Setting Up Camp

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Makayla POV:

I awoke to too many flying fox's screeching in the sky above."Bloody mango trees! Does not help that I'm allergic to the sap!" I shouted to the roof, causing Sky to jolt beside me.

Much to Felicity's dismay there was only three beds in the house so Ace called her own. Flic got to sleep with Ivy and I was with Sky. I had offered to sleep on the couch but she didn't mind, she actually said if she found me asleep on the couch she'd carry me to a bed. Aqulia had taken the stretcher and Lachlan had taken the lounge-bed outside in the living room, leaving Ace the only bed left.

"Why did you shout! The fruit bats already woke us up you dickhead!" Felicity shouted from down the hallway, probably trying to make a coffee.

"To see if you went back to sleep!" I joked, shouting back.

The sky was still dark with some sunlight creeping into the purple-orange horizon. The light slowly crept into the room through the windows which made me think it was actually a lot later than it was.

It was dawn.

Sarcastic laughter could be heard down the hallway as I got out of bed and used the dim light from a battery powered camping lantern light in the closset to get dressed. I tugged on some ankle length, grey camo, cargo pants I'd found at BCF and pulled my new blue and light blue FILA shirt. Lastly I tied up my new acquired converse saving my tan delta combat boots for later.

Flic was wearing her white How To Train Your Dragon shirt with the quote: 'Thank you for nothing you useless reptile" as she made her cooffe and sat down on the lounge. She had her boyish hair tussled like she'd just woken up and hadn't bothered to brush it, she also had some jeans on as well. She was yet to put on her sneakers. I was already dreading having to almost literally hike to our safe spot. But I was not goign to focus on that now. My stomach rumbled.

Breakfast was imminate. Breaky was a mixture of toast and burnt toast from a mini fire I had lit in the back yard; though everone collect sticks but me. I didn't want to break out in itchiness again. Last time I had hives twice the size of a mosquito bite clumped together at my wrists and they were that itchy I was okay with ripping my skin off to stop the itching.

I shivered. I did not want to have that allergy reaction without anything to treat it.

Sky came out from down the halleay in some tan cargo pants with a black Timmy Trumpet shirt that had gold writting and the DJ'S logo on it in gold. She also was typing one of his merch jumpers, balck with a gold trumptet on the front around her waist, she also was wearing her black military combat boots that came up just past her ankle. "Stop starting Makayla!" Flic whispered next to me and I turned to wack her but she knew what was coming. I was stealing that shirt and hoodie tonight. Sorry Sky but their now mine! We got to work packing the cars and taking anything thst could be useful from the shed, like the quad and numerous petrol jugs. But I think the motherload was my great uncles tinny. A four person tiny boat that sat unused at the back of the shed and now with a car out of the way I thought we could get it out. I was right, it just barely turned around but once it was straight it was absolutely fine, as I attached it to one of the cars towbar Sky and Alex sorted through the stuff in it.

We chose not to set up camp right near the coast guard tower because well that would be a place that soilders would go regularly, that at the least was pretty obvious. Instead we chose to use the boat to get down river more to a secluded spot thst realy could only be accessed by the river, but the cars could still be hidden very close to it from the road. "Tent or hammocks?" I questioned as I pulled out a ten person tent. They all agreed thst the tent would be the easiest to set up and cover over with the camo shade and or raint tarps. The coloured hammocks that somewhat blended in were going to be used for lounging around. "Flic, Alex can you get us some firewood while me and Sky try and build this firepit. And before you ask Ace already has her task of organising supplies" I asked them and gave Ace a glare to make sure the message got across. It did because Ace death stared me back. One Alexandra and Felicity were out of hearing range I still somewhat said quietly "let's see if those two come back as a couple".

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