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The light flashed on to reveal Ace holding a bottle of Bundaberg rum.

"Ace! No! As much as there is a war going on you are still under-age and I am not letting you drink! Your already a handful to deal with, now put it back!" I hissed at her and she slowly put the bottle back on the shelf. "Sorry I couldn't help myself, don't tell me you've never had the urge to under-age drink!" She whispered back.  "Maybe, maybe not. Now do I have to be airport security and do a frisk search and if I pat you down I won't find any alcohol?" I whispered back. Ace just grinned and shook her head not wanting to talk anymore. I am not going to talk about me and myself wanting to have and under-age drink. After all I was seventeen this year and I have only one more year to go before I can drink legally.

Sky turned the light off and we made our way slowly back towards the front. We stopped about halfway near the main isle were you could see the door and also escape really quickly. Sky loaded her gun and faced behind us incase they stuck up from behind. I faced the front and watched as the convoy came to a halt. "Okay everyone shhh! One tap means move, double tap means down and just wacking someone means get the fuck out!" I whispered and got grunts of agreement back. They soilders fanned out after jumping off the trucks, searching for someone until they came to the car, one soilder on each side slowly crept up to the doors of the truck and opened them to reveal nothing. I was getting mad that they were touching something that belonged to me, kind of. Surprisingly they shut the doors, didn't take anything and moved on, advancing towards us.

I double tapped Flic on the shoulder and she past the message on, the soilders turned on their lights and scaned the building from the front doors and windows. After what felt like an eternity but was only ten minutes they moved back to the convoy and it moved on. We stayed put for another couple minutes just to be sure they were gone. "Makayla please tell me you have the keys and they didn't take anything!" Sky said this time not in a whisper but in a low voice. "No. I have the keys right here and I left the car open so, like what just happened: I thought if I left the car unlocked the wouldn't have to smash the glass to get in and it wouldn't be much of a threat then, also all of the raided loot is in those tool boxes on the back. There to small for a human to hide in so they wouldn'tve checked them and especially if they were locked" I replied.

The coast was clear so we ran back to the car and continued on our way to Gracemere. "Welp, I guess that's it. We're not getting any further into Gracemere" Ivy said as we pulled up to a barricaded road. "Well what's left in Felicitys house that we need? If we can get in we take whatever we absolutely need and hide all of her valuables!" I was sure we could get in, just without the Car. "Okay, a team of three, one team stays with the car, hidden and the other, goes in. Now, I think someone should stay out here with a gun, Ace you drunk idiot"- Ace interrupted Ivy by saying "Hey! I am not drunk! Not as much as I want to be" I slapped her not hard across the head and she glared at me-" it's Flics house so of course she's coming but who else?" Ivy finished. "Makayla's definitely coming, she's been over more than any of you and we'll.... I think Ivy, you left some stuff there." Ivy gave her a questioning look but shrugged her shoulders. I recognised that tone in Flics voice, I raised my eyebrows at her agian and she gave me a death glare: Don't even. Yup, she liked Ivy.

There was nothing that we could take except for some camping lights. Flic hid the most important things that she couldn't bring and we meet back up with the others at the car. I was still grinning from ear to ear rembering the quick conversation me and Flic had had while we leashed our doggies. I had asked her "Oohh so what's with you and Ivy?". She replied "What did I say before! Don't even start!". And I ended the convo by repeating Ivy's name. " Ivy! Ivy! Hmm Ivy! Oohh your blushing! My besties got a crush! IVY!" She went bright red at the last one and I only stopped because I was about to get beat up. We wouldn't leave our dogs here, I said we could leave them at my aunties house down the beach and we can feed them during the night otherwise we would have them running around and possibly not coming back.

Taking as many cars as we could would've been the dumbest and smartest move we ever did. You could take one look at our four car convoy decked out in camping and fishing equipment you knew we weren't the Russians. Taking the lesser known and more hidden back route to the small coastal town I was 60% sure we were okay, we would be 100% okay once we reached my aunties place be nightfall. I was the lead car and we were keeping a steady pace at eighty kilometres an hour, my tires screeched to a halt and the rest of the convoy came to a full stop outside my auntie's house.

"Okay there's likely and extra amount of room to park one more car in the shed but the others are going to have to be hidden around there in the, you know what? I don't even know how that can be called a park! Nevermind me ranting on, it's going to be dark soon and we can stay in my auntie's house if I can find the keys. Oh also her house uses filtered water straight from the ocean somehow so I guess we can have showers now" I explained to them and while Sky and Aquila hid the cars Flic, Ace and me got the house ready for a seven person sleep over. Hopefully the Russians don't come in the middle of the night.

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