Almost Dead

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Makayla's POV:

The barrel teetered a little while the disc made a loud sound sliding down it. There was shouting as the soilders woke.

"Oh! Shit!" Sky hissed beside me as they grabbed a round and loaded it.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled in a whisper as I grabbed her shirt while down

We hit the deck just as a boom filled the air and the ground shook. I sirously think my eardrums exploded and I'm now deaf.

"Come on! We gota keep moving, we don't want them to find us!" Sky hissed beside me and I scrambled to my feet.

We sprinted across the oval. Only if my PE teacher could see me now! Ran through the school grounds and exited through the remote controlled roller door gate on the otherside of the school.

"Well I wish I could run that fast and as long as I just did before the war started!" I couldn't breathe so my voice came out in cunks of depleted breath's.

When you think loud noises in a city is loud wait till you get invaded, the sound of our motorbike engines echoed through the eerily quiet darkness.

"You guys almost came so close to being dead!" Felicity screamed as she stomped her way over to her chair beside the fire and sat down. L

"I KNOW! I was there! But at least it worked didn't it!" I shouted back, this wasn't the first time I'd almost been killed.

I sat down in my chair and mumbled to myself to low for anyone to hear, "Sometimes I wish I had have died sooner, than I wouldn't have had to deal with the bitch of a mother I have and I wouldn't have put you guys in anymore danger."

Flic beside tensed and scooted over in her chair closer to me and gave me a hug. "I heard what you said and no one cares what more danger you've put us in, we all agreed to it. Who cares about that bitch of your mother and what she says." she whispered in my ear.

That night I barely slept, it wasn't the noises outside that kept me awake it was my mind reminiscing on what everyone said about me-it was impossible to get to sleep. I rolled over in my sleeping bag to try snd find a more comfortable position when someone spoke.

"Makayla are you still awake?" Sky whispered beside me.

"I uh, yeah but it's okay. I just can't sleep." I whispered back.

Sky rolled over and outstretched her hands so she could hug me. After a while I ended up falling asleep.

I was rudely awoken by Aquila who threw a pillow at my face, normally I would've woken up before she threw it but I haven't slept this heavy in a while.

"What was that for!" I said in a half awake voice.

"Get up sleepy head, sun's up and also you might want to hear this." she said before she left me alone to change.

I couldn't be bothered to properly get dressed so I chucked on a shirt I thought looked good that we had taken from Target and some traky daks.

"What are you wanting me to-" I was cut short by static from the radio.

"Patrol's have spotted Russian positions moving back further into town near Rockhampton and all the way up to Townsville in Queensland. No Anzac patrol or unit was anywhere near those towns but somehow Russian artillery guns have been found blowen up. Well, the barrels are blasted to smithereens but the gun itself is still intact...." Someone said, I suppose an Australian soldier, over the radio.

Anzac patrol or unit.

"So they have spotted what we're doing but their assumption is that the guns are so old that they have blown up themselves? Geez, and I thought we were smarter than this." I depanded.

"Okay, the Russians are going to keep attacking the border around Brisbane but I don't think they know about shoalwater bay those idiots but if we can keep them away from Brisbane then The Australian troops might have a better chance of getting up to us." I thought outloud.

"And how do we do that?" Ivy asked standing literally right over the fire, I swear she was gona burn her hands.

"Ahh! SHIT!" Ivy hissed as she dropped as she dropped the stick she had been using to poke the fire with, from her disturbing the fire an ember managed to land on her hand and leave a nasty red mark- luckily she wasn't burnt but thst taught her not to mess with the fire again.

Another boom filled the night sky that had been bombarded with booming sounds tonight. We were about three hours away from Brisbane and we had decided to pay a little visit to a Russian artillery unit. Just as we were about to sprint out of there one of the guns started teeter tottering again, causing them to wake up and fire their guns; only to have the barrels blow up infront of them. A couple positions we had been to soilders had woken up and fired the guns only to cause more damage to their equipment and I'm pretty sure his pay check as well.

Me and Lachlan sirously needed to invent new discs that didn't make such a sound sliding down a barrel. This was our second night running around and causing more damage to the stupid invaders, sometimes we almost died and sometimes we got away with only a snoring in response.

"I think that's the fifth one that has almost killed us, I do not wanna test my luck anymore!" Sky said jumping into the car.

"I agree! I don't want to come that close to death anymore." I huffed.

We all had been reminded of our morbid humanity a couple of times.

We'd even found a black car and took off the number plates so we could be more stealthy.

"I think thats enough for tonight; plus of we start heading home now well still get to sleep in for a bit. Hah! I wonder what the radio's gona say this morning!" I laughed as Lachlan drove us back.

"Better yet! I wonder who's more confused!" Aquila shouted her voice full of humour.

Suddenly the whole car was filled with people choking form laughing to hard or either laughing historically.

".... Im not sure this is Russia's doing or a posible way to try and coax us to move forward into a trap or if something else has to do with it but I still think we should take the ground that the Russian's have retreated from...." the radio cut off and before anyone could reply giggling and snickers could be heard around the camp-site.

They really were confused just as the Russian soilders had been when they came out of their tents to find their artillery guns' barrels in smithereens. The Russians had retreated?

"I think the Aussies are more confused than the Russians! The Russians may be confused at how their guns are blowing up but the Australians are more confused on what's happening in general!" Aquila laughed.

"Though the Australians should be careful around those patches of land Russians retreated from because they might set traps instead." I thought.

"And what's with us being called 'Something else' I thought we were called 'The ones that got away'!" I joked.

One things for sure, we really need a name.

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