The Letter

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I marvelled at the signatures for a few seconds before returning to the top of the page and began reading. It wasn't a long letter but it wasn't short either. Dear Aram's Battilon, I would like to meet you or one of your members in person at the parliament house to discuss what you have done for this country and to talk about other important matters. If you do decide to join me in Canberra, ACT I will gladly arrange for your transportation from the HMAS HobartIII -Priminister: Albanese. "So even the Priminister out of all people don't know who Aram's Battilon exactly is!" I mussed to my completely shocked self quietly as I folded up the letter and tucked in into a pocket on the inside of a jacket they'd given us. "Hey Makayla! Come play with us! I've been told your quite good but I don't know, I might just have to see for myself!" Marcus called across the canteen tent just as I entered through the entrance. Sitting at the table was the rest of his crew and my friends, torn between telling them what the letter was about and forgetting about it albeit I wasn't going to completely forget about it, only for now; just only take my mind off the shock of it for a while.

Rolling my eyes I strode over to the crowded the and sat down next to Felicity as she reshuffled the deck and handed me seven cards, after sorting them out and regrouping them by colour I placed my first card, a blue skip landed on the growing pile and Marcus slapped the table. "Dang it!" He roared, laughing afterwards. A small crowd had grown around the table and some bets were being placed on who would win and or who would do what next. Marcus's turn came around and he placed a yellow two card on a blue one. Everyone groaned nd drew a card from the deck. Grinning I placed a wild card down and pointed to the green on the card ontop of the pile, he placed another green reverse card in the pile scowling, laughing I tossed out a plus two card in green. "Wha- YOU! You did that to flush my cards and waste three?" he shouted surprised "NOW WE HAVE TO GO BACKWARDS AGAIN. Grinning like the Cheshire cat I replied "Yes, but I wasn't counting on you to have a reverse card. Still it worked!". Growling he took two cards from atop the deck and glared at Zephyr who had placed the now blue plus two card while the game continued. "Thanks zeph! You just gave me the win!" I laughed as I slamed my last card, a blue one. Everyone groaned and threw their hands up in defeat, afterwards tossing the rest of their cards in for a reshuffle.

"Okay the letter was pretty straightforward, basically the Priminister wants to meet and talk to us inside parliament house!" I shouted quietly as I walked into our tent. Instantly all my friends were right next to me demanding the letter. I waved them off and pulled it out of the envelope to let them gawk at it. "Wow! HMAS Anzac! That must be an important ship then?" Flic mussed as she handed the note back to me. "It is! It's an important destroyer to the Australian and New Zealand Navy!" Lachlan shouted, throwing his arms up in annoyance. "Of course you would know. You always know what ship is what, any type of plane or tank. Anything war related- especially Russian or World War Two" I mussed. He snorted before saying "Oh really! Your the one who actually talks with me about World War Two stuff, I not so faintly remember you asking me what the German Nvay was called" with a smirk on his face and his blue eyes gleaming he sat back down triumphantly. Rolling my eyes I grabbed out the letter and passed it to Flic.

The tent canvas gave of a slight sound like the zipper was being moved up its track and A person stepped inside. "Well, if I'd known there was a meeting going on I would have liked to have an invite or- even better a heads up that you read the letter!" Marcus's farmilar voice sounded. I punched him in the shoulder with no remorse when he walked passed, he went to ask why with his lips parting and an A sound escaped from them but he got the hint in the glare I was giving him. "Okay! Okay! Keep it hush about the letter. But sirously, I know its none of my business really and my opinion technically doesn't count but I say you all go; it's no use of only one of you guys go and plus thst would make it harder from him to believe this incredible story of you guys" he stated as he sat his tall frame down next to tiny Aquila. The tent parted again and Zephyr's figure apeared out of the darkness created in the doorway of the tent. "Kyle wants to see you and me, oh and you two Blondie" he spoke quietly for only us to hear but I could hear the firmness in his voice. "Don't call me BLONDIE!" I roared for the billionth time and Zeph took a surprised step back than stuttered some jiberish before clicking his fingers and turning around to walk out of the tent.

Marcus gave a nervous laugh as he eyed me, woried I'd rouse at someone else if they dared to talk about it. But when the others snaped out of their shock and started laughing he let go of his guard and laughed as he stood up saying "It's been fun but now I've go to go. I'll see you later hey" he said as he stride out of the tent giving a wave goodbye. We talked for hours about what possibly could the Priminister of Australia want from us and what we were going to do. In the end we decided that Marcus was right and we should all go; later we met up with Alexis at dinner and told her that we'd all be coming. She laughed and said "Ohh boy! The Priminister's got his hands full with you lot and-" she was cut off by Marcus playing a hand on her shoulder and saying "And us. Me and Zeph are coming with you basically as body guards and to tell our side of the story when we found you". They were coming with us? "At least we'll have more people we will know along; and that makes me feel alot more comfortable" I said with a bit of relief.

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