What the hell is going on?

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Felicity's POV: 

An even louder boom, unmistakable this time, had Makayla stand up and a few others did as well-  an uneasy feeling was present all around the room.

Our teacher had almost jumped out of his chair at the second boom. As more continued to sound and explode off in the distance he got up out of his chair and rushed, quietly opening our door before slipping out.

Only to say in a hushed tone, "Everyone save your work, put the laptops away and get ready for a lockdown!" As our only explanation and with another boom sounding way louder this time, he shut the door and disappeared. 

Everyone did as he said, even with not a single word escaping peoples lips; the nervousness energy was contagious. Although whispers of conspiracy theories floated around, many were too low to hear.

We hid underneath our desks. The light from the windows casted a golden haze to the floor, we could've brought them down but from what I knew they were stuck and being on the second level of a two story classroom building I didn't see it necessary for us to shut them. My classmates who would've been in the light simply moved and huddled underneath the desk at the back of the room.

Now, fully fledged whispers began. They were so quiet and breathless they carried across the room but the room still stayed deadly silent and in the somewhat darkness with the lights off.

I saw the worried expression on Jestski's face beside me and her pale even more at the next boom, I stared at her and mouthed: ‘What are you thinking?’

Just in case, I lent over, whispering, "What. Exactly, are you thinking?" I  whispered quietly in her ear.

"Don't think I'm exaggerating but you know how I was talking to Lachlan about watching a docco about World War Two? And how I was telling Lachlan about how the Navy ships artillery fire would have been scary to be underneath- I mean it would have been an absolute onslaught- the other day?" Makayla whispered to me.

I nodded, wanting me to continue even though she was paleing too, "Well, I'm ninety percent sure that's how their guns sound when they fire artillery shells."

"Don't fuck with me." My voice turned stern in its low whisper.

"Would I ever lie to you? Plus, apparently you can tell if I am? Nevermind, would I even joke about this shit right now!"

"Well....-No." My voice depan, realising she would never lie about something so serious.

"Well, they could be on smaller ships. That could fit up the Fitzroy!" Makaylas’ voice was barely even a whisper but still she heard me, a shiver ran up my spine as I heard the door buzz and Sir appeared again.

He for sure had to know what was going on, because even before he and Jestski made eye contact he was paler than a dead man. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Sir made his way over to us on the other side of the room directly across from the door. 

"Can't say much, no-one really knows what's actually happening but I'm afraid to admit, it's chaos out there. So far all we know is that there's a Navy boat in the Fitz and it's shooting at- SHIT!" Sir had been whispering to us until a round fired and exploded right over us.

"Everyone, duck and try to protect yourselves!" a huge whistling sound sailed over us and a boom erupted in the distance-but not too far away.

“Bloody hell! Fucking Russians!" Makayla cursed under my breath.

"How did you know it was Russians!" Sir hissed.

She explained why she knew but that just made me even more scared, I would've taken a class presentation over this any day- all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wish it to stop.

Sir nodded and started to talk to the class as best as he could, to remain somewhat silent but also be heard above the bland music of Green Days 'what is life' song repeating endlessly. That song was so annoying when it repeated over and over again, seriously I was sitting underneath a desk, crammed and listening to the song repeatedly repeat for like at least ten times. It's torture even when we have practice lockdowns, the bloody things not even catchy it's just depresso. 

Turned off lights made it a bit harder to see in the classroom from outside and it didn't help with the sunlight glare. But surprisingly it didn't light up the room as much as you'd think it would, we were still hidden in the darkness. 

Glass smashed down the hallway and everyone jolted. Some kids even involuntarily hit the desk and or grasped anything with their death grip.

And when the glass in the middle of our door smashed too, a hand reaching for the handle to open it from the outside I made a high pitched noise and most of our classmates retreated to the back underneath the long desk.

Sir stood up and readied himself to take on whoever our attacker was, opening the door, only to be met with a gun pointed at his chest.

What? Police wouldn't do that; what's going on?

Oh Shit!

Sir backed up slowly while bringing his hands up in the universal surrender position.

I guess some kids thought it was the police because they started to emerge from their desks, only to come face to face with a soldier and a gun.

Someone yanked my shirt and I spun my head back to Jetski.

"I know this is suicide but I at least 

want to find our friends before they take us anywhere!" She whispered quickly before a soilder came round the desks towards us.

She untied her shoelaces before wriggling out of her crammed position only to very carefully and very obviously tie her shoelace up on one shoe. I quickly caught on and undid one of mine.

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