Stop them or save them

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Jisung ran and ran. He didn't know the location well so he had his phone held up following the directions on google maps. His breathing quickened as he struggled to keep running. His stamina giving up on him he wouldn't make it on time. It would be over before he had even begun.
"I beg guys. Please be cautious" Jisung turned into an alleyway and disappeared into the darkened area as the sun slowly began to set above him.

"This doesn't seem normal" Jeongin said as the gang walked through some darkened streets.
"If it did seem normal I would be worried for your mental well-being" Hyunjin said basically clinging onto Changbin.
"You know what I mean. There's normally more people or at least some sort of guards" Jeongin said walking slower than before.
"Well the information said it was only a small transaction so should only have 6 to 7 people around anyway" Chan said as the turned a corner but stopped and moved back around pushing the others closer to the wall.
"What's happening?" Seungmin asked.
"The transaction looks like it's going down" Chan said.

A few of the gang popped their head around the corner and saw 4 men stood around. 2 pairs opposite each other and what looked like one person on the ground with a hood over their head.
"Low security much" Changbin said.
"Don't you think it's too simple" Minho asked looking around.
"What do you mean?" Seungmin asked carefully eyeing all surroundings.
"Well last time was chaotic. But this looks easy. A bit too easy" Minho didn't trust.
"Nothing wrong with it being easy once in a while" Felix said.

"We will make our move when they do the payment. You four go round the other side and we will catch them so they cannot run away" Chan said and the four at the back disappeared to get ready for the pounce.

"It still feels too easy" Minho said as they got as close as possible to the men.
"If you keep saying that you will jinx it" Changbin said ducking.
"Yeah so shut up" Seungmin said pushing Changbins head down to have a look while Changbin tried to swat him away.
"All of you shush it's happening" Chan said.

They all watched as the person on the floor was moved to the side while payment was being made. Chan looked to see the others members on the other side watching him and waiting for his signal. He raised his hand slightly with his palm open ready and when he thought the timings were good he closed his hand and everyone emerged forwards towards the men.

They moved swiftly and grabbed the men and disarmed them and took the person with the hood a safe distance away.
Chan stayed with the hooded figure while the others made sure the men wouldn't attempt anything.

"Are you okay are you hurt?" Chan asked the figure.
They just nodded in response.
"What's your name?" Chan asked.
"Naive" they said.
"What was that?" Chan asked leaning closer.
"Your too naive" the figure looked up and Chan saw the man's stone cold eyes looking at him.
The man rushed forward and drew a knife hidden in his hand. Just in time Chan moved backwards but not before the blade cut through his clothes and into his flesh.

"Shit" Chan swore.
Everyone looked at Chan alarmed. He never swore.

"Chan what's wrong?" Minho stepped forward.
Chan grabbed the man and swung his arm round forcing him to drop the knife and pushed him forcefully onto the ground knocking him out.
"Everyone band together now it's a trap" Chan said alarmed and rushed forward and the disarmed men stood up and all swung their legs out.
The gang dropped back and came into a group together as the opposition untied each others hands quickly. They had been trained.

"Chan are you okay?" Felix looked at Chans wound.
"It's just superficial. Didn't hit anything too important" Chan brushed it off.

"We have a problem" Jeongin said.
"We are surrounded" Seungmin looked around as more men came out from the shadows.
"How did we not notice them when we came in?" Hyunjin asked.
"They must know how we work. They must have hid in our blind spots" Changbin stood backwards clashing his back with Hyunjin.

"Everyone stick together. Do not stray we don't have the advantage here" Chan said as they all made a circle facing out.

"My instinct was right. It was way too easy" Minho said.
"Let's have this conversation later. We are not in the position for you to give us the I told you so speech" Seungmin said raising his fists.
"Okay later but..." Minho said.
"Don't say it" Felix said.
"I told you so" Minho said.
"URGH" almost everyone rolled their eyes while Minho chuckled.
"Let hope this goes well" Hyunjin said as the men charged.

Chaos unfolded as the gang tried to fight off all these men. Luckily there didn't seem to be any guns at that moment in time. Being not too far from a public area the guns would give them away too early.
The gang were struggling with each member fighting more than 1 at once.
Being in the circle it kept them protected from back attacks. It seemed to be going well until Jeongin was dragged forward.

He was flung forward and kicked in the back sending him the other direction. Now he was surrounded all alone with no backup. He couldn't keep up and was being pounded by all sides. Pain erupted from his wrist as it cracked in the wrong direction. He fell to the floor in pain.
He watched a man twist a knife in his hand and grinned as he brought it down to Jeongin. He flinched holding his injured arm up ready but saw the man body slammed to the side.
Chan stood heavily breathing clutching his side. He reached his hand out and pulled Jeongin up.
"Stay with me" Chan said as they both stood moving around avoiding more fists.

Hyunjin and Changbin ended up back to back fighting the men. They worked well together alternating punches and managed to get down a good few men.
"I'm tired" Hyunjin said dodging a punch.
"You can quit if you fancy. You will just die" Changbin said punching a man's teeth out.
"Lovely" Hyunjin swung round Changbin and kicked a man away from his side.

Felix, Minho and Seungmin managed to stay in the circle which now transformed into a triangle and we're able to create a strong defence.
Bodies were littered everywhere and they managed to defeat all those they saw.
Everyone congregated together.
"Is everyone okay?" Felix asked.
"No look at Jeongin and Chan we need to get them out of here" Seungmin said.
Seungmin and Hyunjin held onto Chan who was getting weaker. Jeongin was able to walk but was incapable of fighting with his wrist.

"Thank god it's over. I couldn't fight anymore" Changbin said breathing heavily.
"Don't jinx it" Felix said.
"Too late" Minho looked at their exit to see three more men walking their way but they were different. One had a long knife and one was holding a long splintered bat with dry red stains all down it. But worst of all was the one in the middle holding a gun.

"Is there any other way out?" Felix looked around desperately.
"We don't have the strength to fight three more" Hyunjin looked defeated.

"I want everyone to run to the right when I say go" Chan said.
"Chan you can barely walk" Minho said.
"Exactly. I'm dead weight you need to go" Chan said.
"We are not leaving you. Nobody left behind remember" Hyunjin said.
"I'm the leader. What I say goes" Chan said.
"But." Felix said.
"No. I make the final call" Chan said and got the two boys to let go of him "you all need to go the second I say".

Chan watched the three men get closer as one began to lift up the gun towards them. As Chan was focused he saw another figure suddenly run to the end of the alley. They looked straight ahead and ran forwards.

"Not another one" Changbin said seeing the new figure.

"I'm counting down from 3. When I get to zero you all run" Chan said as everyone began closing in.

He heard the gun click in his ears.

Chan took a deep breath

A gunshot echoed through the street.

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