What The Hell

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Sky's POV

I hate school. Especially my first new school. I was in my new school's library and surprisingly I haven't been in there since I was shown around the school with Ivy. I swear Ivy had the hots for Felicity, she was always trying to make her blush. Sir had sent me to ask the Librarian if we could use the computers to print out our work. 

"We can have you on the computers next week Tuesday, but unfortunately we're all booked out today so Mr. McTaggart will have to wait." the Librarian said looking at the bookings.

"Oh. Okay I'll go l;n t tell sir.  Thank you." I replied as I walked towards the door.

A huge boom sounded as I opened the glass doors to outside the library.

"Stay inside!" the Librarian shouted. 

She didn't have to, I was already jumping behind the desk as another one sounded further away. I hopped Makayla and Felicity were okay. They were my only friends in this school.

The boom sounds kept going on until the power went out. Some people came and cleared us out of the library. 

Wait why were soldiers here? Heck why were they even in the school grounds! 

They took us up the pathway towards F-wing.

Two other people came out of the F-wing stairwell and in to our group. I looked at a deadpanned faced Makayla and a horrified Felicity as they made their way through the crowd towards me and Ivy. Jetski grabbed my hand. I felt my cheeks go red. She pulled me into another oncoming group and the soldiers didn't even notice or did not care that we stayed behind. I guessed that's because there was another group coming. She let go, and I felt her eyes watching me so I turned to see what she was saying.

"Who wants to be a bloody fucking suicidal dickhead and do what they said not to? Try to make a fucking run for it?" She said, I turned around to meet her when I saw she was not beside me.

 And I found her walking backwards towards the library. 

We ran down the path and towards the music block. 

After finding Ace hiding in M-wing, Jetski found one of the Teacher's keys. We headed for the little shop up the road. Upon entering we found it completely abandoned. That was great for us because we did not have to deal with many lunatic people and or soldiers. Me and Makayla diminished the shelves of the essential items. The shelves had been stripped bare of mainly things like fresh meat, packets of multiple bottles of water and packeted coffee and tea. We took what we could of the left over stock and high tailed it out of there.

We reached Gracemere, to our suspicions and dread, the town was now a ghost town that looked like another fire evacuation had taken place but Thanos had snapped his fingers before anyone could escape. We reached Felicity's house and unloaded the car. Once we devised a plan we split in to our respective groups and carried out our missions. After basically raided Makayla's house for her stuff, we left and headed towards my house after we ever so slowly traveled along the roads keeping an eye out for survivor's.  And both, our eyes and ears were scanning and listening for any soldiers and or vehicle's from the enemy invaders.

Sadly there was nothing really important for me to take. So I just shoved a bunch of clean clothes, pictures of me with my mum, dad, mum with dad before she got sick and both of my parents with me and some with or of my brat of a brother. I stuffed a few things that I'd rather not say about  that had to do with my obsession with the Australian goalkeepers for the woman's hockey team- the Hockeyroos- in a duffle bag. After hiding all of the valuables I could I leave hidden, rushed out to the car and raced back to Flic's place as we teared down the bitumen roads. Competing against the dwindling light and the purple, orange haze of the horizon creeping into the sky.

Once we arrived Ivy and Ace took off. Like a super powerful gust if wind, they were gone with in seconds of our arrival. I watched the sun set as Makayla and Felicity made a fire with in the new fire pit they had just made. Keeping an eye out as look out I made sure to regularly check the sky as well and or if I heard any sounds from above that were not birds. The Flying Foxes, Cockatoos, Corella's calls- even sometimes Kookaburra's could be heard calling out- echoed through out the sunset and evening. Notorious for blocking out any other sound with in a kilometer of you- and the bloody things just had to screech at either sunset or sunrise. Sometimes both!

As an Australian, I officially hate my native birds at sunrise and sunset.

The Flying Fox bat and its screeching was going to echo through out the night and I was too their high pitched shrieking calls at night to be bothered by them any more. But oh by did they wish I was not armed with a gun tomorrow morning. Not only were they not going to shut up from five am to almost seven am but they were also going to be numbered in the thousands if not tens of thousands.

I found another pack of glowsticks Testing to see if they worked I snapped a few of the thin, tiny, long sticks. it made a crack sound before lighting up in its fluorescent colour.

I walked outside and hung them with in the trees.

"Almost feels like I'm decorating a giant Christmas tree for Christmas." I laughed, "Now all I need is the presents. I'll tell you what. How about these bloody invading Russians go home. Fuck off and never come back. And I'll be happy. Because that's all I want for Christmas!" I joked to myself.

Immediately, a loud escaped my mouth and I sighed.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need! I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you!" I sung with an exasperated sigh.

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