War Or Invasion

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Felicity's POV:

I awoke to the sound of someone's watch buzzing. Sitting up Ivy stirred beside me, I checked the time on my watch to find out it was my watch alarm going which caused it to buzz.


Ace was already up and giving me a glare. Lachlan somehow had mannaged to sleep through it, I grinned as I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. He woke up and sat up in an instant, cursing and mumbling to himself. Angry Lachlan was something you didn't want to mess with.

I quickly ducked into the right section of the tent and sorted through my clothes for an outfit for today and my hoodie since it was already cold in here. A still somewhat tired Lachlan came shuffling in after me, the giant gave me a glare before I went and changed in the left section.

Sky and Makayla were not in their bed so they must be outside already. Unzipping the tents mesh screen I saw Sky's head pop up out of a hammock followed by Makayla's. It looked like someone had started the fire and let it burn so we could start cooking on it, which I was greatfull for because I was starving. Ace was chucking a jumper over her head when she looked confusingly at Makayla'shammock.

"Can we raid a Macca's for break- .....ARE YOU'S TWO IN THE SAME HAMMOCK!" She shouted after stopping her question halfway.

Makayla's head disappeared from veiw faster than I've seen her move to save a goal in one if her games; she could be pretty fast at sometimes. Sky almost fell over trying to get out of the hammock before we noticed anything else.

I couldn't hold my laughter in as Sky stumbled gracefully for a few seconds before gaining her balance. That's what you get from trying to escape from us quickly.

Others could be heard laughing about them being busted, Makayla got out of her hammock and sat next to Sky in her chair at the fire.

Amused faces meet their eyes as they looked around the group. " If you must know, it was cold. I was reading. Didn't have a blanket. Makayla had one, was warmer next to her"- Sky glared at each snd every one of us in turn to make sure we didn't get the wrong idea," And yea, it was cold and I was freezing so I hopped in with Makayla. I was reading one of her books too. So I didn't want to risk damaging it as she said 'Try not to damage my book Rose'." Sky babled on.

Only more amused faces met Sky after her last two sentences. "Rose hey? Makayla was one to never call people by their last names, I wonder what way she's thinking about Sky if she called her by her last name" I thought as Makayla didn't even make an effort to defend herself, she just kept reading. Jetski went like this when she knew she had been caught admiring her crush, silent but busy thinking of excuses.

Breakfast was toast and eggs as we didn't bring pancake mix with as as it'd attract ants. A table was set up near the fire so we could play card games, we wanted to listen to music but we knew that would be stupid so instead we put the radio onto whatever channel we could find and kept it low as we played Uno. "Hey! You didn't say Uno Ace!" Sky shouted  and Ace grinned menacingly as she picked up two cards from the deck. Makayla placed a yellow plus 2 onto the pile and I stuck my tongue out at her as I drew two cards from the deck. Makayla was quiet focused with four cards left in her hand, she was on strategy mode. I laughed as Lachlan placed a wild card onto the pile and changed the colour to blue while Ace's face turned from anticipation to horror. Lachlan was easily the tallest put of all of us and even Sky only reached up to his nose so when Ace leaned across the table to swat at him she only managed to hit him in the forearm as he leant back laughing.

Makayla turned up the radio and the broadcaster repeated something they had said earlier. "While the Russians are still recovering from their failed attempted on fully invading Ukraine Russia has tried to invade Australia while our Army's supplies are low by invading small towns up the east coast. Cities such as St Helens, Tasmania, Paynesville Victoria, Newcastle New south Wales, Wollongong New south Wales, Hervey Bay Queensland, Bundaberg Queensland, Gladstone Queensland, Rockhampton Queensland and Townsville Queensland. Our hearts go out to those survivors in those towns, the Australian army is working to free those towns from their captors. We are at war with Russia...." my heart pounded in my chest at hearing our city on the radio, no one was in the mood for games anymore, cards in hands forgotten and painful sadness could be seen across all of our faces.

"I was right! No one listened to it being a possibility for them to atack when our supplies are low, im even surprised they attacked with their defeat against Ukraine!" Makayla whispered and I almost fell out of my chair because I had heard her, it was so quite you could hear the birds in the trees beyond the radio for kilometres. "No! Everyone didn't pay attention to what you were saying and dismissed it as something that would never happen because why would it happen to our country? No one thinks like that until it happens!" Sky reassured her giving her a comforting hug. "Makayla I'm sorry for saying that would never happen, Sky's right I just shrugged it off as it would never happen to my country because why would it?And before you say anything no, I need to give you an apology for not realising what you threat you had just realised everyone looked over! I'm sorry I didn't pay more attention to what threats I didn't see and wouldn't even think of happening, most of all I'm sorry for saying to your face 'that will never happen' "I ranted on my apology to her and she came over to give me a hug. This time I accepted it as she was my bestie and I hadn't even thought of what she said.

"Makayla I remember you saying something like that at school to me and I listened but I thought they wouldn't try it as even then their supplies were supper low, Putin has sent these guys on an almost Suicide mission! Now this is our home, not theirs we know it better than them, we've been living here all of our lives. I'd say we could even push them back, stall them somewhat. I don't like the idea of killing anyone but just like in the Tommorrw when the war began books we gota fight back! Atleast try and sabotage their weapons until the Australian army arrives" Lachlan ranted on and I felt motivated to do what he said. "I will fight back as long as it evolves us  not killing anyone unless absolutely necessary and we don't pull off any stunts what so ever until we know we can come out of alive and no one will be hurt. Worse, even shot or killed. I'm not just going to sit here and let them waltz around my home uninvited, plus sitting around here is boring and we're most likely to be found in a month or two" Makayla said with the most sirously sirous tone I have ever heard her speak in.

"I'm in, just take into count my mental problems" I said placing a hand on the table. "I'm in to! Just probably don't let me near a gun as I might be a bit trigger happy" Aquila said before slapping a hand ontop off mine. Her not having a gun, that everyone could agree with faster than you could say it. "Me to!" Sky said slapping a hand ontop of Aquila's. "I'm so in! Though I am being your guys first-aid medic not a person who will fight" Ace said placing a hand ontop of the growing hand pile. We agreed that that child was not touching a gun nor going anywhere but this camp unless absolutely necessary. Makayla placed her hand ontop followed by Lachlan. We all grinned at our suicidal decision and quickly the hand pile became a game of whoever could have their hands ontop of the stack won.

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