Stray kids

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Hours before the WARFARE fight

"No thanks I'll stay here" Hyunjin said looking at the plans set in front of him at the table.
"What do you mean no thanks, you don't have choice you ferret" Changbin said looking up at Hyunjin.
"Don't call me a ferret you short bodybuilder" Hyunjin shot back.

"Both of you cut it out" Chan said from the other end of the table.
"Well then tell him he doesn't have a choice" Changbin said pointing at Hyunjin.
"Hyunjin your coming. This plan doesn't work if someone is missing" Chan said.
"Ha" Changbin smiled triumphantly at Hyunjin who just rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure this is the best way Chan?" Jeongin asked moving some of the papers closer to him.
"We exhausted all options this is the best one to sneak in" Chan said nodding.
"Well I thought my idea would be best. I mean yours includes taking down guards but mine is hidden in plain sight" Felix piped up taking a sip of Seungmins Americano and made a sour face.

"I agree i thought the idea was great" Minho agreed with Felix.
"Well I didn't. The wig got in my face all the time" Jeongin said.
"Don't be a party pooper" Felix said.
"No" Chan said.
"But..." Felix began.
"Felix. As much I would love to see you, Jeongin, Minho and Hyunjin dress up as women and us be your dates to the event, we are sneaking into an illegal fighting ring and I think they would realise you were all actually men" Seungmin said smirking remembering when Felix made everyone dress up.
"If I didn't know any better I thought Jeongin looked like a very beautiful woman" Changbin said.
Jeongin made a face at Changbin who just winked at him.

"This is the idea we are using and that's final" Chan said making sure everyone was listening.
"Fine" Felix gave Chan a slight side eye.
"So as I've said THREE TIMES already" Chan said emphasising the three before being interrupted.
"Wait I've been listening, it is them who aren't" Hyunjin said pointed opposite him.
"Don't you go blaming me" Seungmin stared at Hyunjin.
"I'm blaming you because you left halfway through the meeting" Hyunjin recalled.
"I was thirsty" Seungmin defended.
"You could have waited" Hyunjin said back.
"Well I wanted a drink too so Seungmin also got me one. If he's at fault I am too" Felix said and Hyunjin went quiet.
"What nothing to say to Felix" Seungmin added more fuel to the fire.
"Never mind" Hyunjin said.
"What was that?" Seungmin held his ear closed.
"NEVERMIND" Hyunjin threw a pencil at Seungmin who dodged.

OI. You lot listen" Chan slammed his hand on the table and everyone went silent. "Thank you now I'm going over it one more time. If you don't listen I will not repeat myself and whoever doesn't listen will be cooking for everyone this evening" Chan said.
"Well Seungmin you better get ready to cook us a menu fit for the gods" Hyunjin said.
"A Gods menu" Jeongin said.

"So here is where we begin" Chan completely ignored them "Changbin, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin you will all enter through this back entrance to where the prisoners are held. You are tasked with getting them out. Me, Minho and Felix will sneak to the main floor and watch for any movements. Most people there are spenders so if anything goes wrong they will run not fight so we only need to worry about guards. If we see you four have been compromised we will cause a scene to split the guards so you won't be overwhelmed".

"Well this sounds fun" Minho clapped his hands.
"Minho if we can get everyone out without being compromised you won't be doing anything" Changbin said.
"That's why I hope you get caught" Minho put on an evil grin.
"Oh how nice you are" Jeongin sighed and Minho just smiled brightly at him.

"Can I have something to eat before we go I have left over fried chicken and just made some brownies. They are still warm I left them on the side" Felix raised his hand.
"You don't need to raise your hand Felix" Chan smiled.
"Ouu I want brownies" Hyunjin said jumping about.
"Me too" Changbin said.
"Is everyone so focused on brownies they don't see Felix committing cannibalism" Jeongin asked.
"Yongbokbokbokbok" Minho flapped his arms like a chicken.
Felix elbowed him the ribs and Minho let out a chuckle before he left to go cut up the brownies.
"This place is more chaotic than chaos itself" Chan sighed before leaving to also nab one of Felix's brownies.

"Am I still not allowed to stay at home?" Hyunjin said as the gang pulled up to the venue.
"NO" they all yelled at once.
"Jeez it was just a question" Hyunjin said.

"Minho, Felix out the car we go in here. Jeongin you know where you need to drive to?" Chan asked.
"Yep" Jeongin gave a thumbs up.
"Why is he driving again I'm surprised we didn't get caught for having a child driving?" Minho said opening the car door.
"Better a child than a maniac" Jeongin said as Minho stepped out the car and walked round and opened the door for Felix who still hadn't taken his seatbelt off.
"Felix what are you doing?" Changbin asked turning around to see Felix holding his fist to his head spinning his head in a circle.
"Nothing just what Jeongin said reminds me of a dance I don't know where I learnt it though" Felix took his seatbelt off and stepped out the car.

"See you when it's over" Hyunjin gave a two finger salute.
Jeongin restarted the car and put it into gear. Just as he was leaving Seungmin yelled out the car to Chan.
"Wait Chan did you remember your elderly pass you might get in cheap?" Seungmin yelled as the car pulled off.
"SEUNGMIN" Chan yelled balling his fist at the car as it turned the corner and out of sight.
"Halfway to fifty two" Minho coughed into his hand.
"Careful Minho I'll throw you into the fight ring myself" Chan said and the three went into the building with Felix laughing quietly behind.

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