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Light flashed up ahead through the blury haze as I slid down the hill on the side of the road they make when building it and became one with the earth, literally.

I was covered in mud and grass as I layed hidden in the mush playing hidden as a dead body, hopping I wouldn't be seen as the trucks sped past splashing the water on the road off to the sides. And all over Ivy.

"Nice! And I thought I couldn't get any wetter! Aw for fucks sake!" She shouted over the downpour of rain the was starting to ease, she had been sarcastic until the last sentence because water had gotten through her raincoat and hoodie to her phone.

It was fine, luckily. It had been raining for three days now, when tropical Queensland gets rain we get rain. You know those buckets that fill up at water parks than dump it all on you? Well thats what our storms are like most of the time. We sometimes don't get rain for months so when a strom comes the could are black. Or it cam rain for atleast a week with stop-start rain and that was the worst because it can be just constant showers for hours or it can bucket down water for a while then stop.

This rain wasn't going anywhere soon. The clouds had lightend form their earlier dark black but the rain was still stop-start. We were in a gap were the rain had stopped. We're trying to reach Brisbane.....well the outskirts of Brisbane. We'd packed up the camp incase of the rain and someone finding it. We needed more supplies and all of the shops in town had been looted. And who knows...maybe able to contact the Australian army some bloody how?

Taking the teacher's car was a numerous decision; as if this stupid war didnt kill us our parents would for us destroying their cars and or either putting their cars in danger.

Heck, they'd they'd kill us for putting our lives on the line- only if mum could see me now.

Not being the: 'lazy ass, can't get a job, who just stays in room because she can't go out, useless daughter of hers' she makes out I am. Just another sick perk of parental verbal abuse. I'm almost seventeen and I can't go out, she won't let get a job eventhough she yells at me for not asking her to help with a resume, I'm not even aloud friends over unless she knows their parents for a year- it was three years before Felicity could sleep over.

We left the car at Gin Gin, halfway to Brissi Brisbane because they were patrolling this area better than their own supllies storage. The Russians were trying to make their way to Brisbane but had been held up halfway and here they could pick off any survivors that had escaped them wanting to get into the somewhat safe city.

"There's to many units here....or whatever you call them!.... Battalions? Going around them will cost another day we don't have." Lachlan whispered beside me from behind a tree.

Using the cap gun would only make them run in the direction of the shot.

And it would take away our last shot. What could we do?

"Stay here!" I hissed to the group as I scrambled getting up and stalked along the treeline waiting for my chance.

Two soilders left a tent and that's when I chose to put my stupid plan to work.

I ran over knocking their supports out of the ground leaving only one of the three left, hefting my sword I slashed through the rubbers of tires taller than me on trucks they had left unguarded. These things were as big as a monster truck tire. Slinking back into the trees as I sheathed my sword I ran as fast as I could while I could back to the group.

"What the fuck did you do!" Sky hissed as she came over to me when I returned.

Suddenly shouts and and loud noises could be heard.

"I'd take that as our cue to go and use that distraction Makayla created; lets not waste it- by risking our life!" Alex whispered and glared at me for the last part as she dusted herself off and shouldered her backpack.

Everyone was mostly over at my distraction but soon they'd be looking for new tires, I'd stabbed them in the back so no-one would know if it was sabotage. We got halfway through their camp before a higher ranked officer came running over to the chaos and we ducked behind another tent before booking it full tilt to the other side.

We had been sleeping in servo's along the roadside for the past three days as lighting a fire out here was impossible and when one appeared I was relieved. Eventhough it had working showers with warm water all we could do was shower and dry off our clothes ad much as we could with the steamy room.

A bridge appeared in the distance and I asked Felicity "Is that the toll bridge?"

Taking the map out of her hands in it's snap lock bag, "Yes it is, because the map says toll next to it. AND If you had waited I would've told you that!" She said as she scowled at me. I could onky grin like the Cheshire cat.

"Why are we calling it toll bridge if thats not its actual name?" Lachlan asked as he made a confused face.

"It's called the toll bridge because we forgot the name and because of the money it takes when you cross the bridge. See the digital speed signs above the bridge? That second one takes a toll when you cross for who knows what reason. And that, is why we call it toll bridge." Aquilla explained as I looked at the map figuring where to go after the bridge.

Mabey my mums friend was still here. Aka, my God parent.

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