The Americans

29 4 0

Sky's POV

An other boom sounded as Mak ran up the road from the artillery position and jumped into the car with all of us idiots waiting. That was the tenth gun we'd blowen up this morning, since the planes had flown over we'd got a huge adrenalin rush and no one could go back to sleep afterwards. The sky was finally showing signs of early sunrise when we arrived back at our camp, those artillery gun positions we'd just taken out had been the last powerful defence the Russians had to defend the entrance to our town and any chances of keeping allied armies at bay. "Whoooo! That's gota be your, what? 500th? Gezz dude you need to save some for us! I'm done, exhausted, who wants a game of uno?" Ivy said loudly as she settled down into her chair at the collapsible table. I saw Makayla's lips quiver, she was tryingnot to smile. "Haha, I thought you were deprived of energy Ivy? Or just running of the last of your adrenalin rush hey? Where are my cards? I'll give you a game! And that is my 500th one, I think I'm going to quit now and leave that job to the professionals!" Makayla awnsered Ivy and joked as she too stripped off the gear we'd worn today and joined her at the table. "Hah! I think with the margin you have no-one else in the allied armies is classed as a professional compared to you! Schooch over, I wanna reck my bestie, after all we haven't played in months!" Felicity said patting Blondie's shoulder after she had gotten dressed in more comfortable clothing and rejoined them at the table.

I laughed with the group at Flic's comment as Mak delt out the cards, she making sure was careful not to hand out more than seven to each player than took the first card off the deck and placed it on the table to let the game begin. Suddenly the table was crowded with young idiots and an eager young teenage Ace was too happy with the plus two card she was adding to the pile. Ace grinned in victory as Lachlan in between Makayla and ace herself, making hom groan and pick hul two cards evidently taking away his turn. Makayla seemd to take a couple seconds looking between her hand of cards and the growing pile then the plus two in yellow in her hand was discardedto the pile and Ivy ooked like she was going to have a fit whil Mak studdiee her cards again. She had atleast ten cards in her hand from everyone trying to stop her from reaching one card, the deck was walkout dwindling to a couple cards we were so interested in stopping her from winningbut she was always the best at Uno comebacks. "NO NO NO! AW COME ON!" Ivy complained as we all grinned like the Cheshire cat and I laughed as I watched her add two cards to her hand making her having to get rid of two extra cards before she'd be able to put her two last cards down.

After the game was packed up and some tidying around the camp was done, I gota admit we were a bit messy from this mornings early rush and just in general, lunch was being prepared to be cooked over the fire. "OKAY! Which one of you's brought back the frozen pizza? I know you both hate it so who's the life saver here!" Ace shouted when she saw the box on the try it was going to be cooked in next to the fire. "Je ne sais pas demander à l'idiot qui a insisté pour que nous le ramenions pour les crétins qui semblent tellement aimer cette chose dégoûtante. Tu ne m'as jamais dit pourquoi tu l'as eu au premier endroit de toute façon, pourquoi?" I ranted. I could tell Makayla was thinking about what I just said, Ace was staring at me speachless, Flic was speaking to but I ignored her. Ivy, well she eas cursing me as always for speaking in a language they cant understand; its fun but sometimes you widh theh could understand you. I could tell Lachlan just wanted me to finish up stuffing around with the fire and making a flast surface for us to put the tray on.

Makayla sat there scooping up the last scraps of her noodles while waiting for the rest of us to packe and do whatever else they needed to do before we headed out again. We were going to see if we could free the airport. I had been sitting beside her but I could tell she was just being lazy and giving her muscles a rest from the extra worktheyve been through over the last couple months. The radio had been sitting on the table all lunch and I wasn't the only one who was getting a bit pissed with the constant static comming from it. "Hey Makayla, can you turn the radio off. It's become anoying and giving us anything but hope of hearing new information right now!" Aquila shouted from the tent as she had carried her newly washed clothes once they were dry from the washing line we'd strung up ages ago and went to hang up the ones that weren't fully dry. "Okay! But if we miss anything it's on you, you know that right?" Mak retorted back and Fishy nodded her understanding. The raido began to assault our ears with even more and louder static as if trying to put up one last final fight before we had any chance to turn it off, when Makayla's hand reached the off button when a farmilar sound came through. The sound of a radios button being prssed in was followed by more static and then the sound became less louder. I saw her hand fly across the dials and fidget around with them, buttons clicking. Words streamed out of the radio.

Stupid thing works only now! "........I don't know who or how these artillery gun positions are being taken out but I have no doubt in the slightest it wasn't the Russians themselves. Why would they distory their only powerful wepon against us, it's their last defence and their first attack against us so why render it useless? I suggest we send out a party and scope out the town for any potential tricks they could have planned, not too many personnel but enough to be able to withstand an ambush. Copy?......" one person said and I guessed it was a Lieutenant asking his General for instructions. "....Copy. Take square A and B, their settled in and ready for some action. Over!....." Who I guess was the General spoke and after that once agian static enveloped the radio hurting our ears. In the time the message had started the rest of the group had swarmed to the table within seconds and now we were all talking excitedly eith eachother. "CHANGE OF PLANS! WRRE GOIN' TO TOWN!" Makayla roared. At first I almost jumped above the table from her sudden outburst but I quickly recovered and rushed towards the cars with the others leaving her sitting in her chair still stunned.

A flare shot up into the sky with a boom and its red blob and its tail streaming behind it, breaking the long silence I had been waiting in. I saw them, the squadrons that had been sent out to search our town for any potential tricks. Another flare went off behind them and and all of the soilders crouched, another flare being launched sent them all swivelling to the right of me and lastly it was up to me to place and set up my batch of colourful explosives and launch my flair. After making sure I pulled the labeled release and eith a deadkng boom it shot up into the sky, burning red and looking hoter thsn lava. The sound almost burst my eardrums. I counted to five and one by one groups of everyone before me launched their coloured fireworks in their pattern into the sky making it sound like a huge fesrival was going on. The soilders were still half in their crouched position's but they hadn't run and when Makayla's batch of colourful explosives were exploding in the sky they all headed towards her building carefully. My heart almost beated out of my chest as I ran to and from buildings until I got to her.

As she rose the Australian flag on the flag pole which was attached to the building across from her original building we let the soilders approach with all the caution they wanted, everyone had now regrouped and was behind her as she dangerously leanned over the edge. I'd say we were putting a bit more than just haste into our efforts to get rid of anything that could look like a weapon or any of the left over ammunition and guns, putting them into a pile about two meters away from us. We were shitting ourselveson the inside. Except for 'swords' we didn't look like much of a target and for safety reasons Blondie was keeping her short sword strapped to the rightside of her waist, but that didn't stop us from having hidden dangers hidden in our clothing. All I had to do was reach into my pocktet furtheer than normal. I heard shouts and gunshots before we saw the first of the squadron heading up the ramp as surveyours on the building beside us, Makayla silenced the raido so it wouldn't creep them. And not a second later another group burst out to the stairwell doorway. "Who are you and where did you come from?" One of the shoulders shouted in the front and Makayla jumped off of the ledge that she'd been on to raise the flag up and hefted up her hands to show she ment no harm while walking over to us giving us a death stare if we didnt copy her." I could ask you the same thing, after all I don't really trust those uniforms and that accent" she responded and i could help notice the expression on her face. She was super super surprised. When her voice came out as the most calm it has ever been I saw all of our faces showing how surprised we were, I quiclky change my expression into something else.

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