First Mission

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Makayla's POV:

We decided that we would target all of the shops with supplies that could help them tonight at midnight.

Lachlan, Alex and I were going, as Lachlan knew more about military stuff than he did anything else, Alex was coming because she worked in Stocklands the biggest shopping centre in town and could get us inside. I had no real idea why I was going, mabey because I was good with keeping my nervousness under control and my ability to stay relatively calm in a dangerous position and I wasn't going to freak out.

Flic had volunteerd to sit this one out as her anxiety would act up, Ace was staying because well, she was never going to stay up that late and she was a child compared to us almost adults. Aquilla was staying behind to protect the camp and our friends because she knew she would for sure do something stupid and Sky was well almost ready asleep from her half-night sentry job.

A group of three trucks drove past as I hid laying underneath one of the support beams for the car park underneath the huge shopping centre. We where raiding this place first as it had majority of supplies for the Russians, slinging the gun over my shoulder I followed Lachlan creeping up to the automatic glass doors that were now closed shut forever until the power came back on. Unless, you used a crow bar to pry open the doors. "Holy fucking shit it's dark in here as all get out! Remember if we get anywhere near where they can see our lights turn them off and turn on your torch, use it to make your way across as its light should be enough for you to see but not bright enough for them" I whispered as we ran up the stopped esclators and pulled out our lights. "Let's just hope they don't have anything to see us with in the dark light a thermal imagining gun. Luckily were sticking to the walls" Lachlan vocie ld his thought outloud loud only to earn a slap on the head from Alex. "NOT. HELPPING!" She hissed and he shrugged only to raise his hands infront of his head for protection as she wound up for another go.

Weather or not they could've been able to see us in the dark the mission was a success, it was kinda scary to see a place like that in that state compared to what it used to be like and filled with memories. Now it just looked abandoned and like a zombie was going to pop out from a corner and say 'Hello' as it tried to maul you to death, I half expected to be frightened as someone jumped out from behind a wall. The sky was starting to brighten as we past the turn off for the well known road. 4am. I've stayed up too many times, pulling all-nighters to know when the sky started to get brighter as the sun spun around the earth towards us.

Driving with no lights is one thing, but with someone holding a loaded gun resting the barrel on your mirror ready to fire if needed was another. " Seen anything but deer and sheep?" I asked smirking at the response I was going to get. "What do you mean deer? I know there's cattle and sheep around here but deer? Since when dose Australia have deer Makayla!" Alex Aked me with raised eyebrows. "Since some idiot brang a couple here and let them lose in a paddock near the meat works and they breeded like wildfire ever since. I still to thos day haven't seen an alive one but I have seen some roadkill ons on the side of the road before this stupid war" I awnsered her question. Lachlan patted me on my left shoulder from behind me in the back-seat as an attempt to comfort me.

The sun had just fully risen when we arrived back at camp, hugs went all around as we hadn't been sure if the others were safe and now that we were reunited we felt the need to hug them to see if they were real. "You asshole! I'd does not take four hours to get back here!" Sky shouted at me before pulling me into a Koala bear hug. "Apparently it does take four hours when you have to hide from numerous Russian convoy's. But that won't stop me from coming back to you. No! Nooooo! Us! Us from coming back to you guys!" I thought as we embraced. " Hah good luck Russians, they'd be finding shit now with the amount of stuff you guys got. We're the fuck did you that bean bags?" Flic asked as she looked at our haul from the back of the truck standing on the towbar. "Fill 'em yourselves, oh and don't spill any while me and Mak are gone collecting the pots!" Sky said as she banged Flic over the head with one of those huge bags filled with the dangerous tiny Styrofoam balls but not hard enough to a point where it would burst open.

Again all of the pots came up empty except for some small females or crayfish, the last pit came through though with two big bucks eith big ass claws almost the size of my hand. We kept the big enough crayfish as they would be something different for us to try instead of fish and crab. The doggies were happy to see us as we hadn't seen them last night, we took them to the cricket grounds so they could have a little run around and wear of some energy. We were worried about Russians coming down the road but we were more worried about a jet finding our location as they would have no reason for them to be out here in this small town on foot. Mabey looking for any supplies? "Maya! Here!" I shouted and her and Melody instantly returned to be walked back home.

Surprisingly they had become more protective of us whenever there was something they thought was around that they didn't trust, they never really left our sides or eachother and of they did they wouldn't wander far. So much need to stay by our side ment we could walk them without leads, it was like they knew something had badly changed and we needed their protection which we found adorable snd hilarious. Before the war Maya would've been like 'Bai bitches! Catch me if you can' and then like almost two minutes later be like 'Hmm no actually ima stay with you'. "Only if she could talk, though her being a Lab I didn't need to know what she'd say when I know most of the time she's thinking of food" I laughed at my thoughts as I was likely 99.99% right.

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