Time To Blow Up Some Stuff

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Skys POV:

The welding clothes they needed to wear looked hot as shit, and I don't mean looking good hot I mean hot as in your going to sweat to death in them.

Makayla and Lachlan came out of the toilets used by the man-arts girls to change in mostly, dressed in those PPE shirts that had the silver reflective material around her waist and arms in bands on the yellow shirt for safety. She was also wearing long pants that had a belt through the belt holes securing it around her waist, though I doubt she needed it, the navy blue pants had alot of pockets despite its two main ones I realised they were for tools and other stuff a traidie, council worker or roadworks person might need.

Though, she didn't kind off look attracting with the way her muscles showed when she lifted her arms and something about those pants with the belt in them- not to mention she was wearing her black steel cap boots. Her pants did hug her but a little as they were slightly too tight; the belt just made it worse.

"What the frick happened to this peice? Did someone fuck up, cuz it sure looks like they did!" I laughed as Lachlan gave me a shake of his head in response.

"In grade ten, Man-arts the kids get to make a dice." she pulled out an almost completed one from underneath the table on a shelf below it, "And once we sketch out or 'scribe' out our lines we drill the holes in and then we weld the peices together using the oxy welders." she explained.

That seemed cool, unfortunately I couldn't go down a grade to try it and that kinda made me want to learn how to weld now.

"Maybe I could teach you how to weld one?" Makayla smirked as she said her rhetorical question.

"Did she know? How the heck did she know? Ahh this bish must of seen my expression!" I thought.

Lachlan gave us those masks to wear when you weld so the light doesn't get in your eyes, than with his mask still tilted up above his face he did something with all of the pipes and gages and lastly put on these thick gloves.

"Hah! You guys are about to see something cool, you don't technically need those on but we gave them to you incase you want them to feel a bit safer." Makayka said, there was humour in her eyes so she was waiting for our reaction.

She and Lachlan grabbed a tong like thing off the wall and place it near the end of what I presume was the part you used to weld. Something made a clicking noise. With two more clicks a flame roared to life at the end of the welding torch.

"Holy fuck!" Someone said in a high pitched voice the moment flame roared out of the torches and I turned around to see Flic backing up.

Laughing, I actually pushed down my protective mask and walked over to Makayla who was now focusing on two peices of metal that she had stood up like a teepee. I kinda freaked out a bit as well when she grabbed a yellow stick and used one hand to weld, one hand to use the stick to help weld gaps together.

After a few seconds of going back over the weld to make sure she had done it completely Makayla placed the torch into a drain like thing on the bench. Most of the table was black steel from the amount of work people had done but the edge near the wall had a grate like you see on drains and a it looked like the metal was shapled to be a funnel back towards the table away from the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she rushed to grab a pair of plyres from the wall and used them to straighten out the peices.

Now it made sense what she was doing. She'd welded two of the dice peices together and then straightend it out. Lachlan and Makayla practiced their welding more while we kept a look out for about an hour than they called us back in to explain what they'd try to make.

"So the way this is going to work is we need to get some metal- don't know where from yet- but once we get it I'll cut it down to size and we'll both work on snapping it in half so Makayla can weld it back together craply." Lachlan explained as he searched around the welding area for metal we could use.

"Why is Mak welding it porely? Don't you want her to weld it stronger?" I asked and Makayla raised her eyebrows at my 'Mak' comment.

"If I was to weld it to my best ability, A.K.A making it stronger than it'd was. It'd most likely just shoot out of the barrel so if I weld it porely its gona go boooffft!" she mimicked the sound of something blowing up and something blowing up with her hands,"You know, it'll blow up the barrel!" She explained.

Makayla cooled something off and took off one of her gloves to see if It was able to be touched. Once her hand could touch it she handed it to me.

"We don't have enough metal to make as many as we want but I guess about ten will have to do for now." she handed it to me after speaking.

I almost walked outside normally
Than remembered there's a war going on. That I'd get shot and most likely killed. So I crept towards the gate near the exit to the road. There was a giant slopping wall about 9ne of me and a half tall. Night was falling and my watch alarm buzzed on my arm to tell me it was 7pm.

The stars were out and with the town lights gone it was pitch black so we could almost walk around without being spotted. The oval had a blanket of pitch black over it and running across it would've been almost impossible since I couldn't see my hands a centermeter infront of my face, it was so dark that trying to see my hand I wacked myself in the nose but since they were somehow powering the showgrounds for a prison I had some light to see as we reach the river.

They were sleeping. About twenty soilders had set up a kind of lookout near the showgrounds to act as a scare and to stop anyone who attempted to get closer to their prison, their 152-мм гаубица-пушка обр. 1937 artillery guns where lined up about fifteen meters infront of their tents in a line.

It was so quite and if I stepped on anything right now that would wake them up I would be a dead man, being so close to these guns made me feel like a mouse. The barrel was so far up in the air Makayla had to give me a lift. I and Makayla were the only ones interested or brave enough to even try and get near them, the disk made a loud ting as it slotted into the barrel and we quickly ditched that place faster than Usain Bolt could.

There was shouting as the soilders woke up to the barrel teeter tottering a little.

And the disc was sliding down and up the barrel making a huge squeaking sound.

"Oh! Shit!" I hissed as they grabbed a round and loaded it.

"GET DOWN!" Makayla yelled in a whisper as she tugged my shirt down.

We hit the deck just as a boom filled the air and the ground shook.

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