Sunday, March 15th

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12:45 pm 

Dear Diary, So.... today hasn't quite gone as planned. I was anticipating that it was going to be just me and Hailey throughout the trip but I neglected to remember that nearly half the popular clan at our school comes here for spring break! So basically, we woke up around 8 am for breakfast and the hotel has a gorgeous breakfast bar so that part was good, and then we spent the morning at the beach which was good too but guess who we were scheduled to meet up with at the beach? A whole group of preps from our school and even better- guess who's grandparents have an estate in Seaside.... no one else but LAYLA! Yep.... Layla is here... I went all the way to Florida for Layla to be here.... just what I should've expected! Hailey and I were chilling on the beach when the big group of preps from our school came up to us and guess what Layla said, "Oh hi Gabby... did you get that swimsuit from your grandma's closet???" NOT COOL. It's a target swimsuit... I am sorry Layla that my swimsuit isn't a 900$ designer one like yours but I am not going to feel bad about my swimsuit because of your stupid comments! So I was really bummed when I found out Layla is here and of course she has to have the PERFECT body to top it all of.... UGH. Not to mention, the posts she put on instagram got  over 300 likes and dozens of comments about how "perfect" her body is!! And I turned to Hailey and pulled her aside discreetly by telling the group that we need to discuss what we are eating for lunch to tell her that I am not happy that Layla is here and guess what she said, "What are you talking about? Layla is my friend!" So isn't that perfect! Right now we are hanging on the beach but more than anything I really wish Raven was here so I could have a friend! I mean I came with a friend but now that friend is ignoring me! 

3:15 pm 

Dear Diary, so Hailey and I went to Layla's grandparents estate for a swim in their pool with "our" friends and guess what... I got ignored the entire time! I mean... of course Layla's grandparents have a nice pool... I will admit that. It has a water slide, a hot tub, a sauna.. but the issue is that I am the least "cool" person in the bunch! There are about 15 people and the boys were roughhousing and doing chicken fights, the girls were gossiping and I couldn't get a word in! Literally... every time I tried talking I got ignored and it was so frustrating! Even Hailey didn't talk to me much.... I tried asking her a couple times when we are going to leave and it be just me and her and she said, "Well... we came to Florida to be with our friends so I think we are going to stay with them. I mean, if you want.... you can go to the beach but I am going to stay here!" "OUR" friends? Yeah right... none of these are my friends it's just a big group that I have gotten tossed into... and it doesn't help that my worst enemy is here! 

9:00 pm

Dear Diary, I called my family and told them everything that is going down and my mom reminded me that they told me in advance that there was going to be a big group there so I should've known what I was in for... and Rose said I should still try to enjoy myself so I tried... and it didn't go very well! We went boating on Layla's boat and the same thing happened... I got ignored but the worst part was when we went paddle boarding and I got pushed off the paddle board and guess who pushed me off....... yep..... do I even need to say it? I am sorry but I am SO DONE with Layla! I have had it up to here with that girl... she has been manipulating me ever since I started middle school and I CANNOT take it anymore! First she told me to overdress for the mixer, then I kissed a ferret, then she stole my boyfriend, then she sabotaged me during musical practice and now she HAS to be here while I am in Florida and I am not going to take it anymore!! I am going to do something that I should have done A LONG time ago... stand up for myself!! STAND UP AGAINST LAYLA!!! 

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