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Jisung knew his chances of winning were not good. The pain from his previous torture was weighing bad on him and he would not be able to move fast to the weapons. By the time he got there others will have already snatched them. His only chance was to let them go at each other and have to fight the person who was left. It was a coward move but it was the only move he had left.

He could feel beads of sweat down his forehead as the shouts and ringing toned out of his ears leaving him in a slow motion of silence. His breathing heavy, he could barely hear the man yelling a countdown as the other prisoners got ready to run. Suddenly his slow motion view sped up as a loud ring rattled through the arena and everyone ran at once.
Jisung didn't move, his legs were already shaking and nothing had begun yet. He watched someone grab what looked like a bloodied rusted long sword.
"Wtf is that?" Jisung said to himself as the prisoner
instantly turned and sliced in the air catching another prisoner by the neck giving it a good inch deep cut.

Blood blasted out his wound sending the man backwards clutching his neck. His hand couldn't stop the blood gushing down his front and onto the straw beneath. He took a step forward with his hand out to grab the man but his legs collapsed on him falling down as his eyes rolled back and fell to the floor a metre or so from Jisung's feet.
Now Jisung got a good look at him and noticed this was actually a boy who could have been no more than 15. Look at what this place had now done for him.

Jisung was too busy looking at the dead boy by his feet he didn't see someone charging to him. He noticed last second and ducked just as the weapon passed his head slicing off a few stray hairs. He looked back up to see a woman swinging a heavy mace at his head. Luckily being a heavy object she was slow to swing it so Jisung managed to dodge out of the way and kick her in the side. She faltered backwards and dropped the weapon but this didn't stop her as she charged at Jisung.
The wind got knocked out of him as the woman rammed into him and knocked him to the floor. On top of him the woman grabbed Jisung's neck with both her hands and began to choke him. Jisung rose his hands up and tried to pry them away from him but was unable to do so as he could quickly feeling himself get weaker and weaker.

He opened his mouth to get a breath but nothing would come to him. With one hand he continued to try and pry her hands off and the other felt around in the straw hoping for something even if it was just a rock.
For a split second he felt something touch his finger tips and grabbed it. He didn't know what it was but anything would do. He swiftly rushed he object towards the woman and stabbed her in the shoulder with it. In pain she let go and Jisung pushed her off catching his breath.
He looked at the bloodied object in in hand. A rusty screw. Jisung grimaced how if he didn't pick this up he could have stepped on it. With no shoes in the arena that would have gone straight through his foot.

The woman stood back up and Jisung followed suit. When he stood up he realised how weak he now was feeling. Even with his breath back he could barely stand watching his vision focus in and out without control of it. He didn't have the energy to rush to get the mace the woman was once again picking up. He looked around nothing else on the ground him for him to use. Only a rusty screw which was no comparison to her large weapon and he wasn't agile enough at the moment to dodge and get her with a little screw.

He raised his fists in his last hope as the woman admired the weapon before locking Jisung in her eyesights. She swung the weapon behind her and Jisung waited for her to charge but she didn't.
The weapon fell from her hands clanging on the floor as her arms fell to her side and she looked emotionlessly at him.
Her mouth opened as if she was going to say something when her neck rolled forward and her head fell right off her shoulders onto the floor. It rolled forward and stopped with her glass eyes looking right at Jisung as blood gushed out slowly filtering its way to him.

Jisung covered his mouth in disgust and looked at her body which crumbled to the floor leaving a figure stood behind her. The man with the long sword was back. Dead bodies littered behind him, with a nasty gash to his forehead he stood perfectly composed at Jisung.
"Just knock me out?" Jisung asked the man hopefully who just raised his weapon.
"That's a no then" Jisung spoke him himself.

He sighed once before he leaned backwards immediately as the sword came close to his face barely missing him. He swung himself round to run to the right as the blade caught the tip of his ear. He ran to the other side of the arena looking back to see the man just walking towards him.
"Fuck this" Jisung grimaced as he clutched his stomach faltering into the cage walls keeping him upright.

He could hear people right behind him yelling and their hands as they pushed him forward back into the fight.
"How am I supposed to win this huh" Jisung slapped himself in the face to keep himself focused as he ran again. Not away this time but straight towards the man bending down to avoid the sword and crashed himself into the man's torso.
Unfortunately he wasn't strong enough to knock the man off his feet and the man retaliated by punching Jisung in the head sending him splatting onto the floor.

He man swung the sword down landing right by Jisung's face where his barely healed cut on his cheek already was.
Jisung tried to grab the weapon but failed and the man knelt down and put the sword sideways to cut Jisung's head off. Jisung caught the blade with his hands stopping it from getting his neck but felt the swearing pain as the blade dug into the flesh on his hands.

Jisung screamed in pain as the blade got closer and closer until Jisung could see his breath on the blade. Jisung looked at his reflection in the small silver parts left on the blade.
"What a way to go out" he said his voice barely audible.

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