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Felicity's POV:

The pan was hot as I grabbed the toast off of the bottom of the pan. Static filled the atmosphere around the camp as Makayla continued to fiddle with the channels, she switched to one channel than took a bite of her toast and switched to the next channel. She switched through a few more before the static turned into words.

"Wait! Go back, go back!" we shouted and she started going back through the chanels.

Suddenly the radio roared to life with someone's voice. I couldn't make out what they were saying because it was all in that military code stuff but I did my best to try and make sense of what they were saying.

"....Bundaberg Queensland and Rockhampton Queensland two towns we need to free, two weeks away...." someone said on the radio before it went silent, waiting for the next message.

"Are they- did I just here that there two weeks away?" Ace shrieked.

"By what I heard I'd say their two weeks awayfrom us!" Lachlan shouted.

"SHHHH!!!!" We all hissed at him in unision.

So, The Australian army was on its was here- if they were even talking about coming to us. With nothing realy to do around camp and the excitement of earlier news only added to the anticipqtion which was not help either because we all wanted to do something.

I and Makayla were busy making lunch when she asked Lachlan, "Hey Lachlan, do you know how to weld?"

He stopped what he was doing and he came over to the fire, while adding more sticks to the fire he asked, "Depends, what are you wanting to do?"

I didn't hear what she wanted to do because Blondie got up and guided  Lachlan somewhere more private to discuss their plan. By what she was doing I could tell it was something she didn't want us to hear, so it was either dangerous or really stupid. Probably, most likely both.

"What were you and Lachlan being so secret about hmm?" I finally got to ask Jetski at dinner since I hadn't been able to talk to her all day after her little chat with Lachlan.

“Okay so as dumb and stupid as it sounds me and Lachlan have agreed to go alone as it would be easier amd safer but I think you guys deserve to know my ridiculous idea." She startef.

"Me and Lachlan know how to weld to some degree and I've asked Lachlan what artillery we keep hearing being fired. He said that with my idea of welding disc's that we could put down the barrel of the artillery guns and if the Russians fired the guns with the disc's inside and if we did our job properly then the weld that we made holding to two parts together would split apart in the barrel from the artillery round being fired and that would cause said round to blow up in barrel AKA blowing apart the barrel and rendering those guns useless."

We all waited for her to continue,"Plus we're pretty sure it won't hurt the operators as the fired object was being propelled forward." Makayla explained, her hands making gestures as she talked and Lachlan interuped some times to exaggerate what she ment or to correct her.

So, they were planing to weld and make disc's that would apparently blow up an artillery gun. I guess it could work but I don't see how we wouldn't get killed let alone trying to get close enough to shove the disc's down the guns barrels.

"I can see that being worth a shot. But how are we going to get close enough without getting killed?" I questioned after stabing my fork into my pork.

Makayla had made her mother's sweet and sour pork source to go with the peices of pork I had cooked and rice.

"Well they obviously haven't acounted for that yet Flic.” Sky said through a mouthful of pork and pineapple.

It amazed me that I was able to understand the jiberish that came out of that mouth sometimes.

"Actually, I have thought about that. It's something called night time." she replied in her usual cheeky self.

This girl. She is going to get herself killed. Evedientaly us too!

“Ahh whatever, how about you and Lachlan just start with how and and when your going to make these so called 'disc's'!" Aquila suggested before plopping a mouthful of her food into her mouth.

This shit was really delicious.

"Reminder to self, never trust Makayla's plans again when she says it will be allright! Were fricking out in daylight Makayla!" I whispered as we stalked along the H-wing building and the manual arts shed, where the big machines were inside.

I guessed as I'd never been inside before.

Sure, we did one compulsory term of man arts but I can't remember doing anything because I think we had to stop working on our projects as the covid lockdown came in and since then I didn't get to bring anything home because when we restarted school it was term three- stupid covid and 2020. Sky checked if the big metal gates were open and once she mannaged to get the stoper thingie out of its hole in the ground Makayla and Lachlan gave us the keys so we could open the storage room to access all of the metal. Me, Aquilla and Sky grabbed these rectangular peices of metal that I guessed they used to practice welding because some of them already had some welds across them.

"Which one are you guys going to use? There's like fourteen bays!" I didn't whisper but I also didn't raise my voice to its normal tone as the showgrounds were right beside us.

And that's where everyone was being held.

Stupidly insanely dumb I know.

But any other schools equipment they would have to learn how to use and get farmilar with where as this would cut that time in half since they already knew how to use this equipment.

"There are fourteen bays to be exact! Did you do a mental count or what before you said anything. I want to use the end bays as they'd be the easiest." Lachlan said his voice in a humorous tone.

"Wait! If we use the bays then it will send flashes of light threw the metal up the top and it will be significantly louder, plus not to mention the fact that we have to hammer away the slag at the end! But if we use the oxy welders it will be way quicker, quieter and we won't have to even chip away any slag, just cool it off. Weld and cool, simple and fast.” Makayla explained and by the way she put it like that, this method sounded twice as fast.

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