Fire and Death

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"What was that just now?" Wahl asked as he looked at his two men.
"I don't know Sir I'll go check now" one of the men said and ran off.
Wahl rolled his eyes as he looked down as Jisung who was sprawled out on the floor. His features were a deathly white as blood circled around his body. He coughed weakly as blood spat out from his mouth.

Jisung could barely keep his eyes open as he looked at Minho who was trying to pull himself towards him but the man who stayed had his foot on Minhos back stopping him from moving.
Jisung felt cold. He didn't want to move his body, he wanted to close his eyes and rest.

"Jisung...Jisung, don't fall asleep yet, you can't die on me now" Wahl pouted as he pushed Jisung with his foot. Feeling as weak as he was Jisung could barely speak let alone try and stop Wahl.
"Stop it. Stop it please haven't you done enough" Minho begged Wahl watching how defeated Jisung was.
"Don't worry Minho I'll finish you off as well later" Wahl said and went to stomp on Jisung when the door to the room reopened.

"Boss you need to leave now" the man said.
"No I'm finally getting rid of two pests" the Boss said.
"Boss Stray Kids are in the building. They have just blown up part of the compound. Our building is on fire we need to get you out of here immediately" the man said.
Wahls face darkened. He looked at Minho and at Jisung.
"You little bitch" Wahl kicked Jisung once in the chest and he let out a weak cough "you went and got help".
Wahl quickly paced around the room and he pulled a gun from his holster.
"I wanted to kill you slowly. I guess I'll have to finish the job now, what a bore" Wahl clicked back the gun and aimed at it Jisung.

All Jisung could do was stare down the gun as his eyes blurred out. He took a ragged breath as he saw Wahls maniacal face. A tear fell from his eye and he closed his eyes waiting for the worst.
He heard Minhos screams in the back of his hearing as a gunshot echoed around the room.

"Is everyone okay?" Chan asked as he made sure Felix and Jeongin were okay next to him.
"I'm good" Hyunjin said.
"Present" Changbin coughed.
"Not dead here" Seungmin said.

Chan stood up as he tried to look past the smoke and flames.
Men from the Nyx gang laid dead and burnt on the floor as those who failed to escape the explosion which had just gone off.
The unfortunate one was blown apart with parts of them littered around the room.
The flames started to make their way around the room and outside into other parts of the building. Smoke was beginning to rise up and obstruct the view.

"Jesus Christ you really showed them Chan" Jeongin looked around the room as he stood up with the rest of the gang who were still hidden behind the tables.
"What about Jisung and Minho?" Felix asked coughing as he could feel the smoke getting closer to him.
"This explosion will have rocked them all. They will most likely get the Boss out first so Jisung and Minho hopefully should be safe ish" Chans said putting his arm over his mouth.
"We need to find them" Changbin said as he also began to feel the smoke.
"We can look for them on the way out but we cannot stay here forever" Chans said.
"We need to get out before the smoke overwhelms us" Seungmin said.
"No we need to find them before we leave" Felix coughed loudly. He was feeling the worst of it and already seemed to be struggling to breathe.

"Come on we need to go now" Hyunjin said and began to push the others forward to leave the room.
As they were leaving Changbin grabbed Hyunjins arm and pulled it towards him.
"Hyunjin your hurt" Changbin said looking at the burn all down Hyunjins right arm.
"We can't do anything about it though can we. I'm not dying we can bandage it when everyone gets home safe" Hyunjin said.
"Fine" Changbin said.
"Nice to know you care though" Hyunjin smiled.
"Ive always cared you ferret" Changbin said keeping Hyunjin close as they made their way back through the heap of corridors.

Jisung had his eyes closed and expected the worst. He listened in and heard Wahl speaking.
"Oh for gods sake" Wahl seemed very angry.
"Sorry am I getting in the way of your plan" Minhos strained voice came into Jisung's ears.
"Boss we need to go now" the man said.
"You are both about to die anyway. Enjoy your last few minutes together" Wahl said and Jisung heard multiple footsteps leave the room.

Jisung wanted to keep his eyes shut. He felt his body relaxing but heard Minhos voice and opened his eyes to see Minho smiling at him.
Jisung looked to see Minho holding his stomach when a large red mark was coming up into his clothes.
"Minho your hurt" Jisung struggled to lift his hand up to Minho as he coughed blood again and tried to take a breath.
Minho held Jisung carefully as he ignored the pain he was in.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Jisung's voice was strained as he started crying.
"Jisung it's okay. It's not your fault don't blame yourself" Minho stroked Jisung's hair out of his face and wiped away his tears.
"It is my fault. If I hadn't come into your life.." Jisung struggled to breathe.
"Jisung. I would run to the moon and back for you just to see you smile" Minho smiled as his own tears began falling down his face.

Jisung lifted up his hand and slowly wiped away his tears. He cupped Minhos face and with the last energy he had raised his head slightly and kissed him on the lips. It was short and sweet as he let his head fall back down.
Minho smiled as he leaned down and kissed Jisung back and afterwards placed his forehead on Jisung's.
"I love you" Minho said.

Minho contemplated saying that. They hadn't known each other that long but Minho knew that this boy was who he wanted to be with. He would do anything for him.

"I love you too" Jisung said and pushed his head closer to Minho "can you hold me?".
Minho kept Jisung close as he watched his chest move up and down slower and slower until it stopped.
Minho let his tears run down his face as he cried.

Smoke began to enter its way into the room and surround the two boys. The smoke got thicker and thicker through each moment.
Soon all you could see were the outline of the two of them.
The smoke covered the floor hiding Jisung as Minho remained upright.

A few moments later he too fell forward also hidden by the grey smoke.

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