Im not lost

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Jisung stirred from his sleep. He was surprised that he wasn't woken up in the middle of the night by a nightmare. He felt something wrapped around him and assumed the covers has gotten tangled up with his body. He opened his eyes to see Minhos face a few inches from his. He was asleep but had his right arm wrapped around Jisung.
He admired Minho features finally seeing the boy up close. As he was looking at him Minho opened his eyes and they made contact with each other. It was like time froze for a few seconds as they just looked at each other before Jisung recoiled back and sat up.
"Morning" Jisung said pulling down the covers off him.
"Morning. How you feeling?" Minho asked sitting up leaning against the head board.
"I'm feeling average?" Jisung said.
"You had a nightmare last night. Don't you remember?" Minho said rubbing his eye.
"I did? Really?" Jisung's eyes widened as he thought. If he had a nightmare how come he didn't remember? Did he not wake up?.
"How come I don't remember" Jisung asked.
"Well you didn't exactly wake up but it's a good thing if you don't remember right?" Minho answered with a question.
"Yeah I suppose so" Jisung said.
Minho gave him a small tap and squeeze of the shoulder as reassurance.

He watched Minho get off the bed and stretch.
"I'm going to shower and then you can go. I put clothes there for you overnight so you can change" Minho pointed to a pile of clothes near the bathroom.
"Thanks. You didn't buy them for me did you?" Jisung asked a silly question. He hadn't been there long how would they have already bought him clothes.
"No they're mine. Might be a bit big on you but they'll fit" Minho said.
"Yours?" Jisung spluttered out with his mouth wide open.
"Yeah why? Afraid to wear my clothes" Minho joked and laughed at Jisung's face.
"No I'm not it's just it's just" Jisung started.
"Calm down I'm just joking" Minho chuckled "but you will have my smell on you all day".
Jisung nearly choked on his own saliva and Minho content with his reaction left into the bathroom and closed the door.

Minho didn't spend long in the bathroom and Jisung went in after him and had a long shower. It was only now that Jisung had a chance to look at his body. Looking down at his torso and chest he saw the marks on his body and traced them softly with his fingers as the water gushed down his body.
The pain of the scars washed away with the heat of the shower as Jisung laid his head on the wall letting the water splash down the back of his neck and brush his hand through his wet hair.
"I don't want to do this" Jisung spoke heavily to himself as the heat made him dizzy.
He listened to Minhos voice in the far reaches of his hearing as he held onto the wall feeling his head spin. He turned the shower off and just stood there letting his head clear up.

"Jisung you alright you've been in there a long time" Minho called through the door.
"Yeah just finishing up" Jisung opened the shower door letting all the heat escape out and out the window.
"Okay breakfast is soon. Do you want me to wait for you to finish" Minho called out.
"No you head on. I think I remember how to get back to the kitchen" Jisung said with a joking voice.
"I'll see you down there then" Minho said and Jisung heard his footsteps get quieter and quieter then gone.

Jisung dried himself down and put on Minhos clothes. Minho was right they were a bit big on him and the shirt went down to his thighs but it was okay.
"Dudes not that much difference in height to me how does he fit this?" Jisung spoke to himself as he looked in the mirror.

The cut to his cheek was still red but seemed to be healing well under the circumstances. He rustled his wet hair with the towel to make it as dry as he could before leaving Minhos room. He would have dried his hair but for the life of him couldn't figure out how to get the hairdryer to work. He pressed all the buttons but it still wouldn't turn on. Maybe if he had been smart enough he would have checked the plug and realised he needed to turn on the switch at the wall.

Jisung made his way down the corridor. He thought making his way to the kitchen wouldn't have been hard but forgot which way he was to go. The corridors looked the same to him so he took a guess and went left.
"Left is best" Jisung muttered to himself and went down the corridor.
All he saw were closed doors and some plants. He walked past an open door and peeked in.
The room seemed very airy with a wooden desk in the middle of the room. An open laptop laid on it with a photo frame and 5 different mugs littered around.

He was tempted to walk in when he heard footsteps. He turned his head to see Jeongin walking out of a room sipping a juice box singing Baby Shark in intervals. He stopped singing when he saw Jisung.
"Oh Jisung. What are you doing down here shouldn't you be at breakfast?" Jeongin walked towards him.
"I am yes" Jisung nodded and Jeongin observed his face.
"Ah your lost aren't you" Jeongin said.
"It shows?" Jisung said sheepishly.
"Don't be shy about it. The amount of times I had to direct Changbin where to go was astounding" Jeongin laughed and began to direct Jisung where to go with him.

"You lived here long?" Jisung asked.
"Well I moved in here not too long ago maybe a few months at the same time as Changbin and Seungmin. Luckily Hyunjin and Changbin didn't come in at the same time or it would have been utter chaos" Jeongin said.
"They don't get along then" Jisung said.
"I wouldn't say that but it's like a love hate relationship. They are harsh on each other but if it came to it they would die for the other" Jeongin said as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
"What about Felix?" Jisung asked.
"Felix was 3rd. First was Chan and then Minho. From what I know Felix was basically adopted by Chan. Well he adopted us all really" Jeongin smiled.
"Aren't you all the same age?" Jisung asked.
"Basically yes give or take a few years but we say he adopted us because our lives weren't...the best shall I put it. Chan gave us a new chance to live" Jeongin didn't go any further into detail as they walked into the kitchen.

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