Friday, January 15th

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3:15 pm 

Dear Diary, so Raven and I just had a meeting with the counselor and told her everything that has gone down with Layla and she barely said anything! She said Layla is very talented and that she probably was just mistaken when she gave me that drink but she told us to let her know if the situation gets worse so that wasn't much help! But the good news is I have learned some tricks- if she EVER offers me a drink or anything for that matter in the future I am not going to take it. Another thing I have noticed about the school is that any staff member- the counselors, the teachers, the principals always seem to favor the more popular people over the less popular people. Why do you think all the popular girls get away with wearing crop tops but the unpopular girls don't? But anyways, I guess we will "let her know if it gets worse." 

8:15 pm 

Dear Diary, so musical practice went a lot better today and I actually had a lot of fun doing the number "Summer Nights." It is filled with upbeat dancing and singing and it is actually really fun to do! Raven seems a little upset that she doesn't get to do that number but I keep trying to tell her that she still has a really cool part but secretly I am glad that I got a bigger part shhhh. There's actually this nice guy named Joseph that plays one of the T-birds that actually talked to me today and he said he wants to get to know me more so I gave him my phone number and vice versa. I am not talking about like dating because after what happened with Henry I don't particularly want to date again and still think I am a little young for that so it is more as just friends. He actually asked me if I want to hang out sometime at this country club called Becker Club that all the "cool kids" hang out at.... or at least I think. I've seen some photos on instagram of the popular people like Layla's group hanging out there and going ice skating on the weekends and what not. I asked him if Layla's going to be there and he said no so I said sure we can go. But then I remembered I am still grounded because of what happened over Winter break so my plan is to get ungrounded? My parents are still mad at me but maybe if I ace all my tests and clean the whole house then I will get ungrounded? That is what I have been trying to do but it hasn't quite worked yet cuz apparently losing a 6 year old on a cruise ship runs thicker than cleaning the toilet. But anyways, I had a better day than yesterday so wish me luck! 

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