the top of the counter "like here is white chocolate, then nuts and here's triple chocolate".
"Ou let's see" Jisung leaned over but knocked a cup of coffee over splatting Felix's list slightly.
"Omg I'm sorry" Jisung apologised.
"It's fine. It's still useable" Felix waved the paper in the air and quickly cleaned up the coffee.
Jisung had a look down the list starting with white chocolate and ending with the last ingredient being nougat.

"I'm going to make these and show my mum. She will be so proud. I'm going to keep this recipe with me so my mums love for cooking will always be with me" Felix jumped around giddy.

"How long is it going to take you to complete this list?" Jisung asked.
"I don't know but it doesn't matter I can work on it over time. I'm making triple chocolate tomorrow you should come over and have them when they are still warm" Felix said and Jisung agreed before he went back to his home.

"How was Felix?" Jisung's mum asked as he opened the blue door into the house.
"Good. Can I go round tomorrow for brownies?" Jisung asked.
"Sure you can as long as you go to bed early tonight" Jisung mum said and Jisung happily agreed.

That night Jisung was happily going to sleep waiting for tomorrow to come when his mum rushed into the room and woke up him.
"What mum?" Jisung groggily woke up and opened his eyes to his mum pulling the covers off him.
"We've go to go come on" his mum pulled him out of bed and Jisung didn't have time to complain as she took him down the stairs which was surrounded in smoke.
"What's going on?" Jisung asked scared as he left the house to the disaster outside.

Jisung looked around where everything was ablaze. The fire flowing upwards turning the sky red while people ran screaming around him.
"Jisung I want you to go to river. You here me go there right now" his mum urged.
"What's going on. Why aren't you coming with me?" Jisung was terrified.
"Your dads still inside. Go" his mum pushed him forward and ran back into the house set in blazing colours.

Jisung spun in a circle, he froze in sight watching everything before him happen.
He took a step forward slowly and then another and then another and before long he was running through the village but not to the river. He was running straight to Felix's home.
He turned the corner to see Felix's house already enveloped in flames.
"FELIX" Jisung yelled out looking around trying to see a running piece of blonde hair but he wasn't in sight. He looked around and could see just in the opening of the flames a running figure. He moved forward yelling for Felix again and went to run to the house just as it's foundations gave up. Felix's house crumbled to the ground crushing anyone inside.

The flames blasted Jisung backwards and he fell onto his back in a heap. He rolled over and stood up coughing as the smoke began to slowly surround his body.
He looked as one ashed piece of wood fell from the last of the house and a burned bloodied arm laid silent in the flames slowly burning away.
"FELIX" Jisung cried out one last time as he fell to his knees watching the remnants of his house go up in flames.

He felt his throat close up. He felt his eyes water. His body refused to move as all he could see were the dancing flames burning his home to ash. On his knees he felt defeated watching those he loved scared and destined to fall.
Hot tears flooded down his cheeks as a voice echoed into his ears.
"Well aren't you a pretty one".

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