The truth always comes out

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The bullet flew past Chan and barely missed him crashing into the wall behind him. The gang stopped running and looked at the three men who were fighting someone else in the dim light.

Jisung pulled the man's arm away as he shot the gun luckily missing Chan. He kicked the man behind him in the chest as he tried fighting the man for the gun.
He had trained with the same people he was fighting so he knew their tactics and how they operate.
He skilfully dodged every attack at him while ignoring the pain from his previous injuries.
His palm still cut through, began to hurt as he clutched onto the gun.

As the man ran at him he used the momentum of the fight with the gun to move his body round and swing himself round cracking the man in the head with his feet.
The man holding the gun was not letting go and they both sprawled around until Jisung pushed forward and knocked them over. Landing on the floor the boys rolled around keeping the guns barrel out of their faces.
The man shot the gun again hitting the floor as they rolled out the darkened alleyway finally showing both of their faces.

"JISUNG" the members all yelled at once seeing the brown haired boy.
"You!" The man gasped in surprise and in that moment of confusion Jisung pushed the gun downwards hitting the man's arms. He loosened his grip on the gun and Jisung rolled away and held the gun properly in his hands.
He got on one knee and held it steadily at the man's face as they both slowly stood up.

Jisung was still a few meters from the gang and turned his head sideways quickly to have look at them. Beside Jeongin holding his wrist and Chan being held up by two of the gang members who had rushed back to him everyone seemed okay.

"What are you doing" the man said more angry than questioning.
"I won't let you hurt them" Jisung said staring the man down.
"Are you crazy? Your supposed to kill them not protect them. Why the hell are you betraying us" the man said.
"They have given me more love in the past week than you guys have in the past decade" Jisung said.
"Wooooow so that's your reasoning. You know the consequences of betraying us" the man said wiping blood off him.
"I know but I don't care" Jisung said gulping.
"You think they will accept you" the man laughed "after they find out who you are".
Jisung gripped tighter to the gun.
"They won't accept you. You are a double agent my friend. It always ends in death. Buts that's your speciality isn't it Angelic Demon" the man laughed manically.
"Leave. Before I put a bullet in your skull" Jisung said stopping his hand from trying to shake.
The man scoffed as he turned to leave, leaving his men sprawled all around the alley not giving a care in the world.

He turned around one last time before disappearing into the darkness.
"We will hunt you down. Come to us willingly and your death will be less painful".
The man left leaving Jisung back with the gang.

Jisung turned to face them.
Felix went to run up to him but Changbin held him back stopping him from running to Jisung.

"Hey let me go" Felix said trying to squirm out of his grip.
"No" Changbin said and Felix looked at everyone to see their stoic faces.
"Aren't you guys happy. Jisung just saved our lives, he could have died" Felix said confused.
"Felix didn't you hear what was just said" Hyunjin said.
Felix looked at Jisung who just held his head low.

"We will talk about this later. First we are going back to the house. ALL of us" Chan said grimacing.
"But Chan" Hyunjin said.
"Later" Chan said, showing it was non negotiable.
Hyunjin kept his mouth shut and they all began to walk out the alley.

Jisung stood to the side letting them through before following behind.
Minho slowed down until he was next to Jisung.
"Your not hurt are you" Minho asked.
"Few bruises and opened up a couple old wounds. Nothing life threatening" Jisung said walked without looking at Minho.
"Will you look at me" Minho said but Jisung continued to look straight ahead.

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