Russians And Fireworks?

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Sky's POV

I hated being ceased by those refugee scouts and I definitely hated being awoken by the jets but one thing I hated more was Makayla leaving me out here when at any moment another platoon of soilders could come and I'd be dead. I'd rather put those chases behind me and worry more about my friends life right now and how she was taking forever. I looked at my watch and noticed the hour hand had moved a whole number forward, she had been a whole hour and the occasional bursts of gunfire didn't help my nerves at all. Suddenly a light flashed on and off infront of where the gates were, it stayed off for a couple seconds and flashed back on and when it flashed twice again I counted five seconds before it repeatedly flashed again. "OHHH! Fuck, you scare the shit out of me Makayla!" I half whispered to myself when I realised who it was. I jumped up into the driver's seat of the dogs truck and switched it on when the key was in the ignition but didn't turn the key all the way to turn on the engine and realised the handbrake to let me roll towards her. "How'd you do that without the engine?" Makayla questioned as she looked at me confusedand a little bit tired from whatever she was doing. "It's called taking the handbrake of and giving it a little push, tad dah, you've got a moving vehicle without engine running" I explained and gestured inside with a sideways nod of my head and a glance with my eyes.

She didn't say anything more and before sprinting back throught the gates Mak did a quick sweep of our surroundings. I was surprised how many push ups she could do and I would probably supirse myself how stupidly strong I've become since the start of this war due to us continuously having to hit the deck and get up agian super fast, I don't know how my back has survived me forcing myself to the ground in whatever surface and back up agian. "Watch me be in a nursing home at the end of this!" I laughed as I thought about my physical health after this. "Makayla what-? Hey, where are we goi- OWWWWW! WHAT THE FUCK!" I hissed when she didn't say anything for the last two minutes I'd been following her and when I ran into something finally came out of her mouth, laughter. Well if she was trying to keep it in and be quiet she was failing miserably. You learn pretty quiclky when you run into something you don't know what it is or hear something it's better to shut up than continue saying shit otherwise like we learned your going to have an artillery gun fire near you, I screamed internally at my shin which was in so much pain and tried to figure out what I had rammed into.

"Jerk!" I whispered when I realised what it was. I'd ran into a stupid pallet that the shopping centres use to restock their stores with. Makayla kept snickering as she hauled the thing towards the gate while I rubbed my shin in an effort to decrease the pain and occasionally hitched a ride on the back, which Makayla didn't like when the pallet would suddenly come to a stop and when I hoped off just before she would tug it she would almost wipe out her own ankles. "Hahah karma bitch!" I screamed in my mind and laughed as she one last time almost wiped out her ankles. I very riskily shone my torchlight on the stock of shit she'd brought out on the pallet. "Jezz. Holy fuck, how many did you think we need! Or are you saving some for a victory parade thst isn't most likely gona come right now? Shit!" I mumbled as I took in just how many packets she'd managed to haul onto this contraption. You could set one packet off each day for a month and still not even a slice of the fireworks would be missing. We worked together for about half an hour loading up the trucks before we sped out of there to the safety of our camp-site.

"Stupid! Stupid! Ahh just get out!" I shouted as a giant lizard decided it was going to tease me and stay in my freaking bag. Makayla shook her head as she watched me wack my bag against a pole whe literally just a few minutes ago she freaked out about a moth flying around her head. "Hey! Who was freaking out about a freaking bug flying around a few minutes earlier!" I teased her back getting my revenge. She didn't like the tease because I got the finger in response and she chucked the packed up tent and the other bags into the back of the car. I didn't see her afterwards because she waited in the car for me to finish packing. "There's no way we can take the truck, its too suspicious. Even in the middle of the night it sounds ouder than a steam train!" I said over the phone to Makayla who was currently filling up at a servo and I was hidden around the corner. Alot of moving the phone around noises and thinking noises later she responded with "Yeah you right, what if we loaded up the boot with as much as we could than launch what we have left like we planed up the coast?".

It was like our plan, only just one problem. "Uhh are you forgetting something? We ain't like America and our government or police actually care if we: not trained professionals get our hands on shit like explosives! How the fuck are we supposed to launch them Mak! Dont get yourself killed doing it mon beau coup de coeur!" I shouted at her and when she heard the French I couldn't help but hold back a laugh here she threatened to use Google translate to see if I was insulting her. I hoped she didn't and I might just have to steal one of her Norwegian translation sheets so I can understand her, the others somewhat know what she says since she's spoke Norwegian around them enough that they know what those words mean. I decided to tease her one last time and quickly said"oh non! J'espère que tu ne découvriras jamais ce que je dis ou que mon secret sera révélé, je ne veux pas que tu saches que tu es mon beau coup de coeur!".

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