Can Things Get Anymore Worse?

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Sir backed up slowly while bringing his hands up into the universal position of meaning no harm when you have someone planing to hurt you. I guess some stupid classmates thought it was the police because they started to emerge from their desks or the back, only to come face to face with a soilder and a gun.

Why were their soilders?

I yanked Flic's shirt as she crawled out from umderneath her desk and she spun her head back to me. An angry and worried expression was plastered on her face.

"I know this is suicide but I at least want to find our friends before they take us anywhere!" I whispered as quickly as I could but made sure she could understand before a soilder came round the desks towards us.

I untied my shoelaces before wriggling out of my crammed position only to very carefully and very obviously tie my shoelace up on one shoe, I wasn't one wanting to get shot.

A guy came in threw the door, by the looks of the decorations on his shoulders I guessed he was a higher rank than these five soilders in the room with us; no-one dared to atack or escape because with a slight move of a finger they could kill us all.

With a very thick accent the higher ranked guy ordered, "Anyone who tries to fight back or escape might not just make it out of here! Follow eachother out and please do grab you bags from the racks, we all want this to go without any...." he seemed to be searching for a word in English that would describe what he ment, "Trouble- and you'll be able to meet up with your friends and family later!".


That was his accent, and what the hell did he mean by trouble?

I could tell he would be the nicest soilder we'd meet. If ever. I went to walk to follow Flic out when she tripped on her own shoelace she'd untied earlier; just what I wanted to happen. Of course she played along with the charade and wasted as much time as she could, I played dumb and finally seemed to noticr my other shoelace was undone, slowly I bent down to tie my own when the higher ranked soilder said something in Russian to his conrad before walking out the door.

"We will wait for you to tie shoes; catch up with others later but you better hurry up." he said almost having trouble pronouncing the English words.

It would take an idiot to realise he hadn't been speaking English for long.

I nodded acting nervous and terrified as I quickly resumed tying up my other shoelace.

I was terrified and angry but my nerves semed to steel themselves.

But for some reason my emotions would never show on the outisde of my body when I was scared.

With our hands still up he directed us out of the room and to the only two backpacks left on the racks. He waited for us to pack up our stuff and considering he had been nice enough to wait for us to tie our shoes.

Eventhough if he was a bit impatient we didn't waste anymore time than we had to.

I felt my stomach harden as my nerves and fear fuled my anger but Felicity grabbed my hand and squeezed it; I squeezed it back. She mustn't be doing well with her anxiety.

He was behind us and anytime he said something in Russian we'd glance behind to see if we could interpret what he ment and he'd flash his muzzle at us; though most of it was clear.

Don't disobey me.

He led us down one of the two staircases up to the second level, and to some luck straight into another group coming up from the libary. We rushed into the crowd and I managed to spot Aquilla with a very concerned looking Sky and a worried Ivy.

I grabbed one of their hands and yanked them back as we were tossed further backwards and into another oncoming group which had adjoined to us and our group. Flic seemed very nervous to be holding Ivy's hand and let go quickly, her cheeks were going red.

Was my bestie blushing?

Someone patted me on the head and I spun around to punch Lachlan lightly in the shoulder. Seeing him reminded me of my little brother, Lachlan. Flic's little brother and sister, who were out of the city and close to home in the town not far from here probably wpuld be freaking out.God I hopped they were safe.

Knowing  my brother, he probably would probably be crying and wanting mum most likely, him being a mama's boy.

What has the world come to?

How where we going to get out of this?

In the space of a few seconds I had been thinking of our little siblings my mind noticed that no soilders were watching us and the guy from before was making his way away from us with another group.

No-one was watching us.

We were alone.

We could try an escape.

Suddnely, a chorus of stomping sound erupted to our left, freaking out some members in the group. By the soumds of multiple feet striking thr concrete this was another captured group.

One last group was coming from the music block on our left.

An insanely stupid thought entered my brain.

I thought about it for a few seconds before deciding to test it out was better than nothing.

"Who wants to be a bloody fucking suicidal dickhead and do what they said not to and make a fucking run for it?" I voiced my question.

As I started backing away from the group the next group were gaing ground. Getting closer by the second.

My friends seemed to finally register what I had said. Then they flinchrd at the close sound of the last group, who were just around the corner. Those soilders could easily spot us through the bushes.

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