Wednesday, October 31st

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3:45 pm 

Dear Diary, the day has come!! Happy Halloween! I am sitting on the bus after school but as I said before, middle school Halloween is a lot different than elementary school Halloween. We didn't really do anything for Halloween and nobody was really wearing costume to school so I just wore a shirt that says Hey Boo. Mara dressed up as princess peach which was oh so cute blah blah blah and everyone is fawning over how cute she is as the perfect youngest child and the baby of the family (nothing new) so mom and dad are taking her trick or treating, Rose is going to a party at her boyfriend's fancy country club and I am going to my party at Layla's house at 6:00! I kinda wish Halloween didn't land on a Wednesday night or that the party could have been on the weekend because it has to end at 10:00 and I have to have all my homework done as normal! One thing that I do miss about elementary school is that the teachers didn't give us homework on Halloween night! Anyways, I got to go get ready and do some homework so I will be back after the party! 

10:30 pm 

Dear Diary, okay... remind me never to be friends with Layla again! Long story, so I get to the party and it looks like a pretty typical middle school party. 

Don't judge my drawing skills I'm not trying to win an art contest

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Don't judge my drawing skills I'm not trying to win an art contest.... anyways so I get to the party with Henry and he's wearing a scary voodoo doll costume and I look around and everyone else is mostly dressed as cats, mouses, Henry and I are really the only ones wearing scary costumes and then I see Layla and she is wearing a black dress that is short enough to get her kicked out of school and animal ears... if she counts that a costume and she says hi to me so enthusiastically that it almost sounds fishy.... but anyways it started off fun, I did a little dancing with Henry and this time he didn't ditch me to break dance, we took some photos in the photo booth, had some punch, played never have I ever and then it got kinda weird when a kid from our school knocked on the door and said trick or treat and Layla started laughing at him and making fun of him which I thought was kind of harsh.... he just wants candy. Anyways, so it was fun until Layla said we are going to play pin the tail on the donkey which I thought was strange because Layla doesn't usually go for the kiddie things but I just went with it and she told me to go first so I put a blindfold on.... she spun me around but then I started feeling lips so I thought maybe Henry was kissing me and I said "Oh hi Henry" and then everyone started laughing and I took my blindfold off and guess what.... it wasn't Henry.... it was Layla's...... pet........ ferret. 

And then everyone started laughing at me!! I was mortified!! I asked Layla why she did it and she said, "Oh we aren't laughing at you

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And then everyone started laughing at me!! I was mortified!! I asked Layla why she did it and she said, "Oh we aren't laughing at you... we're laughing with you!" So then I started to question my friendship with Layla even more and then matters got even worse when we all decided to put our swimsuits on and get in Layla's hot tub and then guess what...... my entire skin turned blue.... BLUE!!!!!!!! Nobody else that was in the hot tub had blue skin.... but I did! And then guess what? I remembered that I was recommended to put on this special lotion that makes your skin extra smooth by..... Layla...... and then I knew that it has been her manipulating me this whole time! First she told me to dress super fancy for the mixer, then she made me kiss a freaking ferret, then she turned my skin blue! So I tried standing up for her and saying that I know what she is doing and that it has to be because I am dating Henry! She said she doesn't but I know she does! And at that time I didn't want to spend ANY more time at Layla's because what was she going to do next? I don't even want to know. So I exited the house and Henry came with me and then we started walking around the street around the last 20 ish minutes where we would've been at the party. I told him everything about how I know Layla is manipulating me and I asked him if he was in on any of this and he said, "God no!! I would never be in on any of this, Gabby! I like you.... in fact....I love you...." And I said, "Y-you love me?" He said, "Yes..... I know we are only in seventh grade but I think I love you..... and honestly... I don't care about Layla anymore. She is my ex girlfriend but I mean does sixth grade really count in the first place? Heck we weren't even allowed to go to the movies if our parents weren't there! Screw Layla... she is manipulative.... she is like one of those mean girls in..... Mean Girls? You are the one that I really care about." And then we kissed and then it was time to go. So at least Henry still likes me but I can't believe everything that happened with Layla! And it might not even be over!! I really need to watch my back! And now that I have kissed a ferret and a bunch of cool people saw it I'm not necessarily the most popular girl in school anymore. I am still on the cheer team but there are actually only 2 more football games and then cheer/football season is over. So cheerleading and being "friends" with Layla held me over for popularity for the first couple months of seventh grade but what am I going to do now that Layla's true self has been exposed and cheer is almost over? When I got home from the party mom asked how it was and I didn't feel like telling her the whole story so I just said it was fine and then she said "By the way, Raven called. She wanted to see if you wanted to go trick or treating." Raven...........................

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