Friends or only acquaintances

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Jisung ran and ran. He never knew he had this amount of stamina within him until he saw the gangs house in view. He didn't wait for the traffic lights and ran straight down the road ignoring the horns and yelling he got from drivers nearby.

"Let him be he's probably in a rush" Minghao said leaning away from the screaming man.

Jisung ignored the drivers and ran up the drive to the house. He flung the door open and screamed at the top of his lungs.
His voice shook the windows around him and even jogged some of the items on the tables near him.
In an instant he heard loud noises jolt through the house.
The first to appear were Jeongin and Changbin who were in the living room. They came in looking scared.
The next was Chan who was in the kitchen and came out holding a cup of coffee.
"What in the gods name of Australia is going on here" Chan spoke.

Hyunjin, Seungmin were both seen running from upstairs to the top of the stairwell.
They looked to their left as another screaming voice came into everyone's ears.
"JJJIIISSUUUNNNGGG" Felix gasped at the stairway and ran down missing two steps at a time and ran into Jisung's arms.
Jisung fell backwards onto the floor while Felix koala bear hugged him from the floor clinging to him as if he would disappear in a moment.

The other two members rushed down the stairs in surprise with the rest of them but Chan was the only one who realised something was wrong. Jisung's breathing was shallow and he looked on the brink of a panic attack clutching his phone with most likely the most force he could.
"Felix get off him" Chan said gently.
"Chan he's back. Give me a minute" Felix titled his head to see Chan.
"Felix this isn't a joke" Chan said but his tone was more worrisome than anything else.
Felix let go and helped Jisung up and looked at Chan waiting for an explanation.

"Jisung you know where Minho is don't you" Chan said looking at Jisung who was close to hyperventilating.
"How would he-" Changbin began but Chan put his hand up for him to be quiet.
"Minho didn't return back last night. And now you are running in after saying you wouldn't see us again. If it's not about him who else" Chan said standing forward so he was right in front of Jisung.
"I got a call. Minho he's is trouble. He's needs help. We need. We need to help him" Jisung started to hyperventilate.
"Jisung look at me" Chan said as Jisung was now looking at the floor. "Jisung look at me".
He managed to get Jisung to look at him and got Jisung to take some deep breaths before he was allowed to speak again.

"Charge my phone before it dies" Jisung handed his near dead phone "it will say and show everything I mean".
Jisung took a deep breath.
Everyone looked at each other and Seungmin was the one who grabbed his phone and went to the living room where he could charge it and everyone could view it.

"Fuck" Changbin was the first one to speak after the video came to an end.
"I need your help" Jisung sat on the edge of his seat and fell forward onto his knees on the floor.
"Jisung" Felix reached out.
"I'm so sorry" Jisung sniffed in tears "this is all my fault. If I hadn't been here none of this would have happened. Jeongin wouldn't have hurt his wrist, Chan wouldn't have been stabbed, Minho wouldn't have been taken. I'm so so sorry".
Jisung had his head low not bothering to wipe his tears and failing to compose himself.

Felix came to him and knelt down with him and held him close. He let Jisung cry in his arms and helped lift him up and put him back on the chair.
"This is not your fault. Whether you were here or not the Nyx Mafia will have tried to get us killed" Seungmin said.

"Jisung" Hyunjin spoke and Jisung looked up and wiped his eyes "you shouldn't be apologising to us. We should apologise to you. After what you did to save us I was too harsh. I should apologise".
Jisung stayed quiet but just nodded.
"I never thought I'd hear that from you" Seungmin gasped.
"Shut up you puppy. This isn't the time" Hyunjin chucked a cushion at Seungmin.

"Jisung. Minho is one of us we will help you no matter what" Chan said.
"And you are one of us too" Felix said rubbing his back.
"We are going to save Minho" Jeongin said and everyone seemed to nod their head in approval.
"We have until sundown. We better get started" Chan said as he downed the rest of his coffee.

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