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"I am truly okay staying in the other room" Jisung said as he walked into Minhos room followed by Minho himself.
"My rooms much comfier. Plus you don't have the draft from the window to my bed so you won't get cold" Minho walked over to the left side of the bed and looked at Jisung's medication making sure it was all there.
"Are you sure?" Jisung asked cautiously.
"I've already agreed haven't I. Plus what kind of person would it make me to say yes then throw you out to freeze" Minho walked over to Jisung.
"Okay" Jisung gulped.
"Based on experience. I've been in the room you were when I was injured and it's get freezing in there over night I wouldn't recommend" Minho reached over Jisung to the set of drawers behind him and grabbed an apple from a small bowl and took a bite.
He threw the apple in the air spinning it and caught it again.
"Get yourself settled. I'll be back soon, don't wait up if your tired I know how exhausting injuries can be" Minho left the room and softly closed the door leaving Jisung all alone in the room.

He looked around to see everything quite minimalistic. Grey and white walls with a bed matching the colour scheme. He had a small look around to see a couple photo frames around the room. Some of the members in group pictures but never Minho in one alone except for when he was holding up a cat giving it a kiss. The picture of that cat and two others were also in the room.
"He gives cats a frame to themselves in his room but not one of just himself" Jisung spoke to himself placing down a picture frame and walked to the window.

The blinds hadn't been closed yet but it was already dark enough for the room to need the light on. He looked over the trees in the distance to see the sun setting slowly behind them sending the whole house into a tomb of darkness.

Jisung sat down on the bed and took a breath. He didn't bother to change his clothes as he had nothing else to change into and stared at the wall.
"Why are they so kind. All these years how have I never seen even an inch of this groups sympathy" Jisung let himself fall back onto the covers.
He listened to the silence in the air and heard quiet noises echoing in the corridors out the room.

"Felix, come here bro" Chan was heard down the corridor "what you make bro?".
"For me" Felix rushed past Minhos room.
"Hey hey hey" Chans voice faded out of Jisung's ears.

Jisung smiled as he closed his eyes and tucked himself into the covers.
It was nice to feel wanted. Even if it was just for a little while.

Jisung fell asleep trapping himself once again in the world he never wants to return to again.

Minho finished what he was doing and headed back to his room. It had been a couple hours since he left Jisung in his room and assumed he must be asleep by now. Knowing this he entered his room but didn't turn on the light and used his torch on his phone instead.
He saw Jisung asleep on his bed tucked up close to himself stealing most of the covers. Minho did his night routine and got changed into his pyjamas then got himself into the bed. Jisung had positioned himself on the right hand side so Minho avoided him and carefully peeled some of the covered out of Jisung clutches to cover himself. He carefully did this as not to wake up the younger.

Minho then too closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off. He was having a pretty normal night but he was struggling to sleep when he felt Jisung next to him. He seemed to be fidgeting and Minho opened his eyes assuming he was just trying to make himself comfortable but saw his face was in distress.
"Jisung" Minho shook his shoulder and sat up slightly in confusion.
Jisung didn't answer but began heavily breathing and moving his head from side to side.
"Jisung" Minho said again more worried and shook Jisung slightly.
"" Jisung whispered barely audible and continued to be stuck in his nightmare.
"Jisung" Minho said more shook and tried harder to wake him up.
"NO" Jisung screamed out and turned clutching onto Minho.
He grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled to towards him and clung onto it refusing to let it go as he struggled to catch his breath. Minho on instinct wrapped his arms around Jisung and pulled him close to his chest holding him tight.
"Jisung calm down it's okay" Minho tried to sooth Jisung who was still moving erratically next to him. He stroked Jisungs hair and back seeing how it did calm the younger and continued to do it until Jisung had calmed down and was breathing normally again.

"You poor soul" Minho said as he watched Jisung snuggle up to him "Im sorry. What has happened to you should never happen to anyone".
Minho laid his head back down and took a deep breath. As his eyes dropped and sleep took over, gravity pulled his head right, laying it on top of Jisung's and letting his dreams take him away.

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