Worst Nightmare

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I caught a few sentences people were saying from their hushed conversation. Most of them thought people had blown something up.

Oh boy were they wrong, if I was right.

I was mostly sure that was shells being fired from a Navy ships guns. I kinda knew what it sounded like because, I, being a total World War Two history lover, and liking history- so any documentaries on things like World War Two and other war stuff were up my ally- I didn't like it because of the Nazi's or anything, just the Historical value it has in our wolrd history.

Recently I had just finished watching a documentary  on this very war and had heard the naval artillery from shots of D-day.

Seeing and hearing the armies navy ships fire their guns was fascinating but also scary that people where right where those shells landed. It sounded almost too exactly like that.

Flic must of seen the woried expression on my face and I pale even more at the next boom because she stared at me and gripped my uper arm on my bucep and squeezing. She ended up getting my atention.

"What. Exactly, are you thinking?" She whispered quietly in my ear.

"Don't think I'm exaggerating but you know how I was talking to Lachlan about watching a docco about World War Two? And how I was telling Lachlan about how the Navy ships artillery fire would have been scary to been underneath- I mean, would have been an absolute onslaught- the other day?" I whispered to her.

She nodded wanting me to continue eventhough she was paleling too, "Well, I'm ninty percent sure that's how their guns sound when thry fire artillery shells.".

"Don't fuck with me." Her voice turned stern in its low whisper.

"Would I ever lie to you? Plus, apparently you can tell if I am? Nevermind, would I even joke about this shit right now!".

"Well....-No." Her vocie depan, realising I would never lie about something so serious.

"Well, they could be on smaller ships. That could fit up the Fitzroy!" my voice was barely even a whisper but still she heard me, a shiver ran up my spine as I heard the door buz and Sir appeared agian.

I turned around so quickly to see who it was, when I probbably should have known from the keyfob buzzing sound- but you can never be too sure- I almost knocked my desk over and my chair into the wall now behind me.

Ooohhh, why did we choose to sit on the opposite site of the classroom from the door and near the windows!

What were we going to do?

Sir, for sure knew what was going on, because even before we made eye contact he was paler than Casper the ghost.

We stared at eachother for a few seconds before he riskily made his way over to us on the other side of the room directly across from the door.

"Can't say much, no-one really knows what's actually happening but I'm afraid to admit, it's chaos out there. So far all we know is that there's a Navy boat in the Fitz and it's shooting at- SHIT!" Sir had been whispering to us until a round fired and exploaded right over us.

"Everyone, duck and try to protect yourselves!" a huge whistling sound sailed over us and a boom erupted in the distance-but not to far away.

"Bloody hell! Fucking Russians!" I cursed under my breath. Someone hissed something beside me and I snapped my head up.

"How did you know it was Russians!" Sir growled.

So, I'm in trouble.

"I like to watch documentaries on World War Two, no. NO, EUGH! That's weird! I ment I like the history sugnifigance it has and history! Anyways, saw another docco the other day, looked intriguing because it had Russian Navy in it and I only just finished it a couple days ago. That." I guestured to shell going over snd its boom, "Is what I remeber hearing when they fired!" I whispered back, their guns firing, still fresh in my mind.

He nodded and started to talk to the class as best as he could to get them to remain somewhat silent but also be heard above the bland music of Green Days 'Time of your life' song repeating endlessly.

That song was so damnably annoying when it was repeated over and over agian. Sirously I challenge you to sit underneath a desk crammed and listen to the song repeatedly repeat for like atleast ten times. It's torture.

What did the Russians want with us?

I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

I didn't get to answer that question as the speakers cuting out like the power had been turned off distracted me, yet, except for the loud booms it was deadly quiet. Sir motioned for us to stay still as the fire alarm hadn't gone off at this point.

Like it ever would if the power was out!

Sir had turned off the lights as well before he left which made it a bit harder to see insde the classroom from outside and to see outside with the sunlight glare.

With the sunlight glare it didn't light up the room as much as you'd think it would but it was apin to see outside through in the open windows. We were still hidden in the somewhat darkness.

Glass smashed down the hallway and everyone jolted. Some kids even yelped in fright.

Shouts rang out outisde, some a but muffled by the door and walls. Every one was now for sure on high alert.

And when the glass in the midle of the door smashed too, a hand reached for the handle- since you needed a key fob to open them from the outside with the keyfob handles- most of our remaining classmates in the midle area of the room retreated to the back underneath the long desk at the back.

Sir stood up and readied himself to take on whoever was opening the door.

"I can't belive this is hap]ening!" I muttered to myself more so than anyone or Flic.

But she heard me and swatted my arm before lacthing onto me.

Only Sir was to be met with a gun pointed at his chest.

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