Aram's Battalion

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"Ahh it's so cold I wish I could have garlic-breads for breakfast in the mornings!" Sky sleepy said as she rose from her sleeping bag.

Grunts and moans met her statement as other people woke up.

"And here I was trying to get an extra hour of sleep since the stupid tank drove past!" I said after yawning.

The air was cold and my backyards grass had dew all over it, the sun had been up for an hour and things weren't getting any warmer. The chickens were out like their usual selves pecking around in the garden in the freezing cold, laying in the holes they made in the dirt. That reminded me to check their nests for eggs.

"Hey Flic, wanna check the eggs?" I asked as she came into the kitchen and poked her head over my shoulder to see what I was doing.

I was trying to get our stupid lighter to work and after a few minutes I was ready to give up, Flic didn't seem interested in going to get the eggs as the moment I asked she scrunched up her face and shivered at the thought of going outside in the cold. Turns out I had to go check the eggs and there was no use for four eggs for breakfast because we had those stupid protein bars and since most of us refused to eat them I brought out a packet of these fibre brownies and everyone scoffed atleast two each.

So much for my breakfast, all I got was one brownie and a cold fish burger from last night's dinner. We had to get moving because soon the sun would be fully up and it would be too dangerous for us to be out in daylight.

I jumped in the driver's seat of one car and radioed Lachlan who was driving the other, "You ready to go? I've got the bozos in here that like to muck around and anoy the hell outa me you wana swtich?" at my comment they laughed and chuckling could be heard over the walkie-talkies.

"Come on, we'd better get moving or we'll be in peices." I said through the radio.

We were all not fond of being blowing up and being found by the Russians. The road wasn't as busy as I had expected it to be but since they had blocked off the back way in to town we had to use the main road in and out of town, a long four lane in and out town highway that had been split into two roads beside eachother with the right side going into the city and the left going out of town into where we where coming from.

"So, how far are we away Makayla? As many times as I've been here I still can't estimate how far we are away from camp." Sky laughed through her and Lachlan's walkie-talkie.

Of course she didn't pay attention, she was to busy on her phone looking through her camera roll at hockey pictures most likely.

"Just around the bend guys, than we go through the gate." I replied mentally shaking my head as I was still driving.

We referred to the trees as the gate because they hid our camp and they also evened out once we got closer, sorta acting like gates and it we used it as a code word incase anyone was listening in on our conversation over the walkie-talkies.

The trees started to thicken and bunch up as we got closer to the camp-site, the river had finally settled down from the influx of rain but tonight was a full moon so the river would practically almost explode with the tide.

"I just feel like chillin and relaxing right here in my chair," I sat down with a grunt and a groan from my protesting muscles and sore body,"but no! Instead we were out there blowing up shit and acting like jymnastic people and contorting my body was I didn't know it could move! Ahh my hands still hurt from that half somersault roll!"

I complained as I relaxed in my chair, my body making everything that hurt and ached known.

It wasn't long before the sun started to reach its full rise and we decided to try and start lunch now so we could chill out in the miday sun. The boat was filled with people and buckets as we went to collect the pots and cast nets.

"Hey! Makayla there's one coming up on your right!" Ace shouted and I slowly guided the boat over to the bank. Once the boat was close enough Sky reached up and grabbed the rope with its float and started to unwrap it from the tree, hauling up the crab pot. She gave one last heave and the pot came out of the water with a splash.

"Thanks Sky!" was all Ace got to say before a pot full of crabs were dropped near her feet. I was amazed at how well we were doing out here, for sure we had had our bad days and almost gone without food but nine times out of ten we always had food. Maybe because no-one was putting crab pots in or fishing 24/7. The sun was so warm at miday we all moved a bit further away from camp to a more sunny area and spread out a picnic blanket big enough for all of us just about to sit on and snack away at the fish and crabs we had caught as well as some other delicious treats.

"It's so nice and peaceful to hear the birds and the other things, it's like we're on that camping trip we were thinking of doing. I could honestly sleep here and leave tomorrow morning thinking about the crazy and stupid things we did here only to get into town and remember there's a war going on." Aquila said half heartedly.

Who knows what she was thinking of knowing her and her ADHD.

She was mostly out of it and off with the farries. But she was right; we were homesick.

We had brought another blanket incase we wanted to lay down which had been proven a good idea within the first few minutes. I rolled over onto the other blanket to have some more room to spread out while I dozed off onto my own little world, I was about to fall asleep we had been laying here this long when the radio came to life with static and a few jumped in surprise at the shock of the unpleasant noise that had disturbed our peace.

I sat up and cranked the volume up so we could all hear as the others moved closer.

"......Captured Russian soilders from an artillery unit who had escaped from their camp reveal when thier Conrad's decided to fire their artillery gun at a group of people who they describe apparently have been tormenting small groups of artillery units all the way from Bundaberg to Townsville, destroying their guns without even shooting at them and catching them by complete surprise in the dark at night. They claim that they have blown apart atleast two hundred guns and a few of the soilders who managed to catch a glimpse of them say they didn't have anything with them that could destroy a gun like that that but easily but they had woken up to their guns teeter tottering as a small group of people ran off.

The radio host pauses. For dramatic effect or something else.

"They claim to say this group or 'Arram's Battilon' as they demand we call them, have pushed their front line back kilometres amd many have started retreating. Some artillery positions have even surrenderd in fear of being targeted by this group of people they call 'ARAMS BATTALION' and claim there has to be a whole batilion of them when they blow up a unit's position....."

the radio went back to static and we turned it down to discuss what we had heard. "What the fuck was that about? And who is ARAMS BATTALION?" Ivy questioned while looking around the group.

"Us. Thats our name that they have given us. Though I wonder what ARAMS stands for- and as for the BATTALION bit I have no clue where that came from!" I voiced my thoughts agian. Atleast one thing was for sure, the enemy now had a name for us.

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