How odd

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Back in the present, Jisung moved his head back but didn't change his facial expression.
"Felix" Changbin said sternly.
"What? I feel like I know his from somewhere" Felix said innocently.
"The poor boy just woke up and is probably overwhelmed by everything. You could just be imagining it" Changbin said.
"But I swear I know him" Felix said trying to think.
"Where from?" Jeongin asked.
"I don't know" Felix face looked muddled.
Jisung was close to tears. He hadn't felt such a burst of emotion in years. Everything had been do this job, do that job, don't let your emotions get in the way.
He tried his best to hold back his tears but was unable to and they fell from his cheeks.

"OMG FELIX, you made him cry" Hyunjin gasped at Jisung who was wiping his eyes to get rid of the tears.
"Are you okay?" Chan asked resting his hand on Jisung's shoulder.
Jisung just nodded holding his right hand to his eyes.
"You sure?" Minho asked crossing his arms leaning against the wall.
"I'm just happy" Jisung managed a sentence and smiled brightly surprising everyone in the room. In his pure burst of emotion nobody expected him to feel happy. He then took another sip of water.

"I think he's traumatised" Changbin whispered and got an elbow by Minho.
"Shush" Minho whispered.

"Well. Since your injuries have not fully healed yet you will be staying here until you are fit to do everything on your own again. You will have full reign of the house except for our bedrooms and my study those are off limits" Chan said after Jisung had calmed down.
Jisung nodded.
"What's you name?" Seungmin asked at Jisung.
"Give him some time. Didn't I just say he should save his voice until he feels good to speak" Chan asked a rhetorical question.
"He just spoke now" Seungmin protested.
"Not the point" Chan stared Seungmin down prompting him to stop.

"How about we get him some food then?" Felix asked "I mean you must be hungry right?".
Jisung nodded and Felix walked over and leaned closer looking at Jisung's features.
"Your being weird again Felix" Minho pulled Felix back who had a guilty look plastered on his face.
"I can bring in some noodles?" Jeongin asked.
They were all discussing food when Jisung raised his hand and they all looked at him. He made a walking gesture and then a eating gesture.
"You want to walk and eat?" Hyunjin questioned.
"Idiot" Changbin chopped Hyunjin on the head "he wants to walk to get himself food".

"Is that safe?" Jeongin asked.
"Should be fine" Chan said "but if you feel bad at any moment do not continue".
Chan directed that at Jisung.

"I know he can have some of the leftover brownies. We have some from 3 days ago and I made a fresh batch this morning with Seungmin" Felix face brightened up then dropped "ARGH I LEFT THEM IN THE OVEN".
Felix rushed out of the room pulling Seungmin with him.
"It never works when those two cook together" Chan sighed and got up and walked out to stop anyone from burning the house down.

"Hey I'll walk you to the kitchen" Minho said and opened up the covers for Jisung.
The others saw Minho doing this and left ahead giving Jisung all the room he needed.
Jisung stood up and felt a bit wobbly at the beginning. He went to grab the bed but Minho grabbed his waist keeping him up.
"You good?" Minho asked and Jisung looked up looking at Minhos bright brown eyes and nodded then took a few steps before letting Minho let go of him.
They both slowly walked through the house and Jisung looked around at all the paintings around the house. He stopped at one and tilted his head.
He pointed at it and Minho looked then sniggered.

"Not something you would normally see is it?" Minho asked knowing he wasn't getting a response.
"Hyunjin painted it. We hadn't a clue what it was meant to be at first but then Felix named it so now it has to stay" Minho explained.
"Named it?" Jisung said softly.
"Yeah he named it Bbokari. Where he got that name from I have no idea" Minho said before walking off again.

"You always nice to all your prisoners" Jisung asked.
"Prisoner? Your not a prisoner. If you mean those we set free yes we are. The people didn't want to be in that place to begin with so where would being mean get us" Minho said.
"Your a criminal gang. Why are you saving people?" Jisung asked.
"Your not meant to be talking. Chan said you need to rest your voice" Minho said.
"I know my body. Chan can't tell me what to do" Jisung said and didn't see Minho look at him his mouth agape before smirking.

"Fair enough" Minho smiled "to your question yes we are a criminal gang however we do not partake in all those illegal activities. When Chan started this group it wasn't for money or power but to help those who are stuck in this underground hell without a way out".
"So your all basically Spider-Man?" Jisung asked.
"Spider-Man?" Minho looked confused.
"Like you want to do good but it's not possible to do legally so you become vigilantes" Jisung explained.
"That's actually a very good way to describe us" Minho agreed "I might bring that up at some point after all Felix does tend to act like Spider-Man sometimes".
"He does?" Jisung slightly laughed at that.
"One time I caught him hanging from the ceiling in purple ropes swinging back and forth saying he was spiderman" Minho laughed at the memory.

"He hasn't changed at all" Jisung whispered to himself.
"You say something?" Minho asked.
"Just peckish" Jisung said and Minho nodded and finally walked him into the kitchen.

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