Talk Of The Camp

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"I'm sorry, I don't believe that you just happened to run into eachother and happened to run off without being caught by an approaching group. I just....I...I can't, there's no possible way" Kyle sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I can show you what I wrote down after that ordeal and a few after, not to mention the tuns of footage on my Go Pro's from our adventures" I mussed. Kyle and a few others who we guessed were some important people from across all the Alied militaries. They'd all roamed into the room after Kyle had Marcus and his tram mates escort us to what we assumed was their meeting tent, it looked like a government meeting was going on right now. Whispers went around the table and I wished I could sit in a seat eventhough they didn't look comfortable they'd still be more comfortable than standing infront of these men and women like  kids presenting their speech. Kyle held up a hand for silence and I couldn't care if I looked like I had something wrong with me as I tried to give my feet a rest, not that still standing was going to help them we'd been standing at least for another hour. "If you can get those papers and the footage from the camera we will consider your story. That's only if you can bring the proof back" he didn't keep his voice low this time and addressed everyone in the room.

"But what if we can't because the Russians have found our ca-" I started when a hand clamped over my mouth stopping me from talking. I shoved the hand away and glared at Marcus who was giving me a look of warning. "Sir, I can take a team of a few to accompany them if you'd let us?" he asked resting his hands on the table which was filled with numerous documents. Kyle gave his approval with a nod and I stormed out of the tent with realy no intention to go anywhere but out of there. "Makayla! Where are you going?" Flic shouted after me as she jogged to catch up. "Anywhere but in there!" I shouted back, the words harsh as they left my mouth and I kicked a rock which had been stuck in the loose dirt. It bounced and flew up into a rim of a spare tyre which was mounted on the back of a vehicle. "Of course! Whenever I'm angry I always seem to Ace things on the first try!" I thought in my head as I kicked up another cloud of dust as I stomped over to the base of a huge gumtree and slid down the trunk. Marcus squatted beside me and whispered "I know your angry but their only just being cautious, I trust you. After all you did save my life". "Mine to" a soilder who had been with us ontop of the building spoke, they'd followed me out of the tent in my attempt to contain myself from raging at them. Another one said " And me". A couple other soilders whod been with us earlier repeated what their mates were saying. "Look the point is, we all trust you. And well if I do end up getting killed that's my falt. Either for some other reason or trusting the person that saved my life, and I believe that they would never mean to put me in harms way" Marcus whispered again patting my shoulder and wandered off with his team mates.

We milled around for a couple hours  around the camo while the sky started to turn from its usual blue into a hazy purplish orange and sunset, we more than occasionally got looks from soilders as we tried to find a place to rest alone and in quite. Eventually Marcus found us and herded us to the food area, we even got our own special table to ourselves but that changed quickly when Marcus and his crew spotted us. "Think you could get away that easy! Practically everyone's noticed you!" Marcus's best friend or his second in command Zephyr said loudly as he sat down next to Marcus who was sitting on my right. Felicity mumbled something and I saw Ivy grasp her hand which Flic took and squeezed it till both their hands were white. I didn't even have to look at Marcus's and Zephyr's confused faces to know they needed an explanation for what she said. "She said that's not helping with my anxiety. And trust me that bitch has some strong anxiety" I explained and saw their faces go blank out of the corner of my eye. Zephyr apologised to her and all Flic could manage was a nod.

"Well be back in an hour at the very least!" I yelled to Marcus who was talking with somw people from yesterday's meeting and hopped up into the lead truck. After dinner last night he'd led us to the most empty sleeping barracks and said goodnight. Earlier this morning after our early wake up call at breakfast Marcus was late and when he did show up he had those military vests in his hands. "These are australian army tactical vests and I've been told you are to wear them outside the camp otherwise you are never aloud to leave. They have the Australian flag patch on the front and back with civilian patches on the front and back as well" he had said chucking them onto the table. They were extra weight but I'd rather be shot wearing a bulletproof vest. "Lead the way" Marcus said as the small group of us headed out of the camp. I made them stop further away from camp and told them I wanted to go alone with my friends but nine of them were having it so Marcus tagged along through the bush and trees to the most boring camp-site ever. As we trekked closer the grass started to disappear into dirt and eventually the muddy riverbank. "Wow you guys camped here all this time! Why don't you pack up as much of your gear as possible and we'll stash the stuff we can't bring somewhere" he said as he lounged in a turquoise camping chair. "AY! Get out, that's my chair!" I shouted, he raised his arms like he didn't want to be shot and stood up. "And plus I already have the keys to a house around here" I explained.

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