Marshmallows And A Sleepover

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Makayla's POV:

“At least that book has given us an insight into what to and what not to, plus what this whole invasion could be like. Makayla, you got any ideas?" Felicity theorised.

She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Well, do you have any matches? Plus we're going to have to cook whatever food out here on a fire. We'll use the charcoal from it as an actual fire would let them know where we are and it cooks quicker." I explained my thoughts.

"No, we don't have a firepit but we can use those rocks against the fence to make one. Remember? And as for the matches, come with me." she said grinning.

We let Maya stay at Flic's house. Maya and Melody seemed to be getting on but Celo, Felicity's cat, was staying inside.

She led me to her room. "This is where you're sleeping, I don't trust the others and I don't think we should all sleep at once. You know, have a guard on duty at all times." she said, unraveling a sleeping bag.

"Well, at least I get to sleep in some sort of comfortable bed!" I  said optimistically before I trailed off.

Taking turns sleeping was a good idea.

The fire had burnt down to a few small flames within the coals and there was a few pans on it with food cooking in them.

After dinner a few were complaining about dessert.

"I wish I could have some dessert, I would kill for some ice-cream!" Sky whined. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, it's not ice-cream but I'd say it's better" I said getting up out of my chair and wondering over to my dads car.

I oppend one of the doors to the back seat and searched through the bags of stuff. I could hear their poorly whispered discussions and bets.

I grabbed the delicious l, white and pink squishy things in their packet and shut the door. As I made my way back over to them I observed their curious and concerd faces, although slightly aluminated an orange tint from the firelight.

I was carefully and cautiously hidding the delicious marshmallows behind my back. Trying to rid of any view or hint at what I had. And not to be rushed by six other kids wanting marshmallows.

I sat back down in my seat getting glares of curiosity. As I oppend the packet in its entire glory, the smell waffled into my nostrils and eyes lit up with the sight of the food.

"MARSHMALLOWS!" Sky shouted to the stars and reached into the bag, her hand retreating back with a handful of the squishy treats.

She grinned and savoured a pink one before plopping it in her mouth. "Take as much as you want, I may or may not have cleared the whole store out." I said cheekishly.

Sky hopped out of her chair and game me a bone crushing hug. Still chewing on her marshmallow and making sure I didn't pinch any from her fist within her grasp. Those marshmallows were being strangled by an iron grip.

"Thank you!" she mumbled through the marshmallow.

I tensed up and went rigid, my cheeks were hot. Flic gave me a look and I knew exactly what it was. Your blushing, someone got a crush! My bestie's gota crush!

"Ahahaah! heh, Your welcome!" I spluttered out.

Flic slapped me on the shoulder before taking her handful, Ace wacked me on the head and tried to steal the whole bag but it was locked firmly in my grip.

Ivy just about died of laughter before taking a generous amount for herself. If I kept the bag to myself I wouldn't be able to finish a couple handfuls, I'm like that with chocolate as well. Once as a kid I could eat alot and I mean alot and not get sick but now a whole giant Easter egg was making me sick, same with the marshmallows.

It was my turn for sentry duty. Ivy came and woke me up at 2:00 am. I wasn't happy about it at first but after seeing her tired and exhausted face I stopped complaining, got out of my sleeping bag and took the cap gun from her hand.

"Okay, okay! Give me the gun, I'll relight the fire at 5:00 am. Get some sleep." I had whispered as she climbed into her sleeping bag.

Outside it was dark but some light was barely apearing. I had dressed in my black tracky docks and a black hoody, the only downside was the red on the shoulders due to it being my old state championship representative jumper for hockey. Except for the road that we had pepered the roadside with glowsticks, hanging them on anything we could. They were mainly dull coloured and the types of colours you would see from those little garden solar lights but they offered us an advantage- giving us better light to spot if cars came through with out their headlights on.

The ebony coloured coals and the embers, a light ember grey colour, in the ashes of our fire were still hot. And as I poked and prodded them they turned a dull red and or orange from the movement and they were still smoldering from constant maintenance.

I grabbed a clump of tiny twigs no bigger than my pinky, dead leaves and weeds. I even managed to peel the bark off of a tree and strip it down fine enough  to where it could be used as Kindle. I placed it on the coals, waiting for it to light before dumping a bunch of small twigs on the fire.

I was glad that I'd watched those survivalists on youtube, the Alone TV show series and a whole other bunch of survival tuff now. Luckily I had refreshed my mind on this stuff by choosing to rematch Alone and Bear Grylls types of shit. And I was glad I had decided to randomly watch them, thinking this would be useful but I'd never really need to use this stuff.

Well look at me now.

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