Fireworks, American's And Aussie's

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Felicity's POV

I heard the farmilar boom of an artillery gun firing and saw Makayla gaining as she walked up the road towards the car filled with us stupid idiots that we all called friends. "Whoooo! That's gota be your, what? 500th? Gezz dude you need to save some for us! I'm done, exhausted, who wants a game of uno?" Ivy said loudly as she settled down into her chair at the collapsible table. "Haha, I thought you were deprived of energy Ivy? Or just running of the last of your adrenalin rush hey? Where are my cards? I'll give you a game! And that is my 500th one, I think I'm going to quit now and leave that job to the professionals!" Makayla laughed."Hah! I think with the margin you have no-one else in the allied armies is classed as a professional compared to you! Schooch over, I wanna reck my bestie, after all we haven't played in months!" I said patting her shoulder I had changed into more comfortable clothing and rejoined them at the table. Makayla started setting up the game and dishing out the cards.

Suddenly the table became crowded with young adults and Ace, eagerly happy with the plus two card she was adding to the pile. Ace grinned in victory as Lachlan beside Makayla had to pick up two cards evidently ruining his chance at being the first out. Makayla seemed to take a moment to look between her hand of cards and the growing pile, after a while she placed a plus two down in yellow and Ivy had a little bit of an exaggerated reaction. Though Makayla still had to get rid of atleast ten cards in her hand from everyone trying to stop the usual winner reaching one card, the deck was walkout dwindling to a couple cards because we kept trying to feed each other cards. "NO NO NO! AW COME ON!" Ivy complained as I laughed and watched her add two cards to her hand making her having to get rid of two extra cards before she'd be able to discard her last two.

"Je ne sais pas demander à l'idiot qui a insisté pour que nous le ramenions pour les crétins qui semblent tellement aimer cette chose dégoûtante. Tu ne m'as jamais dit pourquoi tu l'as eu au premier endroit de toute façon, pourquoi?" Sky said and I realy was astonished at how much French came out of her mouth right then and there. I could see Blondie thinking the same thing. "Sky! What the fuck did you just say! Remember, I don't speak French" I shouted from my chair as I threw another stick into the fire while I waiting for the pizza to cook. I saw Jetski sitting in her chair scooping up the last of her noodles while waiting for us to pack and do whatever else we needed to do before we headed out again to see if we could free the airport. "Jerk! Trying to get out of doing work, and just laze around more before we go. I'm sorry Blondie you may be my best friend and our leader but no-one can just slack off to finish all of their lunch" I thought as I heaved another box of fireworks into the back of the car and made sure nothing was going to happen to them.

"Hey Makayla, can you turn the radio off. It's become anoying and giving us anything but hope of hearing new information right now!" Aquila shouted from the tent porbbaly moving her clean clothes inside as she'd said she'll do soon before we left before. "Okay! But if we miss anything it's on you, you know that right?" I heard Blondie shout back and I saw Tiny Fishy nodded her understanding. The raido began to assault our ears with even more and louder static as if trying to get revenge before Makayla had any chance to turn it off, an anoying sound came through but something sounded farmilar. The static was followed by more louder static and then the sound became less louder. I moved to see Makayla's hand fly from the off button to the channel dial and she fidgeted around with it for a few seconds, buttons clicking. Words streamed out of the radio. Words! After hours of static! "........I don't know who or how these artillery gun positions are being taken out but I have no doubt in the slightest it wasn't the Russians themselves. Why would they distory their only powerful wepon against us, it's their last defence and their first attack against us so why render it useless? I suggest we send out a party and scope out the town for any potential tricks they could have planned, not too many personnel but enough to be able to withstand an ambush. Copy?......" one person said and I guessed it was a someone asking someone in a higher position for instructions.

