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Makayla's POV:

I was with Felicity, Sky and Aquila. Ace and Ivy were lookouts for this store, The Outpost.

It was an army-like store. It had all things from survival stuff to military grade stuff and other outdoor gear. I hadn't been in this store before now and I had suspected it had guns and or bows and knife's.

Turns out that I was correct; on the right side of the backwall was a glass cabinet with all types of weapons. Rainging from hunting guns and bows to full on guns and semi auto-matic rifles.

"Wow! We need one of those!" Sky whispered before grabbing one pair of boots on display and full force chucking them at the glass.

They bounced right off. "Whatcha think was gona happen? It's bullet proof glass! You dipshit! The only way you can open that case is by using the key!" I whisper shouted at Sky.

She shrugged with a sheepish grin. I riffled through the staff desk and found a keychain with a bunch of keys on it hidden in a draw at the back. I pegged it at Sky and earned the finger in response.

The case opened with a click and the glass shuddered, I picked up one of the longer knife's that could've been classified as a sword.

"We should probably take them. I mean who know's what situation we might get ourselves into. We might need to arm ourselves. They might even think twice if we had guns." Sky said as she looked through the cabinet, pausing to take a quick glance at our crew, seeing if her words had affected us.

"No matter what, we are not leaving without atleast two of them and they will be held by responsible people. people!" I eyed Ace as I said responsible people, "And we can not be stupid with them as well. Now A: Where is the stupid sheath for this stupid sword-lokin knife and B: Where is the ammunition for these guns?" I awnsered everyones invisible question.

We got to work. Loading and packing bags full of gear, survival and military grade stuff. We took some of the gear off of the shelves and applied it to our own armoury; like military bags, boots, gloves and others.

I found the the sheath to my sword-knife and attached it to the tactical belt after placing a dodgy dagger in its sheath's strap in the belt around my waist. Everyone had some sort of dagger or and or weppon strapped to their waist incase of emergency. My friends had agreed to let me keep my short sword after they had seen me wield it. Which if I got a say myself, I'd say I was pretty shit at wielding a sword but they'd shut me down and begged to differ that I was better than anyone they had seen. We decided to grab all of the ammunition for the guns to stop the Russians from restocking up and just to be a nucience.

B.C.F or Boating; Camping; Fishing. Had all the stuff for well, boating, camping and Fishing.

We went straight for the fishing gear as they would help with catching food, after that we raided all of the camping equipment so our camp-site would have the best stuff. We mostly skipped over the boat stuff but took some supplies as they could be useful.

"This store is literally a rip off, overpriced, shit version of BCF! What is there to take that we don't have!" Ivy complained in her whispers. Flic and Ivy were on lookout as me and Sky raided this store with Ace so she won't miss out on the fun.

"Barely anything in here that we don't have! Let's just stock up on more of the survival gear. Who knoes how long we will be...-gone." I whispered to Ace and Sky who currently had their eyes on the cash registers.

As I drove past Dan Murphy's I was taken a-back at how many cars there were, there was atleast twenty. It actually amazed me that some Aussies had stopped to get alcohol when we were being invaded. A truck convoy appeared in the distance, the sound of their engines heard kilometers away, and the fact that it was speeding straight for us. I paninicked and swerved straight into the Dan Murphy's parking lot.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT! They definitely saw the car! Quick, get inside and and hide! Sky take this!" I shouted as I handded the loaded gun very gently, barrel pointing to the sky to her to her chest.

We ran straight through the smashed glass doors and sprinted through the store. Thousands, if not millions of bottles of alcohol lined the shelves and on displayes. It was tempting. But I would rather focus on being alive then getting drunk.

I knew the Russians would be coming back for all of the алкоголь they could get their hands on. I had the other gun slung over my shoulder, waiting for me to chamber a round. The shelfs loomed over us in the darkness as we walked with whatever light we could use or what our eyes could see with  that was still working until we reached the back of the store.

Unsurprisingly, it was way hotter in this store without the aircons chilling up the whole place, we were starting to sweat like we were thirteen agian and I do not want to relive sweating that much that my armpits looked like I had a water patch on my shirt. Basicaly it was like I had been swimming and my shirt had not survied clinging to my still wet body.

Glass smashed infront of us and I chambered a round with a draw back of the bolt and a lift of the bolt before sliding it down and pushing it down, as Sky turned on the flashlight she was holding beside me.

The asile and part of the back of the store lit up like firework.

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