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Jisung sat up covered in sweat. He looked at himself, his hairs stood up in fear. He looked around to realise he was still in his own room. He relaxed slightly but realised he wasn't breathing. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath before coughing from the lack of oxygen.
He rubbed his hand through his hair and closed his eyes continuing to take deep breaths.
"Not again" he said to himself.
This nightmare was not a one time thing. It happened too often for Jisung to like. He never knew when it would creep up on him. Sometimes he slept fine and sometimes his past came back to get him. He tried anxiety meds, sleeping pills and other doctor concoctions but none of them seemed to help him.
It was like his past never wanted to set him free and wanted to keep him trapped within the blue door.

He sat up and looked at his watch on the bedside table.
What a terrible time to wake up.

Jisung sat up and grabbed a book on the side of his window-still and finally closed his curtains which were still wide open. He began reading and enjoy himself in the storyline of the book. He felt if anyone walked in they would think he was very odd. After all he was dressed in all black reading a pink book with Disney princesses on the front.
"If Cinderellas shoe fit perfectly how'd the thing fall off" Jisung grumbled to himself at the girl running away into a carriage with one shoe.
He read for a couple more hours before he decided to try and get more sleep. He didn't know when he had to get up and prep for his next mission but they usually didn't need him until the afternoon.
He sighed staring at the pitch black ceiling hoping his dreams were just as dull.

Jisung stirred as his covers were dragged off his body. He shuddered from the cold but kept his eyes firmly shut. Even when he felt someone poking him he didn't move. He was comfy.
Jisung opened one eye to look at the figure in front of him. A random man he had never seen stood towering over him.
"Later. Go away" Jisung dragged his covers back over him and over his head.
"Not later. NOW. Boss wants to prepped for the mission starting tonight" the man said.
Jisung groaned and took the covers of his head and looked at his watch.
"Bit early isn't it" Jisung complained.
"You have lots of prep work" the man smiled for the first time his middle rotten tooth poking out his mouth.
"Yay" Jisung smiled back the sarcasm clear in his tone. He sat up and the man watched him carefully.

"As much as I love someone watching me get changed I don't. Please get the fuck out my room and wait outside. Thank you" Jisung smiled sweetly at the man.
The man didn't say anything and turned and left the room slamming the door.
"Touchy" Jisung said to himself grabbing a new set of clothes.

It wasn't long before Jisung was being taken down the hallways once more. He knew most of the place inside and out except for the basement and third floor and that was for 'the important jackasses'.

He was led down to the basement and into an almost empty room with a few ropes hanging from the ceiling and two metal chairs to the side.
"Ah Jisung, finally here I see" the bosses assistant stood next to the boss.
Jisung rolled his eyes.
"It's 8:45 in the morning now. Don't expect me to be all jolly" Jisung said.
The assistant and Jisung stared at each other not letting the other win until the boss clapped his hands.

"Well Jisung. Officially your mission starts at 6:30 this evening. You will be placed into a fight ring with other prisoners and slaves where you will fight until knockout or death. This is a very illegal event that gains tremendous money to those big gangs. From intelligence I have received the Stray Kids gang will be in attendance but not as players. Three of my men died to get this information telling me they are sneaking in to stop the event" the Boss gave him an overview.
"How does that get me into the gang?" Jisung asked.

"As a prisoner you are expected not to be affiliated with any of the gangs. It is proven that the Stray Kids gang have soft hearts. They help the prisoners get new lives and escape so you will be in close contact with them. Not much is known beside that so it's up to you to stay close to them and make them trust you" the man finished.
"I see that's pretty simple but why am I here at 8:45 in the freaking morning" Jisung said.
"Watch your mouth" the assistant hissed.
The Boss raised his hand to stop the assistant.

"Well now Jisung if you went in there in good condition with a bit of mud and dirt on you that wouldn't make things very believable would they?" The man asked a rhetorical question.
Jisung took a step back not liking how the conversation was going.
"We are going to put you in perfect prisoner condition. That means old and new wounds all made at different times. See where I'm going" the Boss smiled.
"No thanks" Jisung said.
"It's not a choice" the assistant raised his voice.
"Are you saying you won't take on the mission?" The man said softly.
The room went silent for a few moments.
I saved you life all those years ago and this is how you want to repay me?" The boss said smirking.
"That's not fair. That's blackmail" Jisung whispered.
"Would you have preferred I left you back there all those years ago? I saved you. You are indebted to me. You can never leave" The man said and Jisung physically looked distressed and shuddered closing his eyes.

"I'll do it" Jisung opened his eyes again staring at the floor.
"Perfect that's my Angelic Demon. Now then let's get you prepped" the Boss nodded to the guards as he stepped away to go out the room.
"Yeah don't want blood on your fancy suit" Jisung said rolling his eyes as his arms were held above him and tied to the ropes on the ceiling.

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