"....Copy. Take square A and B, their settled in and ready for some action. Over!....." Who I guess was the higher up person spoke and after that once agian static enveloped the radio hurting our ears. In the time the message had started the rest of us had bolted and swarmed to the table within seconds. Now we were chatting excitedly with eachother. "CHANGE OF PLANS! WRRE GOIN' TO TOWN!" Makayla roared. Everyone but her jumped almost the height or above the table from Blondie's sudden out burst but everyone quickly recovered and rushed towards the cars leaving her still getting out of her seat. I could tell Makayla was not okay eventhough she looked like she was just being cautious while climbing the gate. She was freaking out, eventually she reached up and grabbed the handrail. I thought she would atleast need help with getting her feet up and over the railing even if she didn't need our help before let alone even climbing the thing, all we did was stabilise it and try to stop it from shaking when she stood up. Once she was up and over we all said our goodbyes for what we hoped would be for now and I ran off to the heritage listed hotel we just saw as another random building. Hey it might of been built in the 1800's but to us it's not realy that special when we don't get to near or in the building but the closest I think any of us have been is a drive by.

A flare shot up into the sky with a boom and its red blob, breaking the long silence I'm we had been waiting in. I saw them, although they were search for any potential tricks I dint hesitate to send up my flair. Another flare went off to the right and infrotn of me and them and all of the soilders crouched. Another flare being launched sent them all swivelling to my side agian. I waited for the last flare to go off before i set my fireworksoff and the others followed pursuit. I made sure they were secure than launched them, making s big boom before the unoffical Australian colours exploded in the sky. The sound almost burst my eardrumsas they exploded but it was still a pretty sight, each one only staying for about sixty seconds than disappearing. I counted to ten and once Makayla's The luanched i rushed out of my position over to hers, carful to avoid the still cautious and probably jumpy soilders who were still half in their crouched position's but they hadn't ran. Infact they seemed to be slowly making their way to Makayla's building slower than a snails pace. "Who are you and where did you come from?" One of the shoulders shouted from the front and Makayla jumped off the ledge that she had been on to raise the flag up and hefted up her hands to show she ment no harm." I could ask you the same thing, after all I don't really trust those uniforms and that accent" Makalya responded. She looked super super surprised when her voice came out as the most calm it has ever been but held togetherand quicklychanged her facialexplanation to one of the most stoic expressionsive seen her do.

"MAKAYLA ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED! You already look like a mondern day fucking apocalypse survivor! Fuckkng hell, dont you dare get killed! Ivy may be my girlfriend but you have helped me overcome so much any many things in life you wouldnt even know about!" My brain took off, floating back through memory lane as it started thinking of all the things that could go wrong. "Look kid, we're not Russian's if that's what your worried about. I assure you we are the American's you saw flying in this morning. You must have atleast seen or hard them" he responded clearly not impressed thst we weren't buying what he was saying. "Oh yea, those planes kept me awake since 4am! And I am not one who is a morning person" Ace mussed not so quietly as I had hopped, drawing some of their attention to us, and some of the soilders laughed. "Well atleast someone or something good happened from sending up those fireworks. How about we settle on something only both about eachother would know hmm?" Makayla proposed and the soilder who was talking to seemed to be actually thinking about it. "I guess I can settle on something like that. But how would we know your actually giving us the truth?" He asked after a couple minutes of pondering.

"Well I have you a massive hint to one before but I could also give you the answer to what seems to not only the allied armies biggest mystery but the Russians as well" Makayla responded, even surprising herself let alone the group with her bravery of teasing him. "GEZZ MATE! Sont tease him any further or hell kill you! And how the FUCK are you speaking so calmly, youd know id be shitting my pants over for the thousandth time and would rsther jump of the ledge" I screamed in my mind who was freakkng out even at the sight of strangers. "And what would be the biggest mystery for both armies? Wait, you mentioned fireworks- before-THAT WAS YOU SEVEN?" he shouted as realisation clicked in his brain from her earlier hint. "Glad you figured it out! And why the colours green and yellow you may ask? As well as the biggest mystery to human kind right n-OW!" Blondie was almost cut off when the boom of and artillery gun sounded and the all to farmilar sound of a round passing over our head. The American's were quick to get to their positions. "Who didn't see that one!" Makayla hissed as all seven of us huddled together.

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