Thursday, April 10th

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3:00 pm

Dear Diary, so opening night is May 1st and I think I FINALLY found a scheme on how to get Layla's role sabotaged! And I have tried a couple different things... I tried giving her a face mask that was supposed to make her face turn blue but she's so pretty that all it did was make her glow, I tried cutting her costume like in Mean Girls but then guess what happened... the next day... EVERYONE was wearing their costume cut because anything Layla does is automatically cool... but the one I have planned today is BOUND to work! So basically... I noticed from backstage that Layla is STILL using the tape recorder so I am going to sneak back there during rehearsal today, turn OFF her recording and then everyone will hear her real voice and while the directors say her voice is fine, I actually personally think her voice is a little pitchy and screechy... or at least... compared to the tape recorders voice.... so they are BOUND to see the difference when they see it right there!! I have got this in the bag!! 

7:45 pm 

Dear Diary, so Layla was singing like always and Raven was like trying to hide from me behind the stage! Not cool!! I don't know what I have to do to get that girl to be friends with me again... but anyways so Layla was singing and I snuck back to her recorder and tried turning it off but this is an electronic age! Not a tape recorder age! So I played around with the buttons and for some reason it cut to a random recording of a kids voice singing the pledge of allegiance and that turned out to be from when Layla was in third grade and she got SO MAD AT ME!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO MAD AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She started screaming at me and AHHHHHHH! I have never seen her that mad before!!!! And I couldn't take it anymore.... I JUST COULDN'T.... so I grabbed the microphone and said to the entire group, "THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE!!! SHE HAS BEEN LYING TO YOU!!! SHE HAS BEEN LIP SYNCING OFF OF A TAPE RECORDER INSTEAD OF SINGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And then Layla GRABBED THE MIC and said, "I MAY HAVE USED THE TAPE RECORDER FOR A LITTLE HELP BUT AT LEAST MY SINGING DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A CAT HAVING PROBLEMS GOING TO THE BATHROOM LIKE YOURS!!! IN FACT LET'S HAVE A SING OFF.... RIGHT HERE.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!" So we had a sing off and just like always.... Layla got more applause..... and the director pulled me into the office.... THE OFFICE!!! And told me that my behavior was inappropriate and I told him that I just had to do it! She was lying and I think she deserved to be exposed!!! But he said, "Remember we are still going to have her be Sandy.... and I think I am going to have to have you be suspended from musical practice for a couple days...." SUSPENDED???? SUSPENDED FROM MUSICAL PRACTICE??????? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT WAS A THING!!!!! SERIOUSLY.... SINCE WHEN IS THAT A THING???? LAYLA IS THE ONE THAT POUNCED AT ME IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE STAGE!!! I AM DONE WITH MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! I AM DONE!! I AM JUST GOING TO BE HOMESCHOOLED NEXT YEAR CUZ I HATE THIS CRAP! MY "BEST FRIEND" DOESN'T WANT TO BE MY BEST FRIEND ANYMORE..... I GET BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING EVEN WHEN TRYING TO BUST THE MEAN GIRL THAT'S BEEN MEAN SINCE DAY 1.... I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING TO MAKE HER LOSE HER ROLE LIKE SHE DESERVES AND SHE HASN'T..... I AM DONE!!!!! I AM GOING TO TELL THE COUNSELOR THAT SHE CAN WITHDRAW WHAT I AM ENROLLED IN NEXT YEAR BECAUSE I AM GOING TO BE HOMESCHOOLED NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!! 

